MP4Box 破折号段持续时间漂移

问题描述 投票:0回答:0

我想对视频进行分段,但分段持续时间漂移很多。 我使用这个网站从 youtube 下载了视频:“”

我在 MP4Box 上使用这个命令:

$ MP4Box -dash 4000 -frag 4000 -rap -segment-name test_ video.mp4


[Dasher] First CTS 229376 in segment 4 drifting by 2.93333 (more than half a segment duration) from segment time, consider reencoding or using segment timeline
[Dasher] First CTS 312320 in segment 5 drifting by 4.33333 (more than half a segment duration) from segment time, consider reencoding or using segment timeline
[Dasher] First CTS 380416 in segment 6 drifting by 4.76667 (more than half a segment duration) from segment time, consider reencoding or using segment timeline
[Dasher] First CTS 458752 in segment 7 drifting by 5.86667 (more than half a segment duration) from segment time, consider reencoding or using segment timeline
[Dasher] First CTS 536576 in segment 8 drifting by 6.93333 (more than half a segment duration) from segment time, consider reencoding or using segment timeline
[Dasher] First CTS 614400 in segment 9 drifting by 8 (more than half a segment duration) from segment time, consider reencoding or using segment timeline
[Dasher] First CTS 692224 in segment 10 drifting by 9.06667 (more than half a segment duration) from segment time, consider reencoding or using segment timeline
[Dasher] First CTS 770048 in segment 11 drifting by 10.1333 (more than half a segment duration) from segment time, consider reencoding or using segment timeline
[Dasher] First CTS 847872 in segment 12 drifting by 11.2 (more than half a segment duration) from segment time, consider reencoding or using segment timeline
[Dasher] First CTS 929280 in segment 13 drifting by 12.5 (more than half a segment duration) from segment time, consider reencoding or using segment timeline
[Dasher] First CTS 1007616 in segment 14 drifting by 13.6 (more than half a segment duration) from segment time, consider reencoding or using segment timeline
[Dasher] First CTS 1085440 in segment 15 drifting by 14.6667 (more than half a segment duration) from segment time, consider reencoding or using segment timeline
[Dasher] First CTS 1163264 in segment 16 drifting by 15.7333 (more than half a segment duration) from segment time, consider reencoding or using segment timeline
[Dasher] First CTS 1241088 in segment 17 drifting by 16.8 (more than half a segment duration) from segment time, consider reencoding or using segment timeline
[Dasher] First CTS 1318912 in segment 18 drifting by 17.8667 (more than half a segment duration) from segment time, consider reencoding or using segment timeline
[Dasher] First CTS 1396736 in segment 19 drifting by 18.9333 (more than half a segment duration) from segment time, consider reencoding or using segment timeline
[MPD] Generating MPD at time 2023-04-04T15:12:39.302Z5.23s 99 %
[Dasher] End of Period 
[Dasher] End of MPD (no more active streams)


并且错误仍然存在,总是得到 19 个片段而不是预期的 24 个片段(1:36 视频持续时间和 4s 片段)。

mp4 mpeg-dash mp4box
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