Numpy和Generator代码的性能低于naive append方法。如何改进?

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我写了一个 random_walk 模拟使用 numpy 来分配数据和生成器来执行模拟步骤。这个 random_walk 只是原代码中的一个MWE(与随机漫步完全没有关系,而是一个随机数学模型,太大,太复杂,不能作为例子。然而 random_walk MWE模拟的是核心部件。

我使用生成器的原因与模拟有关。我将无限期地运行模拟,并且我只在一些角落的情况下转储数据,我可以测量角落情况发生的概率,因此我可以事先高度地分配numpy数组。我可以测量角案例发生的概率,因此我可以事先高精度地分配numpy数组(从不修改),但这是一个上限,因此我需要计算角案例发生的次数,然后对数据集进行分割(在模拟中是 "模拟")。

为了便于比较,我也写了一个类似的天真的方法,使用普通的 append 到列表中来存储模拟数据,我只在角案例发生时追加。

重要的是要知道,角案例会发生十亿次(会占用大量的内存),但最终的模拟将运行 "无限的时间",这是一个非常大的步骤数。拐角情况发生的概率是1e-10。

最后的代码有一个停止的条件,我在这里模拟了使用 distance 和经典的 simulation time.

令我惊讶的是,我注意到 append 办法的性能优于 numpy+generators. 正如我们在下面的输出中可以看到


%timeit random_walk_naive(max_distance=1e5, simul_time=1e4)
5.35 ms ± 190 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)

%timeit random_walk_simul(max_distance=1e5, simul_time=1e4)
16.3 ms ± 567 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)


%timeit random_walk_naive(max_distance=1e12, simul_time=1e7)
12.2 s ± 760 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)

%timeit random_walk_simul(max_distance=1e12, simul_time=1e7)
36 s ± 102 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)

跑步 cProfile 在调用上,我注意到生成器调用的执行时间与naive方法相似,所有额外的时间都花在了 random_walk_simul 本身。评价 np.empty 和分片操作我注意到,创建空数据集和分片返回的时间是最少的。完全没有贡献与操作的时间。除此之外,代码几乎是一样的,只是在 generator 的方法,我首先将数据分配给本地变量,然后 "刷新 "到 numpy.array,这比直接刷新快,因为我将使用在 while 循环来评估停止条件。



import numpy as np
from random import random

def clip(value, lower, upper):
    return lower if value < lower else upper if value > upper else value

def random_walk(s_0, a_0, pa, pb):
    """Initial position (often 0), acceleration, 0 < pa < pb < 1"""
    # Time, x-position, Velocity, Acceleration
    t, x, v, a = 0, s_0, 0, a_0
    yield (t, x, v, a)

    while True:        
        # Roll the dices
        god_wishes = random()

        if god_wishes <= pa:
                # Increase acceleration
                a += .005
        elif god_wishes <= pb:
                # Reduce acceleration
                a -= .005

        # Lets avoid too much acceleration
        a = clip(a, -.2, .2)

        # How much time has passed, since last update?
        dt = random()
        v += dt*a
        x += dt*v
        t += dt

        yield (t, x, v, a)

def random_walk_simul(initial_position = 0, acceleration = 0, 
                      prob_increase=0.005, prob_decrease=0.005, 
                      max_distance=10000, simul_time=1000):
    """Runs a random walk simulation given parameters

    Particle initial state (initial position and acceleration)
    State change probability (prob_increase, prob_decrease)
    Stop criteria (max_distance, simul_time)

    Returns a random_walk particle data
    assert (0 < prob_increase+prob_decrease < 1), "Total probability should be in range [0, 1]"

    rw = random_walk(initial_position, acceleration, prob_increase, prob_decrease+prob_increase)

    # Over estimated given by law of large numbers expected value of a
    # uniform distribution
    estimated_N = int(simul_time * 2.2)

    data = np.empty((estimated_N, 4))

    # Runs the first iteraction
    n = 0
    (t, x, v, a) = rw.__next__()
    data[n] = (t, x, v, a)

    # While there is simulation time or not too far away
    while (t < simul_time) and (np.abs(x) < max_distance):
        n += 1
        (t, x, v, a) = rw.__next__()
        data[n] = (t, x, v, a)

    return data[:n]

def random_walk_naive(initial_position = 0, acceleration = 0, 
                      prob_increase=0.005, prob_decrease=0.005, 
                      max_distance=10000, simul_time=1000):
    """Emulates same behavior as random_walk_simul, but use append instead numpy and generators"""
    T = []
    X = []
    V = []
    A = []


    a = A[-1]
    t = T[-1]
    v = V[-1]
    x = X[-1]

    while (T[-1] < simul_time) and (abs(X[-1]) < max_distance):       
        god_wishes = random()
        if god_wishes <= prob_increase:
            # Increase acceleration
            a += .005
        elif god_wishes <= prob_increase+prob_decrease:
            # Reduce acceleration
            a -= .005

        # Lets avoid too much acceleration
        a = clip(a, -.2, .2)

        dt = random()
        t += dt
        v += dt*a
        x += dt*v

        # Storing next simulation step

    return np.array((T, X, V, A)).transpose()

def main():
    random_walk_naive(max_distance=1e9, simul_time=1e6)
    random_walk_simul(max_distance=1e9, simul_time=1e6)

if __name__ == '__main__':
python performance numpy generator

这可能是一个很好的情况下,使用 哑巴:

import numpy as np
from random import random
from numba import njit

# Baseline
%timeit random_walk_naive(max_distance=1e9, simul_time=1e6)
1.28 s ± 277 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)

# Few adjustments for numba

def random_walk_numba(initial_position = 0, acceleration = 0, 
                      prob_increase=0.005, prob_decrease=0.005, 
                      max_distance=10000, simul_time=1000):

    T, X, V, A = [0], [initial_position], [0], [acceleration]

    t, x, v, a = T[-1], X[-1], V[-1], A[-1]

    while (T[-1] < simul_time) and (abs(X[-1]) < max_distance):       
        god_wishes = random()
        if god_wishes <= prob_increase:
            # Increase acceleration
            a += .005
        elif god_wishes <= prob_increase+prob_decrease:
            # Reduce acceleration
            a -= .005

        # Lets avoid too much acceleration
        lower, upper = -0.2, 0.2
        a = lower if a < lower else upper if a > upper else a
        dt = random()
        t += dt
        v += dt*a
        x += dt*v

        # Storing next simulation step
    return np.array((T, X, V, A)).transpose()

%timeit random_walk_numba(max_distance=1e9, simul_time=1e6)
172 ms ± 32.2 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10 loops each)

请注意,你不能调用 clip 但幸运的是,这很容易在里面重新实现。

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