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import open3d as o3d
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def filter_cloud_borders(pcl:o3d.geometry.PointCloud, visu:bool=True) -> o3d.geometry.PointCloud:
    min_bbox = pcl.get_minimal_oriented_bounding_box()
    # Box Pose
    box_pose = np.eye(4)
    box_pose[:3, :3] = min_bbox.R
    box_pose[:3, 3] = min_bbox.center
    # align it to center
    pcl_pts = np.asarray(pcl.points)

    # compute the histogram of X and Y values separately
    hist_x, bins_x = np.histogram(pcl_pts[:, 0], bins=500)
    hist_y, bins_y = np.histogram(pcl_pts[:, 1], bins=500)

    # compute the mean of the histogram values for X and Y separately
    mean_hist_x = np.mean(hist_x)
    mean_hist_y = np.mean(hist_y)

    # find indices where histogram values are greater than the mean for X and Y
    ## TODO: adjust these limits properly to avoid over cropping
    crop_factor = 0.9
    indices_greater_than_mean_x = np.where(hist_x > crop_factor*mean_hist_x)[0]
    indices_greater_than_mean_y = np.where(hist_y > crop_factor*mean_hist_y)[0]

    # Filter point cloud points based on X and Y values
    filtered_points = pcl_pts[
        (pcl_pts[:, 0] > bins_x[indices_greater_than_mean_x[0]]) & 
        (pcl_pts[:, 0] < bins_x[indices_greater_than_mean_x[-1]]) &
        (pcl_pts[:, 1] > bins_y[indices_greater_than_mean_y[0]]) &
        (pcl_pts[:, 1] < bins_y[indices_greater_than_mean_y[-1]])

    # apply transformation to the filtered points
    transformed_points = np.hstack((filtered_points, np.ones((len(filtered_points), 1))))  # Convert points to homogeneous coordinates
    transformed_points = np.dot(box_pose, transformed_points.T).T[:, :3]  # Apply transformation

    new_cloud = o3d.geometry.PointCloud()
    new_cloud.points = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(transformed_points)
    # pcl.transform(box_pose)
        plt.axhline(y=mean_hist_x, color="g", linestyle="-")
        plt.axvline(x=indices_greater_than_mean_x[0], color="m", linestyle="-")
        plt.axvline(x=indices_greater_than_mean_x[-1], color="r", linestyle="-")

        plt.axhline(y=mean_hist_y, color="g", linestyle="-")
        plt.axvline(x=indices_greater_than_mean_y[0], color="m", linestyle="-")
        plt.axvline(x=indices_greater_than_mean_y[-1], color="r", linestyle="-")
        # Origin
        origin = o3d.geometry.TriangleMesh.create_coordinate_frame(
            size=0.1, origin=[0, 0, 0])
        # colors
        min_bbox.color = [0.3, 0.4, 0.5]
        new_cloud.paint_uniform_color([0.5, 0.3, 0.7])
        ## Visualization
        o3d.visualization.draw_geometries([origin, pcl, new_cloud, min_bbox])
    return new_cloud



python histogram point-clouds open3d


import numpy as np
import open3d as o3d

def pose_from_obbox(obbox:o3d.geometry.OrientedBoundingBox) -> np,ndarray:
    vertices = np.asarray(obbox.get_box_points())
    Reference: https://www.open3d.org/docs/latest/cpp_api/classopen3d_1_1geometry_1_1_oriented_bounding_box.html#a8e63a202d0b2bf72014e12c42dd9908b
    ///      ------- x
    ///     /|
    ///    / |
    ///   /  | z
    ///  y
    ///      0 ------------------- 1
    ///       /|                /|
    ///      / |               / |
    ///     /  |              /  |
    ///    /   |             /   |
    /// 2 ------------------- 7  |
    ///   |    |____________|____| 6
    ///   |   /3            |   /
    ///   |  /              |  /
    ///   | /               | /
    ///   |/                |/
    /// 5 ------------------- 4
    # # Define edges of the cube
    edges = [
        (0, 1), (0, 2), (0, 3)
    # Calculate edge lengths
    edge_lengths = np.linalg.norm(vertices[np.array(edges)[:, 0]] - vertices[np.array(edges)[:, 1]], axis=1)

    # Find longest and shortest edges
    longest_edge_idx = np.argmax(edge_lengths)
    shortest_edge_idx = np.argmin(edge_lengths)

    # Define x-axis direction vector
    x_axis = vertices[edges[longest_edge_idx][1]] - vertices[edges[longest_edge_idx][0]]
    x_axis = x_axis / np.linalg.norm(x_axis)

    # Define z-axis direction vector
    z_axis = vertices[edges[shortest_edge_idx][1]] - vertices[edges[shortest_edge_idx][0]]
    z_axis = z_axis / np.linalg.norm(z_axis)

    # Calculate y-axis direction vector
    y_axis = np.cross(z_axis, x_axis)
    y_axis = y_axis / np.linalg.norm(y_axis)

    # Build transformation matrix
    center = np.mean(vertices, axis=0)
    pose = np.eye(4)
    pose[:3, 3] = center
    pose[:3, 0] = x_axis
    if z_axis[2]<0:
        pose[:3, 1] = - y_axis
        pose[:3, 2] = - z_axis
        pose[:3, 1] = y_axis
        pose[:3, 2] = z_axis        
    return pose
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