在 Python 中绘制角度分布的 PDF

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我正在尝试使用 sns 绘制 python 中粒子角方向的一些数据的 PDF。数据覆盖 -180,180 度范围,我在分布拟合方面遇到问题,尤其是边缘周围

For this image in particular, I used histplot to compare the fit to the histogram of the data (I also tried kdeplot and the result is the same) and you can see the PDF doesn't cover the edges and the sharp transition in the middle


for shear_value, color in zip(unique_shear_values, shear_palette_colors):
    subset = orientations[orientations['Shear'] == shear_value]
    sns.histplot(data=subset['Angle'], stat="density", kde=True, label=f'Shear: {shear_value}', color=color, bins = 128)

有没有办法获得更适合数据行为的 PDF,尤其是边缘数据?

python plot seaborn kernel-density probability-density

一个技巧可能是复制角度小于 0 的所有数据加上 360°。类似地复制所有角度大于 0 的数据减去 360°。然后使用双箱创建直方图。同时将 x 轴限制在 -180 +180 范围内。

一个缺点是 y 轴将以一半高度显示所有内容。创建虚拟双轴可以显示正确的 y 缩放。


import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
import numpy as np

# create some reproducible test data
y, x = np.random.randn(2, 600, 3).cumsum(axis=1).reshape(2, -1)
angles = np.degrees(np.arctan2(y, x))

# double the range by repeating the angles to the left and to the right
angles = np.concatenate([angles, angles[angles < 0] + 360, angles[angles >= 0] - 360])

fig, ax = plt.subplots()

ax_twinx = ax.twinx()
sns.histplot(angles, kde=True, stat='density',
             binrange=(-360, 360), bins=360, kde_kws={'bw_adjust': 0.5}, ax=ax_twinx)
ax.set_xlim(-180, 180)
ax.set_ylim(0, ax_twinx.get_ylim()[1] * 2) # set the limits to twice the limits of the dummy axis
ax_twinx.set_yticks([]) # remove the ticks of the dummy axis
ax.set_ylabel(ax_twinx.get_ylabel()) # copy the y-label
ax_twinx.set_ylabel(None) # remove the label of the dummy y-axis
ax.set_title('repeating angles left and right')


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