邀请玩家Photon Pun Unity

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using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using Photon.Pun;
using Photon.Realtime;

public class PlayerListPopUp : MonoBehaviour
    public Transform playerListContent;
    public GameObject playerPrefab;
    public GameObject playerListPanel;
    public Button openButton;
    // public Button inviteButton;

    // Start is called before the first frame update
    private void Start()
        // Set up button listeners
        // closeButton.onClick.AddListener(HidePlayerList);
        // Hide the player list panel at start

  private void ShowPlayerList()
    // Clear the player list content
    foreach (Transform child in playerListContent)
        if(!PhotonNetwork.IsConnected) return;

    // Add player list items for each player who is not in a room
    foreach (Photon.Realtime.Player player in PhotonNetwork.PlayerList)
        if (player.Room != null) continue; // skip players who are already in a room

        // Add player list items only for players who are in the lobby
    if (player.CustomProperties["status"] != null && player.CustomProperties["status"].ToString() == "lobby")
            Debug.Log("Player NickName: " + player.NickName);
            GameObject item = Instantiate(playerPrefab, playerListContent);

            // // Add Invite button
            // Button inviteButton = item.transform.Find("InviteButton")?.GetComponent<Button>();
            // if (inviteButton != null)
            // {
            //     inviteButton.onClick.AddListener(() => { OnInviteButtonClick(player); });
            // }

     private void OnInviteButtonClick(Player player)
        // Implement your invite functionality here
        Debug.Log("Inviting player: " + player.NickName);
    private void HidePlayerList()


unity3d multiplayer photon photon-pun
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