win-universal-app 相关问题

Windows Universal应用程序通过单个代码库定位多种类型的设备。如果您参考Windows 8.1或Windows 10,请指定其他标签。

FilePicker PickSingleFileAsync() 调用上的 COMException^

我正在尝试制作一个游戏(通用DX11应用程序),在某些时候我需要访问图像库以允许用户选择头像。但由于某种原因,在选择器上调用 PickSingleFileAsync 会出现...

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我想直接在我的xaml布局中访问资源,官方文档给了我们一些糟糕的例子,所以我无法让它工作。假设以下 Resources.resw : 我可以从...访问我的字符串资源

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如何在 Microsoft Store API 中获取唯一的用户 ID

我使用 Microsoft Store API(以下简称“API”)来支持用户进行应用内购买(插件)。 例如... 公共 StoreContext storeContext = StoreContext.GetDefault(); GetAppLicenseAsync();

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分辨率提高时 MediaCapture 预览被破坏

我的应用程序需要拍照,我从 uwp 示例中窃取了 MediaCapture 的大部分优点。但是,默认行为会创建分辨率非常低的照片 (640x480 => 52KB)。 我可以设置

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自动增量无法与 Windows Phone 通用应用程序中的 sqlite-net 客户端一起使用

我在 Windows Phone 通用应用程序中使用 sqlite-net for sqlite 我有以下具有表和列属性的类,并使用异步连接在 sqlite 中添加数据,所有这些都正常工作...

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使用 OnlineIdAuthenticator 在 Azure 应用服务中获取 NameIdentifier 声明

我正在使用 OnlineIdAuthenticator 类获取身份验证令牌以登录 Azure 应用服务,但我无法获取 NameIdentifier 声明服务器端。我需要唯一的 ID...

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从命令行构建 Windows 通用 C# 类库

我目前正在尝试构建一个针对 Windows Phone 8.1、Windows 应用程序 8.1 和 Windows 10 通用应用程序的 Microsoft 运行时组件 C# 类库。为了完成这个介绍,我的环境...

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如何使用 UWP AudioGraph 创建音频淡入效果?

我有一个播放音频文件的应用程序。当用户开始音频播放时,我希望音频在 300 毫秒或类似的时间内从有效的 0 音量淡入到 1。 我玩过...

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无法在 Windows 10 UWP 中使用 HIDDevice 类打开 HID USB 设备

以下代码在某些Windows 10系统中返回null currentDevice = 等待 HidDevice.FromIdAsync(devices.ElementAt(0).Id, 文件访问模式.ReadWrite); 我发现了

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我是 Modbus 和 UWA 的新手,我正在尝试创建一个应用程序,从我的西门子徽标设备 (6ED1052-1HB08-0BA0 LOGO!24RCE) 读取输入 1、输出 1 和输出 2 的状态。标志是...

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有没有办法在不安装的情况下启动通用Windows平台(UWP)应用程序? 我想从解压的 appx 文件夹启动 uwp 应用程序,但不知道如何启动。 据我所知,只有一种方法...

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UWP - 未使用提供的指纹找到证书

我有一个 UWP 应用程序,可以在两个不同的设备上使用。在最新的 Visual Studio 2019 更新后,我开始收到此错误: 未找到带有提供的指纹的证书:

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使用 XAML 的 UWP 应用中的垂直文本

我想在边框元素内部垂直写入文本。如图所示。 我尝试过使用 RenderTransform 与此代码 我想在边框元素内部垂直写入文本。如图所示。 我尝试使用 RenderTransform 与此代码 <Border Width="80" Background="Teal"> <TextBlock Text="CATEGORIES" Foreground="White" FontFamily="Segoe UI Black" FontSize="30"> <TextBlock.RenderTransform> <RotateTransform Angle="-90" /> </TextBlock.RenderTransform> </TextBlock> </Border> 这会垂直旋转文本,但 TextBlock 采用变换之前的旧高度和宽度值,并且不会完全显示文本。因此文本在 80 像素(边框元素的宽度)后被截断。在搜索时我发现使用 LayoutTransform 可以解决问题,但它在 UWP 应用程序中不可用。如何在 UWP XAML 中执行此操作? 这在 UWP 上也对我有用。只需使用here发布的类,而不是帖子中的类。并且还复制博客文章中的样式。 编辑:onedrive 链接不再有效。所以我在这里发布代码。 创建一个新类LayoutTransformer using System; using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis; using Windows.Foundation; using Windows.UI.Xaml; using Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls; using Windows.UI.Xaml.Media; namespace Common { /// <summary> /// Represents a control that applies a layout transformation to its Content. /// </summary> /// <QualityBand>Preview</QualityBand> [TemplatePart(Name = TransformRootName, Type = typeof(Grid))] [TemplatePart(Name = PresenterName, Type = typeof(ContentPresenter))] public sealed class LayoutTransformer : ContentControl { /// <summary> /// Name of the TransformRoot template part. /// </summary> private const string TransformRootName = "TransformRoot"; /// <summary> /// Name of the Presenter template part. /// </summary> private const string PresenterName = "Presenter"; /// <summary> /// Gets or sets the layout transform to apply on the LayoutTransformer /// control content. /// </summary> /// <remarks> /// Corresponds to UIElement.LayoutTransform. /// </remarks> public Transform LayoutTransform { get { return (Transform)GetValue(LayoutTransformProperty); } set { SetValue(LayoutTransformProperty, value); } } /// <summary> /// Identifies the LayoutTransform DependencyProperty. /// </summary> public static readonly DependencyProperty LayoutTransformProperty = DependencyProperty.Register( "LayoutTransform", typeof(Transform), typeof(LayoutTransformer), new PropertyMetadata(null, LayoutTransformChanged)); /// <summary> /// Gets the child element being transformed. /// </summary> private FrameworkElement Child { get { // Preferred child is the content; fall back to the presenter itself return (null != _contentPresenter) ? (_contentPresenter.Content as FrameworkElement ?? _contentPresenter) : null; } } // Note: AcceptableDelta and DecimalsAfterRound work around double arithmetic rounding issues on Silverlight. private const double AcceptableDelta = 0.0001; private const int DecimalsAfterRound = 4; private Panel _transformRoot; private ContentPresenter _contentPresenter; private MatrixTransform _matrixTransform; private Matrix _transformation; private Size _childActualSize = Size.Empty; public LayoutTransformer() { // Associated default style DefaultStyleKey = typeof(LayoutTransformer); // Can't tab to LayoutTransformer IsTabStop = false; #if SILVERLIGHT // Disable layout rounding because its rounding of values confuses things UseLayoutRounding = false; #endif } /// <summary> /// Builds the visual tree for the LayoutTransformer control when a new /// template is applied. /// </summary> protected override void OnApplyTemplate() { // Apply new template base.OnApplyTemplate(); // Find template parts _transformRoot = GetTemplateChild(TransformRootName) as Grid; _contentPresenter = GetTemplateChild(PresenterName) as ContentPresenter; _matrixTransform = new MatrixTransform(); if (null != _transformRoot) { _transformRoot.RenderTransform = _matrixTransform; } // Apply the current transform ApplyLayoutTransform(); } /// <summary> /// Handles changes to the Transform DependencyProperty. /// </summary> /// <param name="o">Source of the change.</param> /// <param name="e">Event args.</param> private static void LayoutTransformChanged(DependencyObject o, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e) { // Casts are safe because Silverlight is enforcing the types ((LayoutTransformer)o).ProcessTransform((Transform)e.NewValue); } /// <summary> /// Applies the layout transform on the LayoutTransformer control content. /// </summary> /// <remarks> /// Only used in advanced scenarios (like animating the LayoutTransform). /// Should be used to notify the LayoutTransformer control that some aspect /// of its Transform property has changed. /// </remarks> public void ApplyLayoutTransform() { ProcessTransform(LayoutTransform); } /// <summary> /// Processes the Transform to determine the corresponding Matrix. /// </summary> /// <param name="transform">Transform to process.</param> private void ProcessTransform(Transform transform) { // Get the transform matrix and apply it _transformation = RoundMatrix(GetTransformMatrix(transform), DecimalsAfterRound); if (null != _matrixTransform) { _matrixTransform.Matrix = _transformation; } // New transform means re-layout is necessary InvalidateMeasure(); } /// <summary> /// Walks the Transform(Group) and returns the corresponding Matrix. /// </summary> /// <param name="transform">Transform(Group) to walk.</param> /// <returns>Computed Matrix.</returns> private Matrix GetTransformMatrix(Transform transform) { if (null != transform) { // WPF equivalent of this entire method: // return transform.Value; // Process the TransformGroup TransformGroup transformGroup = transform as TransformGroup; if (null != transformGroup) { Matrix groupMatrix = Matrix.Identity; foreach (Transform child in transformGroup.Children) { groupMatrix = MatrixMultiply(groupMatrix, GetTransformMatrix(child)); } return groupMatrix; } // Process the RotateTransform RotateTransform rotateTransform = transform as RotateTransform; if (null != rotateTransform) { double angle = rotateTransform.Angle; double angleRadians = (2 * Math.PI * angle) / 360; double sine = Math.Sin(angleRadians); double cosine = Math.Cos(angleRadians); return new Matrix(cosine, sine, -sine, cosine, 0, 0); } // Process the ScaleTransform ScaleTransform scaleTransform = transform as ScaleTransform; if (null != scaleTransform) { double scaleX = scaleTransform.ScaleX; double scaleY = scaleTransform.ScaleY; return new Matrix(scaleX, 0, 0, scaleY, 0, 0); } // Process the SkewTransform SkewTransform skewTransform = transform as SkewTransform; if (null != skewTransform) { double angleX = skewTransform.AngleX; double angleY = skewTransform.AngleY; double angleXRadians = (2 * Math.PI * angleX) / 360; double angleYRadians = (2 * Math.PI * angleY) / 360; return new Matrix(1, angleYRadians, angleXRadians, 1, 0, 0); } // Process the MatrixTransform MatrixTransform matrixTransform = transform as MatrixTransform; if (null != matrixTransform) { return matrixTransform.Matrix; } // TranslateTransform has no effect in LayoutTransform } // Fall back to no-op transformation return Matrix.Identity; } /// <summary> /// Provides the behavior for the "Measure" pass of layout. /// </summary> /// <param name="availableSize">The available size that this element can give to child elements.</param> /// <returns>The size that this element determines it needs during layout, based on its calculations of child element sizes.</returns> protected override Size MeasureOverride(Size availableSize) { FrameworkElement child = Child; if ((null == _transformRoot) || (null == child)) { // No content, no size return Size.Empty; } //DiagnosticWriteLine("MeasureOverride < " + availableSize); Size measureSize; if (_childActualSize == Size.Empty) { // Determine the largest size after the transformation measureSize = ComputeLargestTransformedSize(availableSize); } else { // Previous measure/arrange pass determined that Child.DesiredSize was larger than believed //DiagnosticWriteLine(" Using _childActualSize"); measureSize = _childActualSize; } // Perform a mesaure on the _transformRoot (containing Child) //DiagnosticWriteLine(" _transformRoot.Measure < " + measureSize); _transformRoot.Measure(measureSize); //DiagnosticWriteLine(" _transformRoot.DesiredSize = " + _transformRoot.DesiredSize); // WPF equivalent of _childActualSize technique (much simpler, but doesn't work on Silverlight 2) // // If the child is going to render larger than the available size, re-measure according to that size // child.Arrange(new Rect()); // if (child.RenderSize != child.DesiredSize) // { // _transformRoot.Measure(child.RenderSize); // } // Transform DesiredSize to find its width/height Rect transformedDesiredRect = RectTransform(new Rect(0, 0, _transformRoot.DesiredSize.Width, _transformRoot.DesiredSize.Height), _transformation); Size transformedDesiredSize = new Size(transformedDesiredRect.Width, transformedDesiredRect.Height); // Return result to allocate enough space for the transformation //DiagnosticWriteLine("MeasureOverride > " + transformedDesiredSize); return transformedDesiredSize; } /// <summary> /// Provides the behavior for the "Arrange" pass of layout. /// </summary> /// <param name="finalSize">The final area within the parent that this element should use to arrange itself and its children.</param> /// <returns>The actual size used.</returns> /// <remarks> /// Using the WPF paramater name finalSize instead of Silverlight's finalSize for clarity /// </remarks> protected override Size ArrangeOverride(Size finalSize) { FrameworkElement child = Child; if ((null == _transformRoot) || (null == child)) { // No child, use whatever was given return finalSize; } //DiagnosticWriteLine("ArrangeOverride < " + finalSize); // Determine the largest available size after the transformation Size finalSizeTransformed = ComputeLargestTransformedSize(finalSize); if (IsSizeSmaller(finalSizeTransformed, _transformRoot.DesiredSize)) { // Some elements do not like being given less space than they asked for (ex: TextBlock) // Bump the working size up to do the right thing by them //DiagnosticWriteLine(" Replacing finalSizeTransformed with larger _transformRoot.DesiredSize"); finalSizeTransformed = _transformRoot.DesiredSize; } //DiagnosticWriteLine(" finalSizeTransformed = " + finalSizeTransformed); // Transform the working size to find its width/height Rect transformedRect = RectTransform(new Rect(0, 0, finalSizeTransformed.Width, finalSizeTransformed.Height), _transformation); // Create the Arrange rect to center the transformed content Rect finalRect = new Rect( -transformedRect.Left + ((finalSize.Width - transformedRect.Width) / 2), -transformedRect.Top + ((finalSize.Height - transformedRect.Height) / 2), finalSizeTransformed.Width, finalSizeTransformed.Height); // Perform an Arrange on _transformRoot (containing Child) //DiagnosticWriteLine(" _transformRoot.Arrange < " + finalRect); _transformRoot.Arrange(finalRect); //DiagnosticWriteLine(" Child.RenderSize = " + child.RenderSize); // This is the first opportunity under Silverlight to find out the Child's true DesiredSize if (IsSizeSmaller(finalSizeTransformed, child.RenderSize) && (Size.Empty == _childActualSize)) { // Unfortunately, all the work so far is invalid because the wrong DesiredSize was used //DiagnosticWriteLine(" finalSizeTransformed smaller than Child.RenderSize"); // Make a note of the actual DesiredSize _childActualSize = new Size(child.ActualWidth, child.ActualHeight); //DiagnosticWriteLine(" _childActualSize = " + _childActualSize); // Force a new measure/arrange pass InvalidateMeasure(); } else { // Clear the "need to measure/arrange again" flag _childActualSize = Size.Empty; } //DiagnosticWriteLine(" _transformRoot.RenderSize = " + _transformRoot.RenderSize); // Return result to perform the transformation //DiagnosticWriteLine("ArrangeOverride > " + finalSize); return finalSize; } /// <summary> /// Compute the largest usable size (greatest area) after applying the transformation to the specified bounds. /// </summary> /// <param name="arrangeBounds">Arrange bounds.</param> /// <returns>Largest Size possible.</returns> [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Maintainability", "CA1502:AvoidExcessiveComplexity", Justification = "Closely corresponds to WPF's FrameworkElement.FindMaximalAreaLocalSpaceRect.")] private Size ComputeLargestTransformedSize(Size arrangeBounds) { //DiagnosticWriteLine(" ComputeLargestTransformedSize < " + arrangeBounds); // Computed largest transformed size Size computedSize = Size.Empty; // Detect infinite bounds and constrain the scenario bool infiniteWidth = double.IsInfinity(arrangeBounds.Width); if (infiniteWidth) { arrangeBounds.Width = arrangeBounds.Height; } bool infiniteHeight = double.IsInfinity(arrangeBounds.Height); if (infiniteHeight) { arrangeBounds.Height = arrangeBounds.Width; } // Capture the matrix parameters double a = _transformation.M11; double b = _transformation.M12; double c = _transformation.M21; double d = _transformation.M22; // Compute maximum possible transformed width/height based on starting width/height // These constraints define two lines in the positive x/y quadrant double maxWidthFromWidth = Math.Abs(arrangeBounds.Width / a); double maxHeightFromWidth = Math.Abs(arrangeBounds.Width / c); double maxWidthFromHeight = Math.Abs(arrangeBounds.Height / b); double maxHeightFromHeight = Math.Abs(arrangeBounds.Height / d); // The transformed width/height that maximize the area under each segment is its midpoint // At most one of the two midpoints will satisfy both constraints double idealWidthFromWidth = maxWidthFromWidth / 2; double idealHeightFromWidth = maxHeightFromWidth / 2; double idealWidthFromHeight = maxWidthFromHeight / 2; double idealHeightFromHeight = maxHeightFromHeight / 2; // Compute slope of both constraint lines double slopeFromWidth = -(maxHeightFromWidth / maxWidthFromWidth); double slopeFromHeight = -(maxHeightFromHeight / maxWidthFromHeight); if ((0 == arrangeBounds.Width) || (0 == arrangeBounds.Height)) { // Check for empty bounds computedSize = new Size(arrangeBounds.Width, arrangeBounds.Height); } else if (infiniteWidth && infiniteHeight) { // Check for completely unbound scenario computedSize = new Size(double.PositiveInfinity, double.PositiveInfinity); } else if (!MatrixHasInverse(_transformation)) { // Check for singular matrix computedSize = new Size(0, 0); } else if ((0 == b) || (0 == c)) { // Check for 0/180 degree special cases double maxHeight = (infiniteHeight ? double.PositiveInfinity : maxHeightFromHeight); double maxWidth = (infiniteWidth ? double.PositiveInfinity : maxWidthFromWidth); if ((0 == b) && (0 == c)) { // No constraints computedSize = new Size(maxWidth, maxHeight); } else if (0 == b) { // Constrained by width double computedHeight = Math.Min(idealHeightFromWidth, maxHeight); computedSize = new Size( maxWidth - Math.Abs((c * computedHeight) / a), computedHeight); } else if (0 == c) { // Constrained by height double computedWidth = Math.Min(idealWidthFromHeight, maxWidth); computedSize = new Size( computedWidth, maxHeight - Math.Abs((b * computedWidth) / d)); } } else if ((0 == a) || (0 == d)) { // Check for 90/270 degree special cases double maxWidth = (infiniteHeight ? double.PositiveInfinity : maxWidthFromHeight); double maxHeight = (infiniteWidth ? double.PositiveInfinity : maxHeightFromWidth); if ((0 == a) && (0 == d)) { // No constraints computedSize = new Size(maxWidth, maxHeight); } else if (0 == a) { // Constrained by width double computedHeight = Math.Min(idealHeightFromHeight, maxHeight); computedSize = new Size( maxWidth - Math.Abs((d * computedHeight) / b), computedHeight); } else if (0 == d) { // Constrained by height double computedWidth = Math.Min(idealWidthFromWidth, maxWidth); computedSize = new Size( computedWidth, maxHeight - Math.Abs((a * computedWidth) / c)); } } else if (idealHeightFromWidth <= ((slopeFromHeight * idealWidthFromWidth) + maxHeightFromHeight)) { // Check the width midpoint for viability (by being below the height constraint line) computedSize = new Size(idealWidthFromWidth, idealHeightFromWidth); } else if (idealHeightFromHeight <= ((slopeFromWidth * idealWidthFromHeight) + maxHeightFromWidth)) { // Check the height midpoint for viability (by being below the width constraint line) computedSize = new Size(idealWidthFromHeight, idealHeightFromHeight); } else { // Neither midpoint is viable; use the intersection of the two constraint lines instead // Compute width by setting heights equal (m1*x+c1=m2*x+c2) double computedWidth = (maxHeightFromHeight - maxHeightFromWidth) / (slopeFromWidth - slopeFromHeight); // Compute height from width constraint line (y=m*x+c; using height would give same result) computedSize = new Size( computedWidth, (slopeFromWidth * computedWidth) + maxHeightFromWidth); } // Return result //DiagnosticWriteLine(" ComputeLargestTransformedSize > " + computedSize); return computedSize; } /// <summary> /// Returns true if Size a is smaller than Size b in either dimension. /// </summary> /// <param name="a">Second Size.</param> /// <param name="b">First Size.</param> /// <returns>True if Size a is smaller than Size b in either dimension.</returns> private static bool IsSizeSmaller(Size a, Size b) { // WPF equivalent of following code: // return ((a.Width < b.Width) || (a.Height < b.Height)); return ((a.Width + AcceptableDelta < b.Width) || (a.Height + AcceptableDelta < b.Height)); } /// <summary> /// Rounds the non-offset elements of a Matrix to avoid issues due to floating point imprecision. /// </summary> /// <param name="matrix">Matrix to round.</param> /// <param name="decimals">Number of decimal places to round to.</param> /// <returns>Rounded Matrix.</returns> private static Matrix RoundMatrix(Matrix matrix, int decimals) { return new Matrix( Math.Round(matrix.M11, decimals), Math.Round(matrix.M12, decimals), Math.Round(matrix.M21, decimals), Math.Round(matrix.M22, decimals), matrix.OffsetX, matrix.OffsetY); } /// <summary> /// Implements WPF's Rect.Transform on Silverlight. /// </summary> /// <param name="rect">Rect to transform.</param> /// <param name="matrix">Matrix to transform with.</param> /// <returns>Bounding box of transformed Rect.</returns> private static Rect RectTransform(Rect rect, Matrix matrix) { // WPF equivalent of following code: // Rect rectTransformed = Rect.Transform(rect, matrix); Point leftTop = matrix.Transform(new Point(rect.Left, rect.Top)); Point rightTop = matrix.Transform(new Point(rect.Right, rect.Top)); Point leftBottom = matrix.Transform(new Point(rect.Left, rect.Bottom)); Point rightBottom = matrix.Transform(new Point(rect.Right, rect.Bottom)); double left = Math.Min(Math.Min(leftTop.X, rightTop.X), Math.Min(leftBottom.X, rightBottom.X)); double top = Math.Min(Math.Min(leftTop.Y, rightTop.Y), Math.Min(leftBottom.Y, rightBottom.Y)); double right = Math.Max(Math.Max(leftTop.X, rightTop.X), Math.Max(leftBottom.X, rightBottom.X)); double bottom = Math.Max(Math.Max(leftTop.Y, rightTop.Y), Math.Max(leftBottom.Y, rightBottom.Y)); Rect rectTransformed = new Rect(left, top, right - left, bottom - top); return rectTransformed; } /// <summary> /// Implements WPF's Matrix.Multiply on Silverlight. /// </summary> /// <param name="matrix1">First matrix.</param> /// <param name="matrix2">Second matrix.</param> /// <returns>Multiplication result.</returns> private static Matrix MatrixMultiply(Matrix matrix1, Matrix matrix2) { // WPF equivalent of following code: // return Matrix.Multiply(matrix1, matrix2); return new Matrix( (matrix1.M11 * matrix2.M11) + (matrix1.M12 * matrix2.M21), (matrix1.M11 * matrix2.M12) + (matrix1.M12 * matrix2.M22), (matrix1.M21 * matrix2.M11) + (matrix1.M22 * matrix2.M21), (matrix1.M21 * matrix2.M12) + (matrix1.M22 * matrix2.M22), ((matrix1.OffsetX * matrix2.M11) + (matrix1.OffsetY * matrix2.M21)) + matrix2.OffsetX, ((matrix1.OffsetX * matrix2.M12) + (matrix1.OffsetY * matrix2.M22)) + matrix2.OffsetY); } /// <summary> /// Implements WPF's Matrix.HasInverse on Silverlight. /// </summary> /// <param name="matrix">Matrix to check for inverse.</param> /// <returns>True if the Matrix has an inverse.</returns> private static bool MatrixHasInverse(Matrix matrix) { // WPF equivalent of following code: // return matrix.HasInverse; return (0 != ((matrix.M11 * matrix.M22) - (matrix.M12 * matrix.M21))); } } } 在 App.xaml 文件中 添加通用命名空间 xmlns:common="using:Common" 在 ApplicationResources 中创建新样式 <Application.Resources> <Style TargetType="common:LayoutTransformer"> <Setter Property="Foreground" Value="#FF000000"/> <Setter Property="Template"> <Setter.Value> <ControlTemplate TargetType="common:LayoutTransformer"> <Grid x:Name="TransformRoot" Background="{TemplateBinding Background}"> <ContentPresenter x:Name="Presenter" Content="{TemplateBinding Content}" ContentTemplate="{TemplateBinding ContentTemplate}"/> </Grid> </ControlTemplate> </Setter.Value> </Setter> </Style> </Application.Resources> 现在将文本块逆时针旋转 90 度 添加通用命名空间 xmlns:common="using:Common" 并使用此代码 <common:LayoutTransformer> <common:LayoutTransformer.LayoutTransform> <RotateTransform Angle="-90" /> </common:LayoutTransformer.LayoutTransform> <TextBlock Text="CATEGORIES" FontSize="30"/> </common:LayoutTransformer> 如果旋转边框(父边框),TextBlock 也会旋转,因为它是边框的子边框。 <Border Height="80" Background="Teal"> <Border.RenderTransform> <RotateTransform Angle="-90" /> </Border.RenderTransform> <TextBlock Text="CATEGORIES" Foreground="White" FontFamily="Segoe UI Black" FontSize="30"> </TextBlock> </Border>

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尝试部署我的 uwp 应用程序时(模拟器、本地或 x86、x64 没有区别),我收到以下错误: 错误:DEP0500:无法删除文件夹“... in\x86\Debug\AppX”。 一个...

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UWP Async MenuFlyout openopened

我需要以编程的方式设置我的MenuFlyout。但是,我注意到在我的函数中添加了async代码,MenuFlyout不显示它的项目,除非我第二次右键点击项目 ...

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如何从C++ UWP应用中引用C# UWP类库?

当我试图从C++ UWP应用程序中引用C# UWP类库中的方法时,我得到了一个COMException。这发生在最基本的设置中,所以我一定是做错了什么。回复:...

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这不是一个重复,因为这与引用链接无关,因为这是一个基于windows的应用程序,也与脚本的位置无关,因为这与web ...

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我有一个按钮,我想用它来启动视频播放,所以它应该看起来像一个 "播放 "按钮。这个按钮在屏幕上会相当大。这是我目前所拥有的。

回答 4 投票 22


我有一个Windows通用应用程序,它被认为是作为一个TCP服务器。 m_Listener = new StreamSocketListener(); m_Listener.ConnectionReceived += (s, e) => ProcessRequestAsync(e.Socket); ...

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