
问题描述 投票:0回答:1


import numpy as np
import math
from iapws import IAPWS97
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

case = int(input('Which case [1 (PWR) or 2 (BWR)]? '))

if case == 1:  # PWR
    H = 3.8  # m
    He = 3.8  # m
    Pitch = 1.25 * 10 ** (-2)  # m
    Gap_t = 0.00006  # m
    D_fuel = 0.0082  # m
    k_gap = 0.25  # W/m-K
    k_c = 21.5  # W/m-K
    k_fuel = 3.6  # W/m-K
    T0 = float(278 + 273.15)  # K
    q0_prime = float(330 * 10 ** (2))  # W/m
    P0 = 15  # MPa
    MF = float(3460)  # kg/m^2-s
    D_rod = .0095  # m
    R_rod = D_rod / 2
    R_fuel = D_fuel / 2
    R_gap = R_fuel + Gap_t
    R_clad = R_rod
    Clad_t = D_rod - D_fuel - Gap_t  # m
    h0_enthalpy = (IAPWS97(T=T0, P=P0).h) * 10 ** (3)
    T_sat0 = IAPWS97(P=P0, x=0).T
    g = 9.81  # m/s

    # geometry properties
    heated_p = math.pi * D_rod
    wetted_p = math.pi * D_rod
    A_f = (Pitch ** 2) - ((1 / 4) * math.pi * (D_rod ** 2))
    D_H = (4 * A_f) / heated_p

    # grid setup
    grid_points = 100
    dz = H / grid_points
    z_array = np.arange(0, H, dz)
    z_arrayplots = np.arange(0, H, dz)
    q_HeatFluxList = []

    # defining array of q'' values in list
    for z in z_array:
        heat_fluxA = (q0_prime / (math.pi * D_rod)) * math.sin(math.pi * (z / He))

    q_heat_flux = np.array(q_HeatFluxList)

    q_prime = np.zeros(len(z_array))

    for i in range(0, len(z_array)):
        q_prime[i] = q0_prime * math.sin((np.pi * z_array[i]) / He)

    # defining array of h values
    h_enthalpy_list = []
    h_enthalpy_prefactor = ((heated_p * q0_prime * H) / (A_f * MF * (math.pi ** 2) * D_rod))
    for z in z_array:
        h_enthalpy = (-h_enthalpy_prefactor * math.cos(math.pi * (z / He))) + h_enthalpy_prefactor + h0_enthalpy

    h_enthalpy_array_J = np.array(h_enthalpy_list)
    h_enthalpy_array = h_enthalpy_array_J * 10 ** (-3)

    P_array = np.zeros(len(z_array))
    P_array[0] = P0

    T_sat = np.zeros(len(z_array))
    T_sat[0] = T_sat0

    T_f_array = np.zeros(len(z_array))
    T_f_array[0] = T0

    Re = np.zeros(len(z_array))
    Re_f = np.zeros(len(z_array))
    Pr = np.zeros(len(z_array))

    k_fluid = np.zeros(len(z_array))

    x_array = np.zeros(len(z_array))
    xe_array = np.zeros(len(z_array))

    frictional = np.zeros(len(z_array))
    gravitational = np.zeros(len(z_array))
    compressibility = np.zeros(len(z_array))

    # Pressure Loop PWR
    dp = 0.001
    for i in range(0, len(z_array) - 1):
        rho_f = IAPWS97(P=P_array[i], x=0).rho
        vf = IAPWS97(P=P_array[i], x=0).v
        vg = IAPWS97(P=P_array[i], x=1).v
        hf_enthalpy = IAPWS97(P=P_array[i], x=0).h
        hg_enthalpy = IAPWS97(P=P_array[i], x=1).h
        muf = (IAPWS97(P=P_array[i], x=0).mu) * 10 ** (-6)
        mug = (IAPWS97(P=P_array[i], x=1).mu) * 10 ** (-6)
        k_fluid[i] = IAPWS97(P=P_array[i], T=T_f_array[i]).k
        Pr[i] = IAPWS97(P=P_array[i], h=h_enthalpy_array[i]).Liquid.Prandt

        x_array[i] = 0
        xe_array[i] = (h_enthalpy_array[i] - hf_enthalpy) / (hg_enthalpy - hf_enthalpy)

        rho_m = 1 / ((x_array[i] * vg) + ((1 - x_array[i]) * vf))
        mu_m = 1 / ((x_array[i] / mug) + ((1 - x_array[i]) / muf))

        Re[i] = (MF * D_H) / (mu_m * 10 ** 6)  # convert mu to Pa/s
        f = 0.079 * (Re[i] ** -0.25) * (mu_m / muf)
        Tau = (1 / 2) * f * ((MF ** 2) / rho_m)

        Re_f[i] = Re[i]

        vf_plus_dP = IAPWS97(P=P_array[i] + dp, x=0).v
        vf_minus_dP = IAPWS97(P=P_array[i] - dp, x=0).v

        ddP_vf = (vf_plus_dP - vf_minus_dP) / (2 * (dp * 10 ** 6))

        frictional[i] = (Tau * wetted_p) / A_f
        gravitational[i] = g * rho_f
        compressibility[i] = (MF ** 2) * (ddP_vf)

        dPdz_num = (frictional[i] + gravitational[i])  # Pa/m
        dPdz_denom = 1 + compressibility[i]  # Pa/m
        dPdz = -dPdz_num / dPdz_denom  # Pa/m

        P_array[i + 1] = P_array[i] + ((dPdz * dz) * 10 ** (-6))
        T_f_array[i + 1] = IAPWS97(P=P_array[i + 1], h=h_enthalpy_array[i + 1]).T
        T_sat[i + 1] = IAPWS97(P=P_array[i + 1], x=0).T

    # final calc for final value of quality and void fraction because loop stops before these
    hf_final = IAPWS97(P=P_array[-1], x=0).h
    hg_final = IAPWS97(P=P_array[-1], x=1).h
    muf_final = (IAPWS97(P=P_array[-1], x=0).mu) * 10 ** (-6)
    mug_final = (IAPWS97(P=P_array[-1], x=1).mu) * 10 ** (-6)
    k_fluid[-1] = IAPWS97(P=P_array[-1], T=T_f_array[-1]).k

    xe_array[-1] = (h_enthalpy_array[-1] - hf_final) / (hg_final - hf_final)

    # fuel and clad temps
    T_C_Outer = np.zeros(len(z_array))

    mu_m_final = 1 / ((x_array[-1] / mug_final) + ((1 - x_array[-1]) / muf_final))

    Re_f[-1] = (MF * D_H) / (muf_final * 10 ** 6)

    Pr[-1] = IAPWS97(P=P_array[i], h=h_enthalpy_array[i]).Liquid.Prandt

    h_HT = 0.023 * (Re_f[0] ** 0.8) * (Pr[0] ** 0.4) * (k_fluid[0] / D_H)

    T_C_Outer[0] = (q_heat_flux[0] + (h_HT * T_f_array[0])) / h_HT

    for i in range(0, len(z_array) - 1):
        h_HT = 0.023 * (Re_f[i + 1] ** 0.8) * (Pr[i + 1] ** 0.4) * (k_fluid[i + 1] / D_H)
        T_C_Outer[i + 1] = (q_heat_flux[i + 1] + (h_HT * T_f_array[i + 1])) / h_HT

    q_triple_prime = (q_prime * 4) / (np.pi * (D_fuel ** 2))

    T_C_Inner = np.zeros(len(z_array))
    T_F_Outer = np.zeros(len(z_array))
    T_F_Center = np.zeros(len(z_array))

    for i in range(0, len(z_array)):
        C1 = -((q0_prime * R_clad) / (k_c * heated_p)) * np.sin(np.pi * (z_array[i] / H))
        C2 = T_C_Outer[i] - (C1 * np.log(R_clad))

        T_C_Inner[i] = (C1 * np.log(R_gap)) + C2

        C3 = (k_c / k_gap) * C1
        C4 = T_C_Inner[i] - (C3 * np.log(R_gap))

        T_F_Outer[i] = (C3 * np.log(R_fuel)) + C4

        C6 = T_F_Outer[i] + ((q_triple_prime[i] * (R_fuel ** 2)) / (4 * k_fuel))

        T_F_Center[i] = C6

    CL_max = np.amax(T_F_Center)
    index = np.where(T_F_Center == CL_max)
    z_CL_max = z_array[index]
    Clad_max = np.amax(T_C_Inner)
    index = np.where(T_C_Inner == Clad_max)
    z_Clad_max = z_array[index]

    plt.plot(T_C_Outer, z_arrayplots, label='Clad Outer Surface Temp')
    plt.plot(T_C_Inner, z_arrayplots, label='Clad Inner Surface Temp')
    plt.legend(loc='upper left')
    plt.xlabel("Temperature [K]")
    plt.ylabel("Height z [m]")
    plt.savefig("TempClad.png", dpi=600)

    plt.plot(T_C_Outer, z_arrayplots, label='Clad Outer Surface Temp')
    plt.plot(T_C_Inner, z_arrayplots, label='Clad Inner Surface Temp')
    plt.plot(T_F_Outer, z_arrayplots, label='Fuel Outer Surface Temp')
    plt.plot(T_F_Center, z_arrayplots, label='Fuel Centerline Temp')
    plt.legend(loc='upper left')
    plt.xlabel("Temperature [K]")
    plt.ylabel("Height z [m]")
    plt.savefig("TempFuelAndClad.png", dpi=600)

    # radial calcs
    T_array_A = [T_F_Center[25], T_F_Outer[25], T_C_Inner[25], T_C_Outer[25]]
    T_array_B = [T_F_Center[49], T_F_Outer[49], T_C_Inner[49], T_C_Outer[49]]
    T_array_C = [T_F_Center[53], T_F_Outer[53], T_C_Inner[53], T_C_Outer[53]]
    r_array = [0, R_fuel, R_gap, R_clad]

    plt.plot(r_array, T_array_A, label='z = -H/4 = -0.9 m')
    plt.plot(r_array, T_array_B, label='z = 0 m')
    plt.plot(r_array, T_array_C, '--', label='z = zmax = 0.108 m')
    plt.legend(loc='upper left')
    plt.ylabel("Temperature [K]")
    plt.xlabel("Radius r [m]")
    plt.savefig("TempRadial.png", dpi=600)

    # critical heat flux and DNBR

    P_array_DNBR = np.delete(P_array, 0)
    q_heat_flux_DNBR = np.delete(q_heat_flux, 0)
    z_arrayplots_DNBR = np.delete(z_arrayplots, 0)

    G_Mlbs = MF * (((2.20462 * 10 ** (-6)) * 3600) / 10.7639)

    q_heat_flux_MBtu = q_heat_flux[1:] * 3.41 * (1 / 1000000) * (1 / 10.7639)

    P_c = 22.064  # https://nuclearstreet.com/nuclear-power-plants/w/nuclear_power_plants/features-of-pressurized-water-reactors
    P_crit = P_array_DNBR / P_c
    P1 = 0.5328
    P2 = 0.1212
    P3 = 1.6151
    P4 = 1.4066
    P5 = -0.3040
    P6 = 0.4843
    P7 = -0.3285
    P8 = -2.0749

    A = P1 * (P_crit ** P2) * (G_Mlbs ** (P5 + (P7 * P_crit)))
    C = P3 * (P_crit ** P4) * (G_Mlbs ** (P6 + (P8 * P_crit)))

    q_crit_heat_flux_MBtu = (A - xe_array[0]) / (C + ((xe_array[1:] - xe_array[0]) / q_heat_flux_MBtu))

    q_crit_heat_flux = q_crit_heat_flux_MBtu * (1 / 3.41) * 1000000 * 10.7639

    DNBR = q_crit_heat_flux / q_heat_flux_DNBR

    plt.plot(DNBR, z_arrayplots_DNBR)
    plt.xlabel("Departure from Nucleate Boiling Ratio")
    plt.ylabel("Height z [m]")
    plt.savefig("DNBR.png", dpi=600)

    plt.plot(P_array, z_arrayplots)
    plt.xlabel('Pressure [MPa]')
    plt.ylabel('Height z [m]')
    plt.savefig("Pressure.png", dpi=600)

    plt.plot(T_f_array, z_arrayplots)
    plt.xlabel('Temperature [K]')
    plt.ylabel('Height z [m]')
    plt.savefig("TempBulk.png", dpi=600)

    plt.plot(T_F_Outer, z_arrayplots, label='Fuel Outer Surface Temp')
    plt.plot(T_F_Center, z_arrayplots, label='Fuel Centerline Temp')
    plt.legend(loc='upper left')
    plt.xlabel("Temperature [K]")
    plt.ylabel("Height z [m]")
    plt.savefig("TempFuel.png", dpi=600)

    tempdifference = T_C_Outer - T_f_array
    print("Max clad vs bulk difference is " + str(np.amax(tempdifference)) + " K")
    print("Max coolant temp is " + str(np.amax(T_f_array)) + " K")
    print("Min coolant temp is " + str(np.amin(T_f_array)) + " K")
    print("Max clad inner temp is " + str(np.amax(T_C_Inner)) + " K")
    print("Max clad outer temp is " + str(np.amax(T_C_Outer)) + " K")
    print("min clad outer temp is " + str(np.amin(T_C_Outer)) + " K")
    print("Max fuel temp is " + str(np.amax(T_F_Center)) + " K")
    print("Max fuel outer temp is " + str(np.amax(T_F_Outer)) + " K")
    print("Min fuel outer temp is " + str(np.amin(T_F_Outer)) + " K")
    print("Max centerline temp occurs at z = " + str(z_CL_max) + "m")
    print("Max clad temp occurs at z = " + str(z_Clad_max) + "m")
    MDNBR = np.amin(DNBR)
    print("MDNBR is " + str(MDNBR))


if case == 2:  # BWR
    H = 3.8  # m
    He = 3.8  # m
    Pitch = 1.63 * 10 ** (-2)  # m
    Gap_t = 0.0001  # m
    D_fuel = 0.0104  # m
    k_gap = 0.25  # W/m-K
    k_c = 21.5  # W/m-K
    k_fuel = 3.6  # W/m-K
    T0 = float(274 + 273.15)  # K
    q0_prime = float(410 * 10 ** (2))  # W/m
    P0 = 7.5  # MPa
    MF = float(2290)  # kg/m^2-s
    D_rod = .0123  # m
    R_rod = D_rod / 2
    R_fuel = D_fuel / 2
    R_gap = R_fuel + Gap_t
    R_clad = R_rod
    Clad_t = D_rod - D_fuel - Gap_t  # m
    h0_enthalpy = (IAPWS97(T=T0, P=P0).h) * 10 ** (3)
    T_sat0 = IAPWS97(P=P0, x=0).T
    g = 9.81  # m/s

    # geometry properties
    heated_p = math.pi * D_rod
    wetted_p = math.pi * D_rod
    A_f = (Pitch ** 2) - ((1 / 4) * math.pi * (D_rod ** 2))
    D_H = (4 * A_f) / heated_p

    # grid setup
    grid_points = 100
    dz = H / grid_points
    z_array = np.arange(0, H, dz)
    z_arrayplots = np.arange(-H / 2, H / 2, dz)
    q_HeatFluxList = []

    # defining array of q'' values in list
    for z in z_array:
        heat_fluxA = (q0_prime / (math.pi * D_rod)) * math.sin(math.pi * (z / He))

    q_heat_flux = np.array(q_HeatFluxList)

    q_prime = np.zeros(len(z_array))

    for i in range(0, len(z_array)):
        q_prime[i] = q0_prime * math.sin((np.pi * z_array[i]) / He)

    # defining array of h values
    h_enthalpy_list = []
    h_enthalpy_prefactor = ((heated_p * q0_prime * H) / (A_f * MF * (math.pi ** 2) * D_rod))
    for z in z_array:
        h_enthalpy = (-h_enthalpy_prefactor * math.cos(math.pi * (z / He))) + h_enthalpy_prefactor + h0_enthalpy

    h_enthalpy_array_J = np.array(h_enthalpy_list)
    h_enthalpy_array = h_enthalpy_array_J * 10 ** (-3)

    P_array = np.zeros(len(z_array))
    P_array[0] = P0

    T_sat = np.zeros(len(z_array))
    T_sat[0] = T_sat0

    T_f_array = np.zeros(len(z_array))
    T_f_array[0] = T0

    Re = np.zeros(len(z_array))
    Re_f = np.zeros(len(z_array))
    Pr = np.zeros(len(z_array))

    k_fluid = np.zeros(len(z_array))

    x_array = np.zeros(len(z_array))
    xe_array = np.zeros(len(z_array))
    dxe_array = np.zeros(len(z_array))

    frictional = np.zeros(len(z_array))
    gravitational = np.zeros(len(z_array))
    compressibility = np.zeros(len(z_array))

    alpha_array = np.zeros(len(z_array))

    # Pressure Loop BWR
    dp = 0.001
    for i in range(0, len(z_array) - 1):
        rho_f = IAPWS97(P=P_array[i], x=0).rho
        rho_m = IAPWS97(P=P_array[i], x=xe_array[i]).rho
        vf = IAPWS97(P=P_array[i], x=0).v
        vg = IAPWS97(P=P_array[i], x=1).v
        vfg = vg - vf
        hf_enthalpy = IAPWS97(P=P_array[i], x=0).h
        hg_enthalpy = IAPWS97(P=P_array[i], x=1).h
        hfg = hg_enthalpy - hf_enthalpy
        hfg_sat = IAPWS97(P=P0, x=1).h - IAPWS97(P=P0, x=0).h
        # vf = IAPWS97(P=P_array[i], x=0).v
        # vg_sat = IAPWS97(P=P_array[i], x=1).v
        hf_in = IAPWS97(P=P0, T=T0).h
        muf = (IAPWS97(P=P_array[i], x=0).mu) * 10 ** (-6)
        mum = (IAPWS97(P=P_array[i], x=xe_array[i]).mu) * 10 ** (-6)
        mug = (IAPWS97(P=P_array[i], x=1).mu) * 10 ** (-6)
        k_fluid[i] = IAPWS97(P=P_array[i], T=T_f_array[i]).k
        Pr[i] = IAPWS97(P=P_array[i], h=h_enthalpy_array[i]).Liquid.Prandt
        xe_in = (hf_in - hf_enthalpy) / (hfg)
        vf_sat = IAPWS97(P=P_array[i], x=xe_array[i])

    # vapor quality

    if xe_array[i] <= 0:  # single phase
        Re1p = MF * D_rod / muf
        f1p = 0.316 * Re1p ** (-.25)
        dp = -(.5 * f1p * MF * 2 * heated_p / (rho_f * A_f) + g / rho_f) * dz

        x_array[i] = 0
        dxe_array[i] = q0_prime * np.sin(np.pi * z_array[i] / H) / (MF * A_f * hfg_sat) * dz
        xe_array = xe_array[i - 1] + dxe_array[i]
        # P_array[i]=P[i-1]+dp1p

    elif xe_array[i] > 0 and xe_array[i] < 1:  # 2 phase
        Re2p = MF * D_rod / mum
        f2p = 0.046 * Re2p ** (-.2) * (muf / mum ** (-.2))
        dp2p = (-MF ** 2 * vfg * dxe_array[i] + .5 * f2p * MF ** 2 * heated_p / (rho_m * A_f) + g * rho_m) * dz
        xe_array[i] = (h_enthalpy_array[i] - hf_enthalpy) / (hg_enthalpy - hf_enthalpy)

    # Void Fraction

    if xe_array[i] <= 0:

    elif xe_array[i] > 0 and xe_array[i] < 1:
        x_array[i] = xe_array[i]
        vfg_sat = vg - vf
        rho_m = (vf_sat + vfg_sat * x_array) ** (-1)
        rhof = 1 / vf
        rhog = 1 / vg
        void = (rho_m - rhof) / (rhog - rhof)
        print("Void fraction is " + str(np.amax(alpha_array)))

    if xe_array[i] <= 0:
    elif xe_array[i] > 0 and xe_array[i] < 1:
        x_array[i] = xe_array[i]
        vfg_sat = vg - vf
        rho_m = (vf_sat + vfg_sat * x_array) ** (-1)
        rhof = 1 / vf
        rhog = 1 / vg
        void = (rho_m - rhof) / (rhog - rhof)
        print("Void fraction is " + str(np.amax(alpha_array)))

        rho_m = 1 / ((x_array[i] * vg) + ((1 - x_array[i]) * vf))
        mu_m = 1 / ((x_array[i] / mug) + ((1 - x_array[i]) / muf))

        Re[i] = (MF * D_H) / (mu_m * 10 ** 6)  # convert mu to Pa/s
        f = 0.079 * (Re[i] ** -0.25) * (mu_m / muf)
        Tau = (1 / 2) * f * ((MF ** 2) / rho_m)

        Re_f[i] = Re[i]

        vf_plus_dP = IAPWS97(P=P_array[i] + dp, x=xe_array[i]).v
        vf_minus_dP = IAPWS97(P=P_array[i] - dp, x=xe_array[i]).v

        ddP_vf = (vf_plus_dP - vf_minus_dP) / (2 * (dp * 10 ** 6))

        frictional[i] = (Tau * wetted_p) / A_f
        gravitational[i] = g * rho_f
        compressibility[i] = (MF ** 2) * (ddP_vf)

        dPdz_num = (frictional[i] + gravitational[i])  # Pa/m
        dPdz_denom = 1 + compressibility[i]  # Pa/m
        dPdz = -dPdz_num / dPdz_denom  # Pa/m

        P_array[i + 1] = P_array[i] + ((dPdz * dz) * 10 ** (-6))
        T_f_array[i + 1] = IAPWS97(P=P_array[i + 1], h=h_enthalpy_array[i + 1]).T
        T_sat[i + 1] = IAPWS97(P=P_array[i + 1], x=0).T

    # final calc for final value of quality and void fraction because loop stops before these
    hf_final = IAPWS97(P=P_array[-1], x=0).h
    hg_final = IAPWS97(P=P_array[-1], x=1).h
    muf_final = (IAPWS97(P=P_array[-1], x=0).mu) * 10 ** (-6)
    mug_final = (IAPWS97(P=P_array[-1], x=1).mu) * 10 ** (-6)
    k_fluid[-1] = IAPWS97(P=P_array[-1], T=T_f_array[-1]).k

    xe_array[-1] = (h_enthalpy_array[-1] - hf_final) / (hg_final - hf_final)

    # fuel and clad temps
    T_C_Outer = np.zeros(len(z_array))

    mu_m_final = 1 / ((x_array[-1] / mug_final) + ((1 - x_array[-1]) / muf_final))

    Re_f[-1] = (MF * D_H) / (muf_final * 10 ** 6)

    Pr[-1] = IAPWS97(P=P_array[i], h=h_enthalpy_array[i]).Liquid.Prandt

    h_HT = 0.023 * (Re_f[0] ** 0.8) * (Pr[0] ** 0.4) * (k_fluid[0] / D_H)

    T_C_Outer[0] = (q_heat_flux[0] + (h_HT * T_f_array[0])) / h_HT

    for i in range(0, len(z_array) - 1):
        h_HT = 0.023 * (Re_f[i + 1] ** 0.8) * (Pr[i + 1] ** 0.4) * (k_fluid[i + 1] / D_H)
        T_C_Outer[i + 1] = (q_heat_flux[i + 1] + (h_HT * T_f_array[i + 1])) / h_HT

    q_triple_prime = (q_prime * 4) / (np.pi * (D_fuel ** 2))

    T_C_Inner = np.zeros(len(z_array))
    T_F_Outer = np.zeros(len(z_array))
    T_F_Center = np.zeros(len(z_array))

    for i in range(0, len(z_array)):
        C1 = -((q0_prime * R_clad) / (k_c * heated_p)) * np.sin(np.pi * (z_array[i] / H))
        C2 = T_C_Outer[i] - (C1 * np.log(R_clad))

        T_C_Inner[i] = (C1 * np.log(R_gap)) + C2

        C3 = (k_c / k_gap) * C1
        C4 = T_C_Inner[i] - (C3 * np.log(R_gap))

        T_F_Outer[i] = (C3 * np.log(R_fuel)) + C4

        C6 = T_F_Outer[i] + ((q_triple_prime[i] * (R_fuel ** 2)) / (4 * k_fuel))

        T_F_Center[i] = C6

    CL_max = np.amax(T_F_Center)
    index = np.where(T_F_Center == CL_max)
    z_CL_max = z_array[index]

    plt.plot(T_C_Outer, z_arrayplots, label='Clad Outer Surface Temp')
    plt.plot(T_C_Inner, z_arrayplots, label='Clad Inner Surface Temp')
    plt.legend(loc='upper left')
    plt.xlabel("Temperature [K]")
    plt.ylabel("Height z [m]")
    plt.savefig("TempCladBWR.png", dpi=600)

    plt.plot(T_C_Outer, z_arrayplots, label='Clad Outer Surface Temp')
    plt.plot(T_C_Inner, z_arrayplots, label='Clad Inner Surface Temp')
    plt.plot(T_F_Outer, z_arrayplots, label='Fuel Outer Surface Temp')
    plt.plot(T_F_Center, z_arrayplots, label='Fuel Centerline Temp')
    plt.legend(loc='upper left')
    plt.xlabel("Temperature [K]")
    plt.ylabel("Height z [m]")
    plt.savefig("TempFuelAndCladBWR.png", dpi=600)

    # radial calcs
    T_array_A = [T_F_Center[25], T_F_Outer[25], T_C_Inner[25], T_C_Outer[25]]
    T_array_B = [T_F_Center[49], T_F_Outer[49], T_C_Inner[49], T_C_Outer[49]]
    T_array_C = [T_F_Center[53], T_F_Outer[53], T_C_Inner[53], T_C_Outer[53]]
    r_array = [0, R_fuel, R_gap, R_clad]

    plt.plot(r_array, T_array_A, label='z = -H/4 = -0.9 m')
    plt.plot(r_array, T_array_B, label='z = 0 m')
    plt.plot(r_array, T_array_C, '--', label='z = zmax = 0.108 m')
    plt.legend(loc='upper left')
    plt.ylabel("Temperature [K]")
    plt.xlabel("Radius r [m]")
    plt.savefig("TempRadialBWR.png", dpi=600)

    # critical heat flux and DNBR

    P_array_DNBR = np.delete(P_array, 0)
    q_heat_flux_DNBR = np.delete(q_heat_flux, 0)
    z_arrayplots_DNBR = np.delete(z_arrayplots, 0)

    G_Mlbs = MF * (((2.20462 * 10 ** (-6)) * 3600) / 10.7639)

    q_heat_flux_MBtu = q_heat_flux[1:] * 3.41 * (1 / 1000000) * (1 / 10.7639)

    P_c = 22.064  # https://nuclearstreet.com/nuclear-power-plants/w/nuclear_power_plants/features-of-pressurized-water-reactors
    P_crit = P_array_DNBR / P_c
    P1 = 0.5328
    P2 = 0.1212
    P3 = 1.6151
    P4 = 1.4066
    P5 = -0.3040
    P6 = 0.4843
    P7 = -0.3285
    P8 = -2.0749

    A = P1 * (P_crit ** P2) * (G_Mlbs ** (P5 + (P7 * P_crit)))
    C = P3 * (P_crit ** P4) * (G_Mlbs ** (P6 + (P8 * P_crit)))

    q_crit_heat_flux_MBtu = (A - xe_array[0]) / (C + ((xe_array[1:] - xe_array[0]) / q_heat_flux_MBtu))

    q_crit_heat_flux = q_crit_heat_flux_MBtu * (1 / 3.41) * 1000000 * 10.7639

    DNBR = q_crit_heat_flux / q_heat_flux_DNBR

    plt.plot(DNBR, z_arrayplots_DNBR)
    plt.xlabel("Onset of Nucleate Boiling Ratio")
    plt.ylabel("Height z [m]")
    plt.title("Onset of Nucleate Boiling Ratio versus Height")
    plt.savefig("ONBR.png", dpi=600)

    plt.plot(P_array, z_arrayplots)
    plt.xlabel('Pressure [MPa]')
    plt.ylabel('Height z [m]')
    plt.title('Pressure versus Height')
    plt.savefig("PressureBWR.png", dpi=600)

    plt.plot(T_f_array, z_arrayplots)
    plt.xlabel('Temperature [K]')
    plt.ylabel('Height z [m]')
    plt.title('Coolant Temperature vs Height')
    plt.savefig("TempBulkBWR.png", dpi=600)

    plt.plot(T_F_Outer, z_arrayplots, label='Fuel Outer Surface Temp')
    plt.plot(T_F_Center, z_arrayplots, label='Fuel Centerline Temp')
    plt.legend(loc='upper left')
    plt.xlabel("Temperature [K]")
    plt.ylabel("Height z [m]")
    plt.savefig("TempFuelBWR.png", dpi=600)

    # density
    plt.plot(Density, z_arrayplots, label='Density')
    plt.legend(loc='upper left')
    plt.xlabel("Pressure [mPa]")
    plt.ylabel("Height z [m]")
    plt.savefig("Density", dpi=600)

    # quality
    plt.plot(x, z_arrayplots, label='Quality')
    plt.plot(xe, z_arrayplots, label='Quality')
    plt.legend(loc='upper left')
    plt.ylabel("Height z [m]")
    plt.savefig("Quality", dpi=600)

    # void
    plt.plot(alpha, z_arrayplots, label='Void Fraction')
    plt.legend(loc='upper left')
    plt.xlabel("Void Fraction")
    plt.ylabel("Height z [m]")
    plt.savefig("Void Fraction", dpi=600)

    tempdifference = T_C_Outer - T_f_array
    print("Max clad vs bulk difference is " + str(np.amax(tempdifference)) + " C")
    print("Max coolant temp is " + str(np.amax(T_f_array) - 273.15) + " C")
    print("Max coolant temp is " + str(np.amax(T_f_array)) + " K")
    print("Max clad temp is " + str(np.amax(T_C_Inner) - 273.15) + " C")
    print("Max clad temp is " + str(np.amax(T_C_Inner)) + " K")
    print("Max fuel temp is " + str(np.amax(T_F_Center) - 273.15) + " C")
    print("Max fuel temp is " + str(np.amax(T_F_Center)) + " K")
    print("Max fuel temp is " + str(np.amax(T_F_Outer) - 273.15) + " C")
    print("Max fuel temp is " + str(np.amax(T_F_Outer)) + " K")
    print("Max centerline temp occurs at z = " + str(z_CL_max) + "m")
    MDNBR = np.amin(DNBR)
    print("MDNBR is " + str(MDNBR))

PWR 和 BWR 情况的区别在于,BWR 有两相水(液体和蒸汽),而 PWR 只有一相水(液体)。

IAPWS97 库要求用户在有多个阶段时指定他们想要的阶段:

IAPWS97(T=T0, P=P0).h # if only one phase


IAPWS97(T=T0, P=P0).Liquid.h

IAPWS97(T=T0, P=P0).Vapor.h
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