mouse-picking 相关问题

InvalidStateError:无法在“CanvasRenderingContext2D”上执行“drawImage”:提供的 HTMLImageElement 处于“损坏”状态

从 'matter-js' 导入 { Bodies, Composite, Engine, Mouse, MouseConstraint, Render, Runner }; 从 'react' 导入 React, { useEffect }; 从 './styles' 导入 * as S; 从“../../.....”导入颤振


我正在使用 mouse 包来创建多重插补。我想创建一个相关矩阵(以及相关系数的 p 值矩阵。我使用 mouseadds::micombine.cor 来执行此操作...


<button [disabled]="(!dataConceptSummmaryFlag || dataConceptSummmaryFlag === false) && (!selectedLOBFlag || selectedLOBFlag === false) && (!adsListFlag || adsListFlag === false)" class="lmn-btn lmn-btn-primary" aria-label="Update" (click)="updateSelectedScopes()" [mtTooltip]="disabledContent" > Update </button> <ng-container *ngIf="(!dataConceptSummmaryFlag || dataConceptSummmaryFlag === false) && (!selectedLOBFlag || selectedLOBFlag === false) && (!adsListFlag || adsListFlag === false)"> <ng-template #disabledContent>No New Scopes Values Selected</ng-template> </ng-container> 如果在该条件下禁用按钮,如何在悬停时显示工具提示文本,并且当我将鼠标悬停在其上时,我会看到红色关闭图标。这是我尝试过的,但没有成功 将此添加到覆盖材质样式的文件中: // this workaround allows for the tooltips to appear on disabled buttons (since mouse events aren't fired for them) button:disabled.mat-mdc-tooltip-trigger { pointer-events: auto !important; // remove the ripple effect on hover > span:first-child { display: none; } } 悬停时它将显示没有波纹背景的工具提示。

具有多个值的JS var

有件事我无法理解: 我有一个打开同一页面的功能,但具有不同的内容,具体取决于菜单中单击的按钮: 有件事我无法理解: 我有一个打开同一页面的功能<div id="page">但具有不同的内容,具体取决于菜单中单击的按钮: <nav> <button onclick="openPage(1)">PAGE 1</button> <button onclick="openPage(2)">PAGE 2</button> <button onclick="openPage(3)">PAGE 3</button> </nav> 然后是函数: function openPage(p){ var move=0; // define a var for USER action if(p==1){ document.getElementById('page').innerHTML = text_1; // content preloaded } else if(p==2){ document.getElementById('page').innerHTML = text_2; } else if(p==3){ document.getElementById('page').innerHTML = text_3; } // then on the top of the page (absolute + z-index) I add a HTML object: document.getElementById('page').innerHTML += '<aside id="pictures">content</aside>'; // what I'm now trying to do is to remove this object once USER move its mouse on it document.getElementById('pictures').addEventListener("mousemove",function(event) { setTimeout(function(){ move+=1; // increase the val each second },1e3) console.log('move'+p+' = '+move) // control value if(move>100){ document.getElementById('pictures').style.display = "none"; // OK, it works move=0; // reinit the var } }); } 现在惊喜: 第 1 页的控制台 move1 = 0 move1 = 1 ... move1 = 99 move1 = 100 // 'pictures' disappears 第 2 页的控制台 move1 = 41 move2 = 0 ... move1 = 58 move1 = 17 ... move1 = 100 // 'pictures' disappears move2 = 59 第 3 页的控制台 move1 = 15 move2 = 88 move3 = 0 ... move1 = 37 move2 = 100 // 'pictures' disappears move3 = 12 ... 我的 var 'move' 同时获得 3 个值...这怎么可能? 您的问题的原因是您每次调用 openPage 函数时都会添加一个事件侦听器。这意味着,如果您单击多个按钮,每个按钮都会有自己的事件侦听器附加到 #pictures 元素。现在,当触发 mousemove 事件时,所有这些侦听器将同时执行,导致 move 变量每秒递增多次。 解决此问题的方法是在添加新事件侦听器之前先删除现有的事件侦听器。 let handler; // to hold the event listener function const pictureEl = document.getElementById('pictures'); function openPage(p){ // Remove existing event listener if (handler) { // <-- Check here pictureEl.removeEventListener("mousemove", handler); } handler = function(event) { // ...Rest } }; // Add new event listener pictureEl.addEventListener("mousemove", handler); // 找到了另一种(最简单的?)方法: var move=0; // placed out of functions function openPage(p){ .... (same as previous) getElementById('pictures').addEventListener("mousemove",outPicts); // change } // put mousemove event in another function: function outPicts(p){ setTimeout(function(){ move+=1; },1e3) console.log('move = '+move) if(move>100){ document.getElementById('pictures').style.display = "none"; // then remove event getElementById('pictures').removeEventListener("mousemove",outPicts); move=0; // reinit the var } } 按预期工作

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