HLO protobuf 到 pytorch / 张量流图

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假设我们通过 Pytorch-XLA 或 Tensorflow 从模型中获得了 HLO protobuf。

  1. 有没有办法从中创建计算图?
  2. 是否可以从中创建 Pytorch-XLA 和 Tensorflow 模型?


python tensorflow pytorch tensorflow-xla


  1. 从该 protobuf 对象中提取相关信息,例如节点、它们的连接和属性,并继续进行到 ONNX 的转换过程
  2. TensorFlow 提供了用于将 ONNX 模型转换为 TensorFlow 模型的内置实用程序。使用适当的工具或库将 HLO protobuf 转换为 ONNX 格式后。然后,使用TensorFlow的tf.compat.v1.graph_util.import_graph_def()或tf.saved_model.loader.load()加载ONNX文件并获得TensorFlow计算图。

这是一个示例片段,您需要对其进行调整以实现步骤 1

以下示例代码片段演示了如何从 HLO protobuf 对象中提取信息并使用 PyTorch 将其转换为 ONNX 文件:

import torch
import onnx
from onnx import helper
from onnx import AttributeProto, TensorProto, GraphProto

def convert_hlo_to_onnx(hlo_module):
    # Create an empty ONNX graph
    graph = helper.make_graph([], "hlo_model", [], [])

    # Keep track of the ONNX node names and their corresponding outputs
    node_outputs = {}

    # Iterate over the HLO computations and instructions
    for computation in hlo_module.computations:
        # Iterate over the HLO instructions in the computation
        for instruction in computation.instructions:
            # Extract instruction attributes
            instruction_name = instruction.name
            instruction_opcode = instruction.opcode
            instruction_outputs = instruction.operand

            # Create ONNX node with corresponding inputs and outputs
            onnx_node = helper.make_node(instruction_opcode, instruction.operand, instruction_outputs, name=instruction_name)

            # Set any additional attributes for the ONNX node if needed
            # For example, if the HLO instruction has attributes 'attr1' and 'attr2',
            # you can add them to the ONNX node as follows:
            # onnx_node.attribute.extend([
            #     helper.make_attribute('attr1', instruction.attr1),
            #     helper.make_attribute('attr2', instruction.attr2)
            # ])

            # Add the ONNX node to the graph

            # Update the node_outputs dictionary with the current ONNX node outputs
            node_outputs[instruction_name] = instruction_outputs

    # Iterate over the HLO computations again to establish connections between nodes
    for computation in hlo_module.computations:
        # Iterate over the HLO instructions in the computation
        for instruction in computation.instructions:
            # Get the current instruction name and its outputs
            instruction_name = instruction.name
            instruction_outputs = instruction.operand

            # Iterate over the outputs and connect them to the corresponding inputs
            for output in instruction_outputs:
                # Check if the output is used as an input in any subsequent instruction
                if output in node_outputs:
                    # Get the corresponding ONNX node output name
                    onnx_node_output = node_outputs[output]

                    # Find the ONNX node with the same name as the current instruction
                    onnx_node = next(node for node in graph.node if node.name == instruction_name)

                    # Update the inputs of the ONNX node to connect with the output of the previous node

    # Create the ONNX model with the graph
    model = helper.make_model(graph)

    # Save the ONNX model to a file
    onnx.save_model(model, "converted_model.onnx")

# Assuming you have an HLO module protobuf object named 'hlo_module'
hlo_module = hlo_pb2.HloModuleProto()

# Call the conversion function

在此示例中,我们迭代 HloModuleProto 的计算和指令字段。每条指令代表计算中的一条 HLO 指令。我们提取指令名称、操作码和输出。然后,我们使用 helper.make_node() 创建一个 ONNX 节点并相应地设置输入、输出和属性。我们将 ONNX 节点添加到图中,并在 node_outputs 字典中跟踪节点输出。

创建 ONNX 图后,我们使用

使用该图创建 ONNX 模型,最后使用
将 ONNX 模型保存到文件(本例中为“converted_model.onnx”)。

请注意,此代码假设您已安装必要的依赖项,包括 onnx 和 torch 软件包。另外,请确保从 onnx 包中导入相关模块(onnx、helper、AttributeProto、TensorProto、GraphProto)。

请记住调整此代码以适合您特定的 HLO protobuf 结构和属性。

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