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it('POST /direct/bulk', function () {
    const file = getFile('notif-direct-bulk.csv')
    sinon.stub(notificationService.constructor.prototype, 'validateNotification').resolves(true)
    sinon.stub(notificationService.constructor.prototype, 'createInAppNotification').resolves(true)
    sinon.stub(fileService.constructor.prototype, 'storeFile').resolves(file.path)
    sinon.stub(fileService.constructor.prototype, 'deleteFile').returns(true)

    notificationService.validateNotification() // it's a stub
     .then((valid) => { 
       return fileService.storeFile() // it's a stub 
     .then((storedFilePath) => {
       const reader = new require('line-by-line')(storedFilePath)
       console.log(notificationService.createInAppNotification()) // it's still a stub 
       console.log(fileService.deleteFile()) // it's still a stub 
        .on('line', (line) => {
          // inside this scope the stubs are not working
          notificationService.createInAppNotification() // calling the original method, not a stub
        .on('end', () => {
          // inside this scope the stubs are not working
          fileService.deleteFile() // calling the original method, not a stub


我想知道为什么会这样吗? .on范围与sinonjs范围不同吗?

sinon stub




  • const sinon = require('sinon'); const { expect } = require('chai'); const LineByLinereader = require('line-by-line'); // Example class to show that real method not get called. const notificationService = { validateNotification() { console.log('Real validateNotification get called'); // Return the opposite value based on your test (true). return new Promise((r) => r(false)); }, createInAppNotification() { console.log('Real createInAppNotification get called'); // Return the opposite value based on your test (true). return new Promise((r) => r(false)); }, }; // Example class to show that real method not get called. const fileService = { storeFile() { console.log('Real storeFile get called'); // Return the opposite value based on your test (string not empty). return new Promise((r) => r('')); }, deleteFile() { console.log('Real deleteFile get called'); // Return the opposite value based on your test (true). return false; }, }; function getFile() { // Return real dummy file path. return { path: './test.txt', }; } // Mocha asynchronous code using done. it('POST /direct/bulk', (done) => { const file = getFile('notif-direct-bulk.csv'); const stubValidateNotification = sinon.stub(notificationService, 'validateNotification'); stubValidateNotification.resolves(true); const stubCreateInAppNotification = sinon.stub(notificationService, 'createInAppNotification'); stubCreateInAppNotification.resolves(true); const stubStoreFile = sinon.stub(fileService, 'storeFile'); stubStoreFile.resolves(file.path); const stubDeleteFile = sinon.stub(fileService, 'deleteFile'); stubDeleteFile.returns(true); notificationService.validateNotification() // it's a stub .then(() => fileService.storeFile()) // it's a stub .then((storedFilePath) => { // Expect the result is correct with file above. expect(storedFilePath).to.equal(file.path); // Initiate synchronous processing of lines. const reader = new LineByLinereader(storedFilePath); console.log(notificationService.createInAppNotification()); // it's still a stub console.log(fileService.deleteFile()); // it's still a stub reader .on('line', async () => { // inside this scope the stubs are not working const result = await notificationService.createInAppNotification(); // calling the original method, not a stub expect(result).to.equal(true); }) .on('end', () => { // inside this scope the stubs are not working const result = fileService.deleteFile(); // calling the original method, not a stub expect(result).to.equal(true); // Expect all stub get called once. expect(stubValidateNotification.calledOnce).to.equal(true); expect(stubCreateInAppNotification.calledOnce).to.equal(true); expect(stubStoreFile.calledOnce).to.equal(true); // You expect this stub to get called twice. expect(stubDeleteFile.calledTwice).to.equal(true); // Finish the test. done(); }); }); });

    $ npx mocha stackoverflow.js Promise { true } true ✓ POST /direct/bulk 1 passing (35ms) $

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