
问题描述 投票:0回答:1


import java.util.*;

public class sorting implements Comparable<sorting> {
public void sort(String[][] Locations) {
  for (int a = 0; a < Locations.length; a++)
   for (int b = 0; b <  Locations[a].length - 1; b++) {
     for (int c = 0; c <  Locations[a].length - b - 1; c++){
        if (Locations[a][b].compareTo(Locations[a][b+1])>0){
        String temp =  Locations[a][b];
        Locations[a][b] = Locations[a][b+1];
         Locations[a][b+1] = temp;

此代码不仅不会根据字母顺序对位置进行排序,还会由于 Comparable 接口而引发错误。

起初我使用了compareTo()方法,没有实现接口,并且没有抛出错误,但是数组中的项目都没有排序。冒泡排序本身似乎绝对是正确的,所以我不认为这是问题所在。我尝试实现 Comparable,但随后它抛出一个错误,指出排序不是一个抽象类,并且它不会重写compareTo() 方法。我无法辨别compareTo()方法中的参数有什么问题。

java string-comparison bubble-sort


 * Sorts a 2D String Array in Ascending order based on the desired 
 * literal column number supplied.
 * @param array (2D String Array) The 2D String Array to sort.<br>
 * @param literalColumnNumber (Integer) This parameter must be provided as 
 * the <b>literal</b> column number you wish to sort, not the Index value 
 * of the column. If 0 is supplied then the Array Rows are sorted in ascending 
 * order instead of any columns. If this is the case then true does not need 
 * to be passed within the optional <b>sortRowsAlso</b> parameter.<br>
 * @param sortRowsAlso (Boolean varArg - optional - Default is false) Sometimes you 
 * may want both the Rows and a particular column sorted. If you pass true to 
 * this optional parameter then the Rows will be sorted first then the column 
 * related to the supplied column number is sorted. The Array Rows will always 
 * be sorted first. If false is supplied then there will be no Row Sorting 
 * unless 0 is supplied within the <b>literalColumnNumber</b> parameter.<br>
 * @return (2D String Array) This method will always sort the supplied 2D String 
 * Array therefore the return result is not really required however if you want 
 * to store the results into an entirely different 2D String Array then this 
 * returned result will do that for you. Here are some use case examples:<pre>
 * <b>Example 1:</b>
 *     String[][] table = {
 *       {"z", "b", "v"},
 *       {"s", "w", "a"},
 *       {"r", "c", "h"}
 *       };
 *       // Sort the table Array
 *       bubbleSort2DStringArray(table, 3, true); 
 * <b>Example 2:</b>
 *     String[][] table = {
 *       {"z", "b", "v"},
 *       {"s", "w", "a"},
 *       {"r", "c", "h"}
 *       };
 *       // Sort the `table` Array and store within the `table_2` array.
 *       String[][] table_2 = bubbleSort2DStringArray(table, 3, true);
 * The results for both examples if the 2D array is printed out is:
 *     c     h     r 
 *     a     s     w 
 *     b     v     z </pre>
public static String[][] bubbleSort2DStringArray(String[][] array, int literalColumnNumber, 
                                                 boolean... sortRowsAlso) {
    boolean sortRows = false;
    if (sortRowsAlso.length > 0) {
        sortRows = sortRowsAlso[0];
    int i = 0, j = 0;
    int column = literalColumnNumber;
    String[] temp = null;
    boolean swap = true;
    if (column == 0 || sortRows) {
        for (i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
            temp = new String[array[i].length];
            for (j = 0; j < array[i].length; j++) {
                temp[j] = array[i][j];
            int n = temp.length;
            String temp2;
            for (int k = 0; k < n; k++) {
                for (int L = 1; L < (n - k); L++) {
                    if (temp[L - 1].compareTo(temp[L]) > 0) {
                        temp2 = temp[L - 1];
                        temp[L - 1] = temp[L];
                        temp[L] = temp2;
            array[i] = temp;
    if (column > 0) {
        column = (column - 1);
        while (swap) {
            for (i = 0; i < array.length - 1; i++) {
                swap = false;
                if (array[i][column].compareTo(array[i + 1][column]) > 0) {
                    temp = array[i];
                    array[i] = array[i + 1];
                    array[i + 1] = temp;
                    swap = true;
    return array;
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