带有AM / PM的VHDL时钟

问题描述 投票:0回答:1

我为时钟设置了此代码(12小时),但(am / pm)的一部分不起作用。当小时数从11更改为12时,应从“ AM”更改为“ PM”(反之亦然),其余时间工作正常。我对需要修改的内容一无所知。 FPGA DE1-SOC板当按下“ buttAPM”时,它将在7段显示中显示AM或PM

library IEEE;

entity Relojf is 
     clk50_in: in std_logic; --FPGA 50Mhz clock--
     buttAPM: in std_logic_vector(0 to 0); --FPGA button,show seconds/letter
     rst: in std_logic; --reset-
     swu: in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); --FPGA switch--
     swd: in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); --FPGA switch--
     sw9: in std_logic; --FPGA switch--
     sw8: in std_logic_vector(0 to 0); --FPGA switch--
     buttM: in std_LOGIC; -- set minutes--
     buttH: in std_LOGIC; -- set hours---
     seg7A: out std_logic_vector(0 to 6); --FPGA 7 segment display--
     seg7B: out std_logic_vector(0 to 6); --FPGA 7 segment display--
     seg7C: out std_logic_vector(0 to 6); --FPGA 7 segment display--
     seg7D: out std_logic_vector(0 to 6); --FPGA 7 segment display--
     seg7E: out std_logic_vector(0 to 6); --FPGA 7 segment display--
     seg7F: out std_logic_vector(0 to 6); --FPGA 7 segment display--
     LED: out std_logic_vector(9 downto 0)
end entity;

architecture Behavioral of Relojf is ----sin div
   signal auxA: std_logic_vector(0 to 3);----sin div
    signal auxB: std_logic_vector(0 to 2);
    signal auxC: std_logic_vector(0 to 3):= "0000";
    signal auxD: std_logic_vector(0 to 2):= "000";
    signal auxE: std_logic_vector(0 to 3):= "0001";
    signal auxF: std_logic_vector(0 to 2):= "000";----sin div
    signal aux: STD_LOGIC;----divisor 50-1
   signal conta : integer range 0 to 24999999 := 0;----divisor 50-1
    signal pulse_pass, flag, pol: std_logic;
    signal clk_div: std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
    signal duty_cycle: std_logic_vector(9 downto 0);
    signal letraM: std_logic_vector(0 to 0):= "0";
    signal letrAP: std_logic_vector(0 to 0):= "0";

    component pwm is
            max_val: integer := 1000;
            val_bits: integer := 10
            clk50_in: in std_logic;
            val_cur: in std_logic_vector((val_bits -1) downto 0);
            pulse: out std_logic
    end component;  


    LED <= (others => pulse_pass);

    process(clk50_in) -- Clock Divide
        if(rising_edge(clk50_in)) then
            if (clk_div < 49_999) then
                clk_div <= clk_div + 1;
                flag <= '0';
                clk_div <= (others => '0');
                flag <= '1';
            end if;
        end if;
    end process;

    process(clk50_in) -- Duty Cycle
        if(rising_edge(clk50_in)) then
            if (flag = '1') then -- 1ms Pulse
                if (pol = '0') then -- Polarity
                    if (duty_cycle < 999) then
                        duty_cycle <= duty_cycle + 1;
                        pol <= '0';
                        pol <= '1';
                    end if;
                    if (duty_cycle > 1) then
                        duty_cycle <= duty_cycle - 1;
                        pol <= '1';
                        pol <= '0';
                    end if;
                end if;
            end if;
        end if;
    end process;

    pwm0: pwm
    generic map(
        max_val => 1000,
        val_bits => 10
    port map(
        clk50_in => clk50_in,
        val_cur => duty_cycle,
        pulse => pulse_pass

   process (rst, clk50_in) begin----divisor 50-1
        if (rst = '0') then
            aux <= '0';
            conta <= 0;
        elsif rising_edge(clk50_in) then
            if (conta = 24999999) then
                aux <= NOT(aux);
                conta <= 0;
                conta <= conta + 1;
            end if;
        end if;
   end process;

   process (aux,rst) begin
        if (rst='0') then
         auxA <= (others=>'0');
            auxB <= (others=>'0');
            auxC <= (others=>'0');
            auxD <= (others=>'0');
            auxE <= "0001";
            auxF <= (others=>'0');
        elsif (buttM='0') then
            auxC <= swu;
           auxD <= swd;
        elsif (buttH='0') then
            auxE <= swu;
            auxF <= swd;
        elsif   (sw9='1') then
            letrAP <= sw8;
      elsif(rising_edge(aux)) then
            if auxA = "1001" then
                auxA <= (others=>'0');
                auxB <= auxB + 1;
                if auxB = "101" then
                    auxB <= (others=>'0');
                    auxC <=  auxC  + 1;
                    if auxC = "1001" then
                        auxC <= "0000";
                        auxD <= auxD + 1;
                        if auxD = "101" then
                            auxD <= "000";
                            auxE <= auxE + 1;
                            if auxE = "1001" then
                                auxE <= "0000";
                                auxF <= auxF + 1;
                                if (auxE = "0001" and auxF = "001" and letrAP = "0")    then --- apm /
                                    letrAP <= letrAP + 1;
                                elsif (auxE = "0001" and auxF = "001" and letrAP = "1") then
                                    letrAP <= "0";
                                end if; ------------------------------------------------------apm--
                            elsif (auxE = "0010" and auxF = "001") then
                                auxE <= "0001";
                                auxF <= "000";
                            end if;
                        end if;
                    end if; 
                end if; 
                auxA <= auxA + 1;
            end if; 
      end if;
   end process;

    process (buttAPM) begin
        case buttAPM is
            when "1" => 
                            case auxA is
                                when "0000" => seg7A <= "0000001"; ---0
                                when "0001" => seg7A <= "1001111"; ---1
                                when "0010" => seg7A <= "0010010"; ---2
                                when "0011" => seg7A <= "0000110"; ---3
                                when "0100" => seg7A <= "1001100"; ---4
                                when "0101" => seg7A <= "0100100"; ---5
                                when "0110" => seg7A <= "0100000"; ---6
                                when "0111" => seg7A <= "0001111"; ---7
                                when "1000" => seg7A <= "0000000"; ---8
                                when "1001" => seg7A <= "0000100"; ---9
                                when others => seg7A <= "1111111"; ---null
                            end case;
                            case auxB is
                                when "000" => seg7B <= "0000001"; ---0
                                when "001" => seg7B <= "1001111"; ---1
                                when "010" => seg7B <= "0010010"; ---2
                                when "011" => seg7B <= "0000110"; ---3
                                when "100" => seg7B <= "1001100"; ---4
                                when "101" => seg7B <= "0100100"; ---5
                                when others => seg7B <= "1111111"; ---null
                            end case;
            when "0" => 
                            case letraM is
                                when "0" => seg7A <= "1001000"; ---0
                                when others => seg7A <= "1111111"; ---null
                            end case;
                            case letrAP is
                                when "0" => seg7B <= "0001000"; ---A
                                when "1" => seg7B <= "0011000"; ---P
                                when others => seg7B <= "1111111"; ---null
                            end case;
        end case;
    end process;
    process (auxC) begin
        case auxC is
            when "0000" => seg7C <= "0000001"; ---0
            when "0001" => seg7C <= "1001111"; ---1
            when "0010" => seg7C <= "0010010"; ---2
            when "0011" => seg7C <= "0000110"; ---3
            when "0100" => seg7C <= "1001100"; ---4
            when "0101" => seg7C <= "0100100"; ---5
            when "0110" => seg7C <= "0100000"; ---6
            when "0111" => seg7C <= "0001111"; ---7
            when "1000" => seg7C <= "0000000"; ---8
            when "1001" => seg7C <= "0000100"; ---9
            when others => seg7C <= "1111111"; ---null
        end case;
    end process;

    process (auxD) begin    
        case auxD is
            when "000" => seg7D <= "0000001"; ---0
            when "001" => seg7D <= "1001111"; ---1
            when "010" => seg7D <= "0010010"; ---2
            when "011" => seg7D <= "0000110"; ---3
            when "100" => seg7D <= "1001100"; ---4
            when "101" => seg7D <= "0100100"; ---5
            when others => seg7D <= "1111111"; ---null
        end case;
    end process;

    process (auxE) begin
        case auxE is
            when "0000" => seg7E    <= "0000001"; ---0
            when "0001" => seg7E <= "1001111"; ---1
            when "0010" => seg7E <= "0010010"; ---2
            when "0011" => seg7E <= "0000110"; ---3
            when "0100" => seg7E <= "1001100"; ---4
            when "0101" => seg7E <= "0100100"; ---5
            when "0110" => seg7E <= "0100000"; ---6
            when "0111" => seg7E <= "0001111"; ---7
            when "1000" => seg7E <= "0000000"; ---8
            when "1001" => seg7E    <= "0000100"; ---9
            when others => seg7E <= "1111111"; ---null
        end case;
    end process;

    process (auxF) begin    
        case auxF is
            when "000" => seg7F <= "0000001"; ---0
            when "001" => seg7F <= "1001111"; ---1
            when others => seg7F <= "1111111"; ---null
        end case;
    end process;
end Behavioral;
vhdl clock

您正在尝试在检查letrAP的子句中修改auxE = "1001"。您还有一个附加的内部子句供您分配给letrAP,该子句检查auxE = "0001"auxE不能同时为"1001""0001";因此,您的内部子句永远不会求值为TRUE条件,并且永远不会修改letrAP。您必须从内部子句中删除auxE依赖项,因为您已经检查了它是否是"1001"的值。

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