flex-lexer 相关问题


Flex/C++:'yypanic'未在范围内声明,错误:重新定义'class yFlexLexer','yyFlexLexer'未在此范围内声明

您好,我正在尝试将 Flex 与 C++ 结合使用。阅读 Flex 手册后,我开始编写一个小示例来构建我的项目。 我最初想出了这个小例子。 #包括 您好,我正在尝试将 Flex 与 C++ 结合使用。阅读 Flex 手册后,我开始编写一个小示例来构建我的项目。 我最初想出了这个小例子。 #include <string.h> #include <iostream> #include <sstream> #include <string> #include <streambuf> #include <fstream> int main() { std::string stringvalues = "TOKEN TEST 123"; std::istringstream inputStringStream(stringvalues); std::istream& inputStream = inputStringStream; std::ofstream outputStream("test.txt"); yyFlexLexer myTest(inputStream, outputStream); } 在构建文件夹内,当我执行 cmake .. 然后点击 make 时,我收到以下错误: alfredo@alfredo-ThinkPad-T440p:~/repos/FlexCpp/build$ make [ 20%] Linking CXX static library libkeywords.a [ 20%] Built target keywords [ 40%] Building CXX object src/back-end/CMakeFiles/Foo.dir/main.cpp.o /home/alfredo/repos/FlexCpp/src/back-end/main.cpp: In function ‘int main()’: /home/alfredo/repos/FlexCpp/src/back-end/main.cpp:17:5: error: ‘yyFlexLexer’ was not declared in this scope 17 | yyFlexLexer myTest(inputStream, outputStream); | ^~~~~~~~~~~ make[2]: *** [src/back-end/CMakeFiles/Foo.dir/build.make:80: src/back-end/CMakeFiles/Foo.dir/main.cpp.o] Error 1 make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/Makefile2:126: src/back-end/CMakeFiles/Foo.dir/all] Error 2 make: *** [Makefile:91: all] Error 2 奇怪的是,如果我注释掉main.cpp中的最后一行 //yyFlexLexer myTest(inputStream, outputStream); 我收到以下错误: lexer.l: In member function ‘virtual int yyFlexLexer::yylex()’: lexer.l:172:1: error: ‘yypanic’ was not declared in this scope /usr/local/flex/include/FlexLexer.h: At global scope: /home/alfredo/repos/FlexCpp/src/back-end/lexer.yy.cc:49:25: error: redefinition of ‘class yyFlexLexer’ 49 | #define yyFlexLexer yyFlexLexer | ^~~~~~~~~~~ /home/alfredo/repos/FlexCpp/src/back-end/lexer.yy.cc:49:25: note: previous definition of ‘class yyFlexLexer’ 49 | #define yyFlexLexer yyFlexLexer | ^~~~~~~~~~~ make[2]: *** [src/back-end/CMakeFiles/Foo.dir/build.make:94: src/back-end/CMakeFiles/Foo.dir/lexer.yy.cc.o] Error 1 make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/Makefile2:126: src/back-end/CMakeFiles/Foo.dir/all] Error 2 make: *** [Makefile:91: all] Error 2 我的项目目录如下所示。 backend/ |- main.cpp (what you saw ealier) |- CMakeLists.txt |- keywords.hxx (contains enum tokens and struct) |- lexer.l |- lexer.yy.cc (this will be generated by lexer.l when we compile with c++ we set %option c++ in our lexer.l file ) 这是我的 lexer.l 的样子 /* we dont have an interactive session. */ %option never-interactive /* we will handle the nodefault rule. */ %option nodefault /* we dont want yyinput() and yyunput(). */ %option noinput nounput /* don't include <unistd.h> we dont need it. */ %option nounistd /* not needed for now, in the future when users can work with multiple files we can start using it. */ %option noyywrap /* these two options are doubled to get more detailed reports. write performance report to stderr. */ %option perf-report perf-report /* write statistics summary to stderr. */ %option verbose verbose /* generate warning messages for mistakes. */ %option warn /* maintain current line number in yylineno. */ %option yylineno %option c++ /* c items that can be used in the rules section */ %{ #include <stdio.h> #include <keywords.hxx> int iskeyword(char * keyword); %} digit [0-9] exponent [ee][-+]?{digit}+ id_start [_a-za-z] id_after {id_start}|{digit} /*===================rules===================*/ %% /* a bunch of rules */ %% /*=================user-code=================*/ #include <keywords.hxx> /*As mentioned by Flex manual we include this if our main() is not in this file */ #include <FlexLexer.h> int iskeyword(char * keyword){ for(int index = 0; index < NUM_KEYWORDS; index++){ if(strcmp(keywords[index].keyWord, keyword)){ return keywords[index].token; } } return 0; } CMakeLists.cmake cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.5) project( TestingProj ) set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -isystem /usr/local/flex/include") find_package(FLEX REQUIRED) add_library(keywords keywords.hxx) set_target_properties(keywords PROPERTIES LINKER_LANGUAGE CXX) target_include_directories(keywords PUBLIC ./) FLEX_TARGET( gen_lexer lexer.l lexer.yy.cc ) add_executable( Foo main.cpp ${FLEX_gen_lexer_OUTPUTS} ) target_link_libraries(Foo PUBLIC keywords) target_link_libraries(Foo PUBLIC ${FLEX_LIBRARIES}) 如果我记录以下内容 message("FLEX_FOUND ${FLEX_FOUND}") message("FLEX_EXECUTABLE ${FLEX_EXECUTABLE}") message("FLEX_VERSION ${FLEX_VERSION}") message("FLEX_LIBRARIES ${FLEX_LIBRARIES}") message("FLEX_INCLUDE_DIRS ${FLEX_INCLUDE_DIRS}") 我明白了 FLEX_FOUND TRUE FLEX_EXECUTABLE /usr/local/flex/bin/flex FLEX_VERSION 2.6.4 FLEX_LIBRARIES /usr/local/flex/lib/libfl.so FLEX_INCLUDE_DIRS /usr/local/flex/include 我也厌倦了遵循 Flex 手册。没有帮助。 如果您想创建多个(不同的)词法分析器类,您可以使用“-P”标志(或 prefix= option) 将每个 yyFlexLexer 重命名为其他“xxFlexLexer”。然后是你 每个词法分析器类可以在其他源中包含 一次,首先重命名 yyFlexLexer如下: #undef yyFlexLexer #define yyFlexLexer xxFlexLexer #包括 #undef yyFlexLexer #define yyFlexLexer zzFlexLexer #包括 我不确定我做错了什么。我花了很多时间试图让 Flex 和 C++ 工作。我能够让 Flex 和纯 C 工作,但只是 C++ 我遇到了麻烦。截至发布时,我的最佳猜测是 FlexLexer.h 文件存在问题。出于某种原因,我从源代码构建的其他项目在其 FlexLexer.h 文件夹中构建了 /include 文件。据我所知,它现在指向 FlexLexer.h 的正确位置,我的情况是在 /usr/local/flex/include/FlexLexer.h: 或者我的 .cmake 文件可能有问题。 任何帮助将不胜感激。 我首先按照 Tysvarev 留下的评论解决了这个问题,我引用了他们。 “不需要显式包含 lexer.l 中的该文件。但是在 main.cpp 中,你需要包含 FlexLexer.h,否则编译器没有有关 yyFlexLexer 类的信息” 然后在%{ ... %}块内,我像这样定义了yypanic void yypanic( char* errorMessage); 最后在我写的用户代码中 void yypanic(char * errorMessage) { std::cout << errorMessage << std::endl; }

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