提高 scipy.integrate.quad_vec 拟合积分方程的性能,workers 关键字非功能性

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但是,即使使用固定值进行评估也需要几秒钟,总拟合时间也会增长到 7 分钟。


关键字,但是当我尝试使用它时,计算根本没有完成。 我目前正在 Jupyter 笔记本中工作,如果这有任何意义的话。

这是函数定义,我已经尝试在这里使用 numba 但收效甚微。

from scipy.special import j0, j1
from scipy.integrate import quad_vec
import numpy as np
import numba as nb

h = 0.00005
G = 1000
E = 3*G
R= 0.0002
upsilon = 0.06
gamma = 0.072

@nb.jit(nb.float64(nb.float64, nb.float64, nb.float64, nb.float64, nb.float64),cache=True)
def QSzz_1(s,h,z, upsilon, E):
    # exponential form of the QSzz^-1 function to prevent float overflow,
    # also assumes nu==0.5
    numerator = (1+2*s**2*h**2)*np.exp(-2*s*z) + 0.5*(1+np.exp(-4*s*z))
    denominator = 0.5*(1-np.exp(-4*s*z)) - 2*s*h*np.exp(-2*s*z)
    return (3/(2*s*E)) / (numerator/denominator + (3*upsilon/(2*E))*s)

def integrand(s, r, R, upsilon, E, h):
    return s*(R*j0(s*R) - 2*j1(s*R)/s) * QSzz_1(s,h,h, upsilon, E) * j0(s*r)

def style_exact(r, gamma, R, upsilon, E, h):               
    int_out = quad_vec(integrand, 0, np.inf, args=(r,R,upsilon,E,h))
    return gamma * int_out[0]

# calculate fixed ~10s
x_ax = np.linspace(0, 0.0004,101, endpoint=True, dtype=np.float64)
zeta = style_exact(x_ax, gamma, 0.0002, upsilon, E, h)

# fit to dataset (wetting ridge) ~7 min
popt_hemi, pcov_hemi = curve_fit(lambda x, upsilon, E, h: style_exact(x, gamma, R, upsilon, E, h) ,points_x, points_y, p0=(upsilon, E, h), bounds=([0,0,0],[np.inf,np.inf,np.inf]))
python performance scipy curve-fitting

注释中肯定有一些代码优化可以加快速度,所以我将通过关注集成来补充这一点。如果您可以使用 GPU,您可以获得两到三个数量级的加速。


b = 1e-7

args= (x_ax, R, upsilon, E, h)

# infinite upper limit of integration
%timeit -r 1 -n 1 quad_vec(integrand, 0, np.inf, args=args)
# 9.41 s ± 0 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 1 run, 1 loop each)
res = quad_vec(integrand, 0, np.inf, args=args)

# large, finite upper limit of integration
%timeit quad_vec(integrand, 0, 1e7, args=args)
# 595 ms ± 169 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)
res2 = quad_vec(integrand, 0, 1e7 args=args)

# Check error between the two
# (note that `quad_vec` may not be super accurate, anyway;
#  consider checking against `mpmath.quad`)
from scipy import stats
res = quad_vec(integrand, 0, 1e7, args=args)
res0 = quad_vec(integrand, 0, np.inf, args=args)
stats.gmean(abs((res[0] - res0[0])/res0[0]))  # gmean of relative error
# 3.643331971383965e-05

通过在 CuPy 中推出自己的集成方案(或者找到一个使用 GPU 的集成库),您可以毫不费力地获得更大的收益。

例如,SciPy 中有一个tanh-sinh求积规则实现,它相对简单地适应使用 GPU 的东西,特别是如果您愿意使用固定步长的话。 tanh-sinh 可能不是这个振荡被积函数的最佳规则;我只是因为熟悉才使用它。

import cupy as np  # still np to avoid changing the existing code
from cupyx.scipy.special import j0, j1

# copy-pasted from
# https://github.com/scipy/scipy/blob/v1.12.0/scipy/integrate/_tanhsinh.py
# then removed comments to reduce length; other optimizations possible
# There are plans to make this Array-API compatible and provide a public 
# interface


def _get_base_step(dtype=np.float64):
    fmin = 4*np.finfo(dtype).tiny
    tmax = np.arcsinh(np.log(2/fmin - 1) / np.pi)
    h0 = tmax / _N_BASE_STEPS
    return h0.astype(dtype)

def _compute_pair(k, h0):
    h = h0 / 2**k
    max = _N_BASE_STEPS * 2**k
    j = np.arange(max+1) if k == 0 else np.arange(1, max+1)
    jh = j * h
    pi_2 = np.pi / 2
    u1 = pi_2*np.cosh(jh)
    u2 = pi_2*np.sinh(jh)
    wj = u1 / np.cosh(u2)**2
    xjc = 1 / (np.exp(u2) * np.cosh(u2))
    wj[0] = wj[0] / 2 if k == 0 else wj[0]
    return xjc, wj

def _transform_to_limits(xjc, wj, a, b):
    alpha = (b - a) / 2
    xj = np.concatenate((-alpha * xjc + b, alpha * xjc + a), axis=-1)
    wj = wj*alpha
    wj = np.concatenate((wj, wj), axis=-1)
    invalid = (xj <= a) | (xj >= b)
    wj[invalid] = 0
    return xj, wj

# simple fixed-step integration function
def integrate(func, a, b, args):
    k = 10  # increase this to improve accuracy 
    step0 = _get_base_step()
    step = step0 / 2**k
    xjc, wj = _compute_pair(k, step0)
    xj, wj = _transform_to_limits(xjc, wj, a, b)
    fj = integrand(xj, *args)
    return fj @ wj * step

# your code
def QSzz_1(s,h,z, upsilon, E):
    # exponential form of the QSzz^-1 function to prevent float overflow,
    # also assumes nu==0.5
    numerator = (1+2*s**2*h**2)*np.exp(-2*s*z) + 0.5*(1+np.exp(-4*s*z))
    denominator = 0.5*(1-np.exp(-4*s*z)) - 2*s*h*np.exp(-2*s*z)
    return (3/(2*s*E)) / (numerator/denominator + (3*upsilon/(2*E))*s)

def integrand(s, r, R, upsilon, E, h):
    return s*(R*j0(s*R) - 2*j1(s*R)/s) * QSzz_1(s, h, h, upsilon, E) * j0(s*r)

h = 0.00005
G = 1000
E = 3*G
R= 0.0002
upsilon = 0.06
gamma = 0.072
x_ax = np.linspace(0, 0.0004, 101, endpoint=True, dtype=np.float64)
r, gamma, R, upsilon, E, h = x_ax, gamma, 0.0002, upsilon, E, h
a = 0
b = 1e7
args = (r[:, np.newaxis], R, upsilon, E, h)

%timeit integrate(integrand, a, b, args)
# 2.14 ms ± 82.8 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)

res = integrate(integrand, a, b, args)

stats.gmean(abs((res - res0[0])/res0[0]))
# 0.00011028421945971745



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