
问题描述 投票:1回答:1





我已经查看并修改了类似问题的代码(例如,参见Python: Add a Ring Sector or a Wedge to a Polar Plot)。


import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from matplotlib.patches import Wedge

##Enter data

thetaRad = np.array([0.455, 0.456, 0.455, 0.456, 0.46 , 0.459, 0.461, 0.461, 0.453,
       0.459, 0.46 , 0.46 , 0.46 , 0.451, 0.46 , 0.457, 0.45 , 0.451,
       0.45 , 0.45 , 0.451, 0.452, 0.461, 0.459, 0.451, 0.455, 0.454,
       0.457, 0.459, 0.451, 0.46 , 0.453, 0.46 , 0.452, 0.452, 0.45 ,
       0.453, 0.452, 0.452, 0.456, 0.45 , 0.458, 0.461, 0.457, 0.45 ,
       0.453, 0.459, 0.459, 0.455, 0.456, 0.457, 0.457, 0.454, 0.453,
       0.455, 0.456, 0.459, 0.455, 0.453, 0.455, 0.454, 0.459, 0.457,
       0.454, 0.46 , 0.458, 0.459, 0.457, 0.451, 0.45 , 0.455, 0.461,
       0.455, 0.458, 0.456, 0.449, 0.459, 0.453, 0.458, 0.457, 0.456,
       0.45 , 0.459, 0.458, 0.453, 0.452, 0.459, 0.454, 0.455, 0.452,
       0.453, 0.451, 0.453, 0.461, 0.452, 0.458, 0.449, 0.461, 0.459,
       0.452, 0.458, 0.455, 0.452, 0.451, 0.457, 0.457, 0.457, 0.457,
       0.456, 0.456, 0.451, 0.451, 0.452, 0.459, 0.45 , 0.453, 0.45 ,
       0.449, 0.453, 0.455, 0.457])

Zs = np.array([0.052, 0.052, 0.057, 0.058, 0.058, 0.058, 0.058, 0.058, 0.059,
       0.059, 0.059, 0.059, 0.06 , 0.06 , 0.06 , 0.06 , 0.064, 0.134,
       0.134, 0.134, 0.134, 0.135, 0.135, 0.135, 0.135, 0.135, 0.135,
       0.135, 0.135, 0.135, 0.135, 0.135, 0.135, 0.136, 0.136, 0.136,
       0.136, 0.136, 0.136, 0.137, 0.309, 0.311, 0.32 , 0.328, 0.352,
       0.379, 0.381, 0.381, 0.382, 0.382, 0.383, 0.383, 0.386, 0.387,
       0.39 , 0.392, 0.392, 0.392, 0.392, 0.393, 0.393, 0.394, 0.394,
       0.394, 0.394, 0.394, 0.394, 0.395, 0.395, 0.396, 0.422, 0.426,
       0.48 , 0.482, 0.483, 0.483, 0.484, 0.487, 0.487, 0.489, 0.489,
       0.49 , 0.49 , 0.491, 0.491, 0.491, 0.491, 0.492, 0.492, 0.496,
       0.497, 0.498, 0.5  , 0.505, 0.764, 0.767, 0.771, 0.771, 0.777,
       0.833, 0.844, 0.855, 0.858, 0.863, 0.866, 0.868, 0.869, 0.87 ,
       0.871, 0.872, 0.875, 0.994, 0.995, 0.996, 1.002, 1.004, 1.01 ,
       1.01 , 1.011, 1.475, 1.667])

maxZ = 0.55
minZ = 0.28

##Prepare plot

fig = plt.figure()
color = 'k'
m = 'o'
size = 1

ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='polar')
plt.scatter(thetaRad,Zs, c=color, marker=m, s = size)


#set theta limits to be scaled from the dataset
minTheta = 0.95*min(thetaRad)
maxTheta = 1.05*max(thetaRad)

#uncomment these for the partial sector plot:

ticks = np.linspace(minTheta, maxTheta, 4)

##Add a wedge

#define the wedge's width and range
window = np.array([0.35,0.40])
dTheta = np.deg2rad(0.5)
wedgeRange = [minTheta+dTheta, maxTheta-dTheta]
wedgeRange = np.rad2deg(wedgeRange)

r = window[1]
width = window[1]-window[0]
width = width

#apparently, plt's polar plot is silently centered at (0.5,0.5) instead of the
#origin, so set this:
center = (0.5,0.5)

wedge = Wedge(center, r, wedgeRange[0],wedgeRange[1],width=width, transform=ax.transAxes, linestyle='--', fill=False, color='red')

python matplotlib plot data-visualization polar-coordinates


我找到的解决方案是将楔形的角点转换为Axes坐标,然后使用这些点使用线性代数计算楔形的中心,半径和角度。可能有一种方法可以直接使用数据坐标,但至少这是有效的。我在matplotlib transformation tutorial和其他一些SO答案中找到了帮助:

  • qazxsw poi如何计算两条线的交点
  • this answer如何计算两条线之间的角度
  • this answer如何解决等方面Axes中的转换问题
  • this answer关于如何修复极轴实例的r极限


this answer


import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.patches import Wedge def perp( a ) : ##from https://stackoverflow.com/a/3252222/2454357 b = np.empty_like(a) b[0] = -a[1] b[1] = a[0] return b def seq_intersect(a1,a2, b1,b2) : ##from https://stackoverflow.com/a/3252222/2454357 da = a2-a1 db = b2-b1 dp = a1-b1 dap = perp(da) denom = np.dot( dap, db) num = np.dot( dap, dp ) return (num / denom.astype(float))*db + b1 def angle(a1, a2, b1, b2): ##from https://stackoverflow.com/a/16544330/2454357 x1, y1 = a2-a1 x2, y2 = b2-b1 dot = x1*x2 + y1*y2 # dot product between [x1, y1] and [x2, y2] det = x1*y2 - y1*x2 # determinant return np.arctan2(det, dot) # atan2(y, x) or atan2(sin, cos) def draw_wedge( ax, r_min = 0.3, r_max = 0.5, t_min = np.pi/4, t_max = 3*np.pi/4 ): ##some data R = np.random.rand(100)*(r_max-r_min)+r_min T = np.random.rand(100)*(t_max-t_min)+t_min ax.scatter(T,R) ##compute the corner points of the wedge: axtmin = 0 rs = np.array([r_min, r_max, r_min, r_max, r_min, r_max]) ts = np.array([axtmin, axtmin, t_min, t_min, t_max, t_max]) ##display them in a scatter plot ax.scatter(ts, rs, color='r', marker='x', lw=5) ##from https://matplotlib.org/users/transforms_tutorial.html trans = ax.transData + ax.transAxes.inverted() ##convert to figure cordinates, for a starter xax, yax = trans.transform([(t,r) for t,r in zip(ts, rs)]).T for i,(x,y) in enumerate(zip(xax, yax)): ax.annotate( str(i), (x,y), xytext = (x+0.1, y), xycoords = 'axes fraction', arrowprops = dict( width=2, ), ) ##compute the angles of the wedge: tstart = np.rad2deg(angle(*np.array((xax[[0,1,2,3]],yax[[0,1,2,3]])).T)) tend = np.rad2deg(angle(*np.array((xax[[0,1,4,5]],yax[[0,1,4,5]])).T)) ##the center is where the two wedge sides cross (maybe outside the axes) center=seq_intersect(*np.array((xax[[2,3,4,5]],yax[[2,3,4,5]])).T) ##compute the inner and outer radii of the wedge: rinner = np.sqrt((xax[1]-center[0])**2+(yax[1]-center[1])**2) router = np.sqrt((xax[2]-center[0])**2+(yax[2]-center[1])**2) wedge = Wedge(center, router, tstart, tend, width=router-rinner, #0.6,tstart,tend,0.3, transform=ax.transAxes, linestyle='--', lw=3, fill=False, color='red') ax.add_artist(wedge) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8,4)) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(121, projection='polar') ax2 = fig.add_subplot(122, projection='polar') ##reducing the displayed theta and r ranges in second axes: ax2.set_thetamin(10) ax2.set_thetamax(40) ## ax.set_rmax() does not work as one would expect -- use ax.set_ylim() instead ## from https://stackoverflow.com/a/9231553/2454357 ax2.set_ylim([0.2,0.8]) ax2.set_rorigin(-0.2) #from https://stackoverflow.com/a/41823326/2454357 fig.canvas.draw() draw_wedge(ax1) draw_wedge(ax2, t_min=np.deg2rad(15), t_max=np.deg2rad(30)) plt.show()


在代码中我定义了6个几何点:楔形的4个角和result of above code线上的两个点,对应于楔形的内半径和外半径。然后,我使用变换theta=0将这些点从数据转换为轴坐标。现在,在轴坐标中,我使用这些点来计算楔形的中心(楔形的左侧和右侧的交点;点2,3,4和5)以及ax.transData+ax.transAxes.inverted()线和侧面之间的角度。楔形(分别为0,1,2,3和0,1,4,5)。两个半径可以计算为楔形中心与点2和3之间的欧几里德距离。利用这些数字,最终可以构造楔形。





这里def transform_radius(r, rmin, rmax): return (r-rmin)/(rmax-rmin)*0.5 rmin分别是Axes的最小和最大半径。另一个问题是如何绘制部分楔形的混淆。根据文件:





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