mqtt 相关问题


SwiftUI 和 CocoaMQTT 服务器 - 如何在不使用按钮的情况下进行连接?

我正在构建一个应用程序,它将通过 Raspberry Pi 提供的 Wi-Fi 读取值,并且我正在使用 MQTT 服务器和客户端。使用 UIKit 很简单,并且委托方法在

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物联网场景中基于 JWT 令牌的 MQTT 身份验证的 HAProxy 集成

我正在致力于实现一个 IoT 场景,其中客户端设备通过 WebSocket 协议向 MQTT 代理发送 MQTT 消息。在此设置中,客户端设备提供 JWT 令牌,而 MQTT b...

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MQTT:sport/# 是否匹配 sport/(带有尾部斜杠)?

MQTT 规范明确指出 “sport/+”与“sport”不匹配,但与“sport/”匹配。 “sport/#” 也匹配单数“sport”,因为 # 包括父级别。 但“运动/#”

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OPC UA 协议与 MQTT 协议

我想根据两种协议的一般特性(例如开销(数据包)、安全性、信息建模和可靠性)来比较 OPC UA 与 MQTT。哪里可以找到一些

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Mqttnet ManagedMqttClient 处理与接收的应用程序消息

我最近尝试使用 mqttnet 包在 C# 中实现 mqttclient。 我意识到,库可以调用三个事件: 应用程序消息处理异步

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Apache IoTDB 0.13.3版本使用mqtt和对齐时间序列导致的错误如何处理?

当我使用mqtt协议从Apache IoTDB Version 0.13.3的客户端发送命令,并且服务器的时间序列对齐时,则报错: Caused by: org.apache.iotdb.db。

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如果我使用 SAS 令牌,我的 Pico W 需要 CA 证书吗?

我一直在尝试使用 raspberry pico w 连接 Azure IoT Central。我的项目是一个计量物联网设备,它可以感知一堆环境参数并使用...

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Laravel-MQTT:TLS 连接配置 - php-mqtt/laravel-client

我尝试将我的 [laravel] Web 应用程序连接到 [mqtt] 代理 eclipse-mosquitto。代理在与应用程序不同的服务器上运行。我想知道如何在 m 中配置 .env 文件...

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MqttAndroidClient - onFailure

#问题# 为什么我能够通过我的 mainActivity 连接到我的服务器,但不能通过片段连接到我的服务器? #设置# ##程序 1 - 有效...## 现在,我有两个程序。 第一个叫做 mqtt_test wh...

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Paho MQTT 意外调用 on_connect

我的脚本从 MQTT 服务器读取数据并将其写入 postgres 表。 我正在使用loop_forever()。 该程序应该不间断运行。 当收到第一个连接时,一切正常,...

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我可以通过 Eclipse-Mosquitto 和动态安全插件使用基于证书的加密吗

对于上下文,我正在使用 Eclipse Mosquitto 代理,并希望我的客户端通过 TSL/SSL 连接(因此服务器和客户端都提供证书)。另外,我希望我的经纪商配置能够...

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使用 Paho 客户端进行同步 MQTT 通信

我有一个场景,移动应用程序调用我的应用程序托管的 REST API。在此过程中,我需要通过 MQTT 向下游系统发送消息并等待,直到收到我的响应...

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在Azure Function中订阅MQTT代理(mosquitto)主题

我想将 mqtt 代理主题(在 azure VM 中创建的 mosquitto 代理)订阅到 azure 函数中。不幸的是我没有得到适当的帮助或指导。也许我做错了什么......

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Mosquitto TLS - 连接被拒绝:未授权

我正在尝试使用 Mosquitto 将 Raspberry pi 3B 设置为 mqtt 服务器。我正在关注本教程: 我已经翻到一半了:...

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我的项目有问题,我的项目需要可以使用wifi和非wifi,我使用wifimanager库并且我尝试修改这个库 我的项目有问题,我的项目需要可以使用 wifi 和非 wifi,我使用 wifimanager 库,并且我尝试修改这个库 #include <WiFiManager.h> #include <Ticker.h> #include <SD.h> #include "FS.h" #include <RTClib.h> #include <Wire.h> #include <TimeLib.h> // Add the Time library to work with timestamps #include <SPI.h> // Include the SPI library required by the SD library #include <PubSubClient.h> #include <LiquidCrystal_I2C.h> #include "Adafruit_seesaw.h" #include <Adafruit_AHTX0.h> #include "DFRobot_ESP_EC.h" // #include "DFRobot_ESP_PH_WITH_ADC.h" // #include "Adafruit_ADS1X15.h" // #include "Wire.h" #include "OneWire.h" #include "DallasTemperature.h" #include "EEPROM.h" #define ONE_WIRE_BUS 15 #define LED 2 #define SW1 34 #define address 0x23 //I2C Address 0x23 OneWire oneWire(ONE_WIRE_BUS); DallasTemperature sensors(&oneWire); DFRobot_ESP_PH_WITH_ADC ph; DFRobot_ESP_EC ec; Adafruit_ADS1115 ads; Adafruit_ADS1115 ads2; Ticker ticker; RTC_DS3231 rtc; unsigned long intervals[] = { 1000U, //0 2000U, //1 3000U, //2 5000U, //3 10000U, //4 15000U, //5 20000U, //6 25000U, //7 60000U, //8 1800000U, //9 }; //this defines the interval for each task in milliseconds unsigned long last[] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; bool calibrationIsRunning = false; float voltage, phValue, ecValue, temperature = 25; float lastTemperature; const int relayPin = 33; const int relay1Pin = 32; const int relay2Pin = 26; bool wifiConnected = false; bool relayState = false; bool ecButtonPressed = false; // ตัวแปรเก็บสถานะการกดปุ่ม EC bool phButtonPressed = false; bool wifiButtonPressed = false; // ตัวแปรเก็บสถานะการกดปุ่ม PH const unsigned long debounceDelay = 50; // Adjust this as necessary volatile bool resetWifiFlag = false; const int chipSelect = 5; // Choose an appropriate pin number for your hardware setup unsigned long lastInterruptTime = 0; int i = 0; bool readSerial(char result[]) { while (Serial.available() > 0) { char inChar =; if (inChar == '\n') { result[i] = '\0'; Serial.flush(); i = 0; return true; } if (inChar != '\r') { result[i] = inChar; i++; } delay(1); } return false; } LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(0x27, 20, 4); Adafruit_seesaw ss; Adafruit_AHTX0 aht; sensors_event_t humidity, temp; uint8_t buf[4] = { 0 }; uint16_t data, data1; float Lux; float tempC; // MQTT Broker const char *mqtt_broker = ""; const char *topic = "relay/control"; const char *mqtt_username = "emqx"; const char *mqtt_password = "public"; const int mqtt_port = 1883; const char *topic_tem = "tem"; const char *topic_capa = "capa"; const char *topic_light = "light"; const char *topic_temp = "temp"; const char *topic_humid = "humid"; const char *topic_ph = "ph"; const char *topic_ec = "ec"; WiFiClient espClient; PubSubClient client(espClient); WiFiManager wm; char result_tem[10]; char result_temp[10]; int light_data; char result_humid[10]; char result_ph[10]; char result_ec[10]; const int buttonPin = 35; const int buttonPinWifi = 4; const int buttonPinEC = 16; const int buttonPinPH = 17; void IRAM_ATTR buttonInterrupt() { // Restart the board esp_restart(); } void tick() { digitalWrite(LED, !digitalRead(LED)); } void configModeCallback(WiFiManager *myWiFiManager) { Serial.println("Entered config mode"); Serial.println(WiFi.softAPIP()); Serial.println(myWiFiManager->getConfigPortalSSID()); ticker.attach(0.2, tick); } void Wifi_Reset_begin() { Serial.println("Wifi Reset? Pls. waiting 3S.."); lcd.clear(); lcd.print("WiFi Reset in 3 Sec"); lcd.setCursor(0, 1); delay(3000); Serial.println("WiFi Reset Setting OK "); lcd.clear(); lcd.print("WiFi Reset Success"); lcd.setCursor(0, 1); WiFiManager wm; wm.resetSettings(); ESP.restart(); } void IRAM_ATTR buttonInterruptWifi() { // Get the current time unsigned long interruptTime = millis(); // If interrupts come faster than 50ms, assume it's a bounce and ignore if (interruptTime - lastInterruptTime > debounceDelay) { resetWifiFlag = true; } lastInterruptTime = interruptTime; } void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); Wire.begin(); rtc.begin(); rtc.adjust(DateTime(F(__DATE__), F(__TIME__))); aht.begin(); Serial.println("seesaw Soil Sensor example!"); ss.begin(0x36); EEPROM.begin(64); ads.setGain(GAIN_ONE); ads.begin(); ads2.begin(0x49); ph.begin(10); //we store 2 value from the start address (10 & 14) ec.begin(20); //we store 2 value from the start address (20 & 24) pinMode(relayPin, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(relayPin, HIGH); pinMode(relay1Pin, OUTPUT); pinMode(relay2Pin, OUTPUT); pinMode(SW1, INPUT_PULLUP); ticker.attach(1, tick); pinMode(buttonPin, INPUT_PULLUP); attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(buttonPin), buttonInterrupt, FALLING); pinMode(buttonPinEC, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(buttonPinPH, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(buttonPinWifi, INPUT_PULLUP); attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(buttonPinWifi), buttonInterruptWifi, FALLING); WiFiManager wm; wm.setAPCallback(configModeCallback); lcd.begin(); // turn on LCD backlight lcd.backlight(); lcd.print("Please"); lcd.setCursor(0, 1); lcd.print("Connect WiFi"); // Set software serial baud to 115200; wm.setConnectTimeout(20); wm.setConfigPortalTimeout(180); unsigned long wifiTimeout = millis() + 300000; // 5 minutes timeout while (!wifiConnected && millis() < wifiTimeout) { if (wm.autoConnect("SMART FARM")) { wifiConnected = true; } else { delay(1000); // Wait for a moment before retrying the WiFi connection } } if (!wifiConnected) { Serial.println("Failed to connect to WiFi within 5 minutes. Proceeding without WiFi."); } else { // If WiFi connection was successful, detach the ticker. ticker.detach(); Serial.println(""); Serial.println("WiFi connected."); Serial.print("IP address: "); Serial.println(WiFi.localIP()); lcd.clear(); lcd.print("WiFi Connected"); lcd.setCursor(0, 1); // Connecting to the MQTT broker only if WiFi is connected. client.setServer(mqtt_broker, mqtt_port); client.setCallback(callback); while (!client.connected()) { String client_id = "esp32-client-"; client_id += String(WiFi.macAddress()); Serial.printf("The client %s connects to the public mqtt broker\n", client_id.c_str()); if (client.connect(client_id.c_str(), mqtt_username, mqtt_password)) { Serial.println("Public emqx mqtt broker connected"); digitalWrite(relay1Pin, HIGH); digitalWrite(relay2Pin, LOW); lcd.clear(); lcd.setCursor(0, 0); lcd.print("Connecting success"); lcd.clear(); client.subscribe("relay/control"); } else { digitalWrite(relay2Pin, HIGH); digitalWrite(relay1Pin, LOW); lcd.clear(); lcd.setCursor(0, 0); lcd.print("Failed connecting to MQTT"); Serial.print("Failed with state "); Serial.print(client.state()); lcd.clear(); } } } } // publish and subscribe //client.publish(topic, "100"); void callback(char *topic, byte *payload, unsigned int length) { String message = ""; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { message += (char)payload[i]; } if (message == "ON") { digitalWrite(relayPin, LOW); Serial.println("รดน้ำ"); relayState = true; client.publish("relay/status", "รดน้ำ"); } else if (message == "OFF") { digitalWrite(relayPin, HIGH); Serial.println("หยุดรดน้ำ"); relayState = false; client.publish("relay/status", "หยุดรดน้ำ"); } Serial.print("Message arrived in topic: "); Serial.println(topic); Serial.print("Message:"); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { Serial.print((char)payload[i]); } Serial.println(); Serial.println("-----------------------"); } void Ec() { float ecVoltage, temperature = 25; unsigned long now = millis(); if (!ads.begin()) { ecValue = 0; Serial.println(F("First ADS1115 not found. Returning to loop...")); return; } if (now - last[0] >= intervals[0]) //1000ms interval { last[0] = now; if (calibrationIsRunning) { Serial.println(F("[main]...>>>>>> calibration is running, to exit send exitph or exitec through serial <<<<<<")); //water temperature temperature = tempC; //EC ecVoltage = ads.readADC_SingleEnded(0) / 10; Serial.print(F("[EC Voltage]... ecVoltage: ")); Serial.println(ecVoltage); ecValue = ec.readEC(ecVoltage, temperature); // convert voltage to EC with temperature compensation Serial.print(F("[EC Read]... EC: ")); Serial.print(ecValue); Serial.println(F("ms/cm")); lcd.clear(); lcd.print("EC COLLECT"); lcd.setCursor(0, 1); lcd.print("ecValue"); } char cmd[10]; if (readSerial(cmd)) { strupr(cmd); if (calibrationIsRunning || strstr(cmd, "EC")) { calibrationIsRunning = true; Serial.println(F("[]... >>>>>calibration is now running PH and EC are both reading, if you want to stop this process enter EXITPH or EXITEC in Serial Monitor<<<<<")); if (strstr(cmd, "EC")) { ec.calibration(ecVoltage, temperature, cmd); //EC calibration process by Serail CMD } } if (strstr(cmd, "EXITEC")) { calibrationIsRunning = false; } } } if (now - last[3] >= intervals[3]) //5000ms interval { last[3] = now; if (!calibrationIsRunning) { //temperature = getWaterTemperature(); // read your temperature sensor to execute temperature compensation /*Serial.print("temperature:"); Serial.print(temperature, 1); Serial.println("^C");*/ ecVoltage = ads.readADC_SingleEnded(0) / 10; Serial.print("ecVoltage:"); Serial.println(ecVoltage, 4); ecValue = ec.readEC(ecVoltage, temperature); // convert voltage to EC with temperature compensation Serial.print("EC:"); Serial.print(ecValue, 4); Serial.println("ms/cm"); dtostrf(ecValue, 6, 2, result_ec); client.publish(topic_ec, result_ec); } } } void Ph() { float phVoltage, temperature = 25; unsigned long now = millis(); if (!ads2.begin(0x49)) { phValue = 0; Serial.println(F("Second ADS1115 not found. Returning to loop...")); return; } if (now - last[0] >= intervals[0]) //1000ms interval { last[0] = now; if (calibrationIsRunning) { Serial.println(F("[main]...>>>>>> calibration is running, to exit send exitph or exitec through serial <<<<<<")); //water temperature temperature = tempC; //pH phVoltage = ads2.readADC_SingleEnded(1) / 10; Serial.print(F("[pH Voltage]... phVoltage: ")); Serial.println(phVoltage); phValue = ph.readPH(phVoltage, temperature); Serial.print(F("[pH Read]... pH: ")); Serial.println(phValue); lcd.clear(); lcd.print("PH COLLECT"); lcd.setCursor(0, 1); lcd.print("phValue"); } char cmd[10]; if (readSerial(cmd)) { strupr(cmd); if (calibrationIsRunning || strstr(cmd, "PH")) { calibrationIsRunning = true; Serial.println(F("[]... >>>>>calibration is now running PH and EC are both reading, if you want to stop this process enter EXITPH or EXITEC in Serial Monitor<<<<<")); if (strstr(cmd, "PH")) { ph.calibration(phVoltage, temperature, cmd); //PH calibration process by Serail CMD } } if (strstr(cmd, "EXITPH")) { calibrationIsRunning = false; } } } if (now - last[3] >= intervals[3]) //5000ms interval { last[3] = now; if (!calibrationIsRunning) { //temperature = getWaterTemperature(); // read your temperature sensor to execute temperature compensation /*Serial.print("temperature:"); Serial.print(temperature, 1); Serial.println("^C");*/ phVoltage = ads2.readADC_SingleEnded(1) / 10; // read the voltage Serial.print("phVoltage:"); Serial.println(phVoltage, 4); phValue = ph.readPH(phVoltage, temperature); // convert voltage to pH with temperature compensation Serial.print("pH:"); Serial.println(phValue, 4); dtostrf(phValue, 6, 2, result_ph); client.publish(topic_ph, result_ph); } } } void Soil() { if (!ss.begin(0x36)) { tempC = 25; //Serial.println(F("soil temp sensor not find")); return; } float tempC = ss.getTemp(); uint16_t capread = ss.touchRead(0); char stringcapread[6]; /*Serial.println("*C"); Serial.print("Capacitive: "); Serial.println(capread); itoa(capread, stringcapread, 10);*/ Serial.print("Temperature: "); Serial.print(tempC); dtostrf(tempC, 6, 2, result_tem); client.publish(topic_tem, result_tem); delay(100); client.publish(topic_capa, stringcapread); //Serial.print("Temperature: "); //Serial.print(tempC); //delay(100); } void Light() { readReg(0x10, buf, 2); //Register Address 0x10 data = buf[0] << 8 | buf[1]; Lux = (((float)data) / 1.2); /*Serial.print("LUX:"); Serial.print(Lux); Serial.print("lx"); Serial.print("\n");*/ char msg[50]; snprintf(msg, 50, "%.2f lx", Lux); client.publish(topic_light, msg); } uint8_t readReg(uint8_t reg, const void *pBuf, size_t size) { if (pBuf == NULL) { Serial.println("pBuf ERROR!! : null pointer"); } uint8_t *_pBuf = (uint8_t *)pBuf; Wire.beginTransmission(address); Wire.write(&reg, 1); if (Wire.endTransmission() != 0) { return 0; } delay(20); Wire.requestFrom(address, (uint8_t)size); for (uint16_t i = 0; i < size; i++) { _pBuf[i] =; } return size; } void Tempera() { aht.getEvent(&humidity, &temp); // วัดค่าอุณหภูมิและความชื้น /*Serial.print(temp.temperature); Serial.print(" "); Serial.println(humidity.relative_humidity);*/ dtostrf(temp.temperature, 6, 2, result_temp); client.publish(topic_temp, result_temp); dtostrf(humidity.relative_humidity, 6, 2, result_humid); client.publish(topic_humid, result_humid); //delay(1000); } String getCurrentTimestamp() { DateTime now =; char timestampBuffer[20]; sprintf(timestampBuffer, "%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d", now.year(), now.month(),, now.hour(), now.minute(), now.second()); return String(timestampBuffer); } // Update logData function to accept individual values for data logging void writeLogData(fs::FS &fs, const char *path, const char *data) { if(!SD.begin(5)){ Serial.println("Card Mount Failed"); return; } uint8_t cardType = SD.cardType(); if(cardType == CARD_NONE){ Serial.println("No SD card attached"); return; } Serial.print("SD Card Type: "); if(cardType == CARD_MMC){ Serial.println("MMC"); } else if(cardType == CARD_SD){ Serial.println("SDSC"); } else if(cardType == CARD_SDHC){ Serial.println("SDHC"); } else { Serial.println("UNKNOWN"); } uint64_t cardSize = SD.cardSize() / (1024 * 1024); Serial.printf("SD Card Size: %lluMB\n", cardSize); Serial.println("SD card initialized successfully!"); Serial.printf("Writing log data to file: %s\n", path); File file =, FILE_APPEND); if (!file) { Serial.println("Failed to open file for writing"); return; } if (file.println(data)) { Serial.println("Log data written"); } else { Serial.println("Write failed"); } file.close(); } void display() { lcd.clear(); lcd.setCursor(0, 1); lcd.print("Temp:"); lcd.print(temp.temperature); lcd.setCursor(0, 2); lcd.print("Humid:"); lcd.print(humidity.relative_humidity); lcd.setCursor(0, 0); lcd.print("Lux:"); lcd.print(Lux); } void reconnectWIFI() { if (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) { // Perform reconnection attempts or other handling // Example: Disconnect and reconnect WiFi.disconnect(); wm.autoConnect("AutoConnectAP"); } } void loop() { if (digitalRead(buttonPinEC) == LOW) { if (!ecButtonPressed) { ecButtonPressed = true; Ec(); if (ecValue == 0) { lcd.clear(); lcd.print("EC NOT CONNECTED"); lcd.setCursor(0, 1); lcd.print("EC Value: 0"); } else { lcd.clear(); lcd.print("EC COLLECT"); lcd.setCursor(0, 1); lcd.print(ecValue); } } } else { ecButtonPressed = false; } if (digitalRead(buttonPinPH) == LOW) { if (!phButtonPressed) { phButtonPressed = true; Ph(); if (phValue == 0) { lcd.clear(); lcd.print("PH NOT CONNECTED"); lcd.setCursor(0, 1); lcd.print("PH Value: 0"); } else { lcd.clear(); lcd.print("PH COLLECT"); lcd.setCursor(0, 1); lcd.print(phValue); } } } else { phButtonPressed = false; } if (!ecButtonPressed && !phButtonPressed) { Tempera(); reconnectWIFI(); Soil(); Light(); display(); // Assuming you have sensor readings in variables: temperature, humidity, Lux, phValue, ecValue DateTime now =; char timestampBuffer[20]; sprintf(timestampBuffer, "%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d", now.year(), now.month(),, now.hour(), now.minute(), now.second()); String timestamp = getCurrentTimestamp(); String logData = timestamp + "," + String(temperature) + "," + String(humidity.relative_humidity) + "," + String(Lux) + "," + String(phValue) + "," + String(ecValue); writeLogData(SD, "/datalog.txt", logData.c_str()); } if (resetWifiFlag) { resetWifiFlag = false; Wifi_Reset_begin(); ESP.restart(); } delay(600); } 我尝试在 wifimanager.cpp 中进行修改,但它不起作用 首先,您发布的代码太多,您应该提取问题所在,在本例中就是涉及Wifimanager的问题。 我认为你的代码过于复杂,我过去使用过WiFiManager,有很多方法可以做你想做的事情。 我将为您提供一个解决方案,您可以扩展该解决方案以完成更聪明的事情,其想法是将连接逻辑的一部分转移到主循环中,这样您也可以根据需要轻松地包括重新连接尝试。 阅读我在代码中添加的注释并添加缺少的内容。 bool wifiConnected = 0; unsigned long connectionCheck = 300000; //5 minutes void startMqtt(){ //put all your mqtt setup/connecting stuff here } void setup(){ // here add only the code to start the WiFiManager with a 5 min timeout //also set the WiFimanager to be in non-blocking mode WiFiPortal.setConfigPortalBlocking(false); // don't do any setup of the mqtt, put that into a separate function startMqtt() } void loop(){ //if we are in the first 5 minutes when the WiFiManager is running the portal if(millis() <= connectionCheck){ WiFiPortal.process(); //you have to keep the WiFiManager running here as we are in a non-blocking mode // if we are still not connected to the WiFi if (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED){ //don't run anything, exit the loop return; }else{ //we are connected but it can be at anytime in the first 5 minutes // but we only want to setup the mqtt once if(wifiConnected == 0){ connectionCheck = millis(); wifiConnected = 1; startMqtt(); } } } //put whatever code you need here it will run either if the WiFi is connected in the first 5 minutes or if it doesn't get connected after 5 minutes ///you can also do another check maybe after some time and if WiFi not connected try reconnecting again if(millis() - connectionCheck > 30000){//maybe check every 30 seconds if (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED){ // 1. restart the WiFiManager // 2. close the mqtt wifiConnected = 0; connectionCheck = millis() + 300000; //we will reset this to 5 minutes in the future as we will restart the WiFi portal so the check at the begining of the loop will work again }else{ connectionCheck = millis(); } } }

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我正在尝试让我的 Flask 应用程序与我的 HiveMQ Broker 集群进行通信。集群仅通过端口 8883 进行 TLS 通信。据我了解,我需要一些证书

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MQTT 畸形数据包

在docker中运行mosquito Broker,broker ip地址是172.18.5.10,docker网络网关是172.18.5.1。还有一些其他 docker 连接到该网络,我也有几个 MQTT de...

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Paho MQTT C++ 连接用户和密码

我正在实现一个客户端通过 MQTT 发送数据,并且我正在使用 Paho MQTT c++ 库。 现在我需要添加对用户和密码身份验证的支持,当我尝试像这样设置它们时: std::字符串...

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Arduino/ESP32 无法连接到 MQTT 代理

我正在努力让我的 ESP32 板(还有 Arduino R3 和 Nano)连接到 HiveMQ 代理,但它无法连接。我尝试过各种端口、不同的经纪人、在我的网络上禁用广告拦截...

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mqtt客户端收到来自rabbit mq的重复消息

我使用rabbitmq作为mqtt代理,我有一个android pad作为mqtt客户端,并使用org.eclipse.paho.client作为客户端sdk。当我从服务器发送消息到 pad 时,我将保留标志设置为 true。但当我

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