
问题描述 投票:0回答:1

我一直在尝试将一些Mathematica/伪代码从这个答案移植到Python/Blender(问题的条件实际上与我的相同)。 答案有两次编辑,每次编辑都使用相同算法的不同版本。我已经移植了第一个,但正在努力解决第二个。

Python 中的第一个编辑是这样的:

stack = deque()
while any(intersections[r] for r in rectangles):
    rectangles.sort(key=lambda r: intersections[r])
    del rectangles[0]

while stack:
    rectangles.insert(0, stack[0])

    rect = rectangles[0]

    g = geometric_centre(points)
    b, d = points[rect]
    m = ((b + d) / 2) - g

    i = 1
    while has_intersections(rect, points):
        x = (-1)**i * i * INCR
        vec = Vector((x, x)) * m
        b += vec
        d += vec
        i += 1


是每个矩形到两个 mathutils.vectors 元组的字典,代表其右上角和左下角。


但是我在从第二次编辑中移植改进的“多角度搜索”伪代码时遇到了麻烦,其中第二个 while 循环现在是:

While stack not empty
    find the geometric center G of the chart (each time!)
    find the PREFERRED movement vector M (from G to rectangle center)
    pop  rectangle from stack 
    With the rectangle
         While there are intersections (list+rectangle)
              For increasing movement modulus
                 For increasing angle (0, Pi/4)
                    rotate vector M expanding the angle alongside M
                    (* angle, -angle, Pi + angle, Pi-angle*)
                    re-position the rectangle accorging to M
    Re-insert modified vector into list


while stack:
    rectangles.insert(0, stack[0])

    rect = rectangles[0]

    g = geometric_centre(points)
    b, d = points[rect]
    m = ((b + d) / 2) - g
    old_m = m.copy()

    while has_intersections(rect, points):
        for i in range(1, abs(int(m.magnitude))):
            for angle in (15, 30, 36, 45):
                m.rotate(Matrix.Rotation(radians(angle), 2))
                b += old_m - m
                d += old_m - m


python math graphics geometry blender


G <- geometric center of all rects
pivot <- rect closest to the center
left <- all rects with centers left of pivot
right <- all rects with centers right of pivot

while {left} not empty:
  newpivot <- last element in {left}
  move newpivot so that:
    - the center of newpivot is to the left of the pivot center, and
    - the distance between centers is (at least) half the sum of their widths
  remove newpivot from {left}
  pivot <- newpivot

while {right} not empty:
  the mirror of the left code

move all rects by (G - G2)


function sourceCode() {
  let rects = [];

  function setup() {
    setSize(400, 160);
    addSlider(`step`, {
      min: 0,
      max: 6,
      step: 1,
      value: 6,
      transform: v => {
        return v;

  // generate a bunch of overlapping rects
  function setupRects() {
    rects = [];
    for (let i = 0, c = 0; i < 12; i++) {
      c += 20;
        c: 70 + c,
        w: random(10, 40),
        h: random(20, 100)

  // reposition the rects and then draw them
  function draw() {
    translate(25, 20);
    axes(`x`, 0, width - 30, `y`, 0, height - 25);  

  function drawRects() {
    rects.forEach(r => {
      rect(r.c - r.w / 2, 60 - r.h / 2, r.w, r.h);

  // repositioning means finding our pivot, then
  // building the left and right lists, and then
  // updating the rects in those lists.
  function reposition() {
    const G = getCenter(); 
    const pivot = rects.reduce((p, r) => {
      const v1 = abs(r.c - G.x);
      const v2 = abs(p.c - G.x);
      return (v1 < v2) ? r : p;
    }, { c: huge });
    const left = rects.filter(r => r.c < pivot.c);
    const right = rects.filter(r => r.c > pivot.c);

    moveRects(pivot, left, right);

    const G2 = getCenter();
    rects.forEach(r => r.c -= (G.x - G2.x));

  // the geometric center is just the average of all centers
  function getCenter() {
    const x = rects.reduce((t, v) => t + v.c, 0) / rects.length;
    return { x, y: 60 };

  // Our actual algorithm:
  function moveRects(p, left, right) {
    // shift everything in left, one rect at a time
    let n = 0;
    let pivot = p;
    while (left.length > 0 && n++ < step) {
      const newPivot = left.at(-1);
      // the distance between centers
      const d = abs(pivot.c - newPivot.c);
      // the minimum distance we need for there to be no overlap
      const minD = (pivot.w + newPivot.w) / 2;
      // so.. is there an overlap?
      if (d < minD) {
        // if there is, move _all_ rects left by that much,
        // plus a little bit extra to create visual gaps.
        const offset = minD - d;
        left.forEach(r => (r.c -= 5 + offset));
      pivot = left.pop();

    // and then we do the same for right.
    n = 0;
    pivot = p;
    while (right.length > 0 && n++ < step) {
      const newPivot = right[0];
      const d = abs(pivot.c - newPivot.c);
      const minD = (pivot.w + newPivot.w) / 2;
      if (d < minD) {
        const offset = minD - d;
        right.forEach(r => (r.c += 5 + offset));
      pivot = right.shift();


customElements.whenDefined(`graphics-element`).then(() => {
  graphics.onerror = e => console.error(e.detail);
<script type="module" src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/graphics-element/3.0.0/graphics-element.js" integrity="..." crossorigin="anonymous" referrerpolicy="no-referrer"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/graphics-element/3.0.0/graphics-element.css" integrity="..." crossorigin="anonymous" referrerpolicy="no-referrer" />
<graphics-element title="running through the algorithm" id="graphics"></graphics-element>


的正确一侧,但是你可以稍微重写一下——当然,除了在 Python 中实现之外——以使用更高效的算法)

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