用 Python 编写了一个带有输入的 UI - 我如何检查以确保它们工作?

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我必须用 Python 为 UI 创建代码。我基本上有 4 个选项,当然每个选项都会打印出想要的结果。代码如下。我缺少一行打印内容,但我向我的老师询问了这一点。我还需要知道什么 - 如何测试我的 UI 代码以查看是否能得到我想要的结果?

getPackageStatus = True
while getPackageStatus:
    # Options for UI
    print("\nWhat Would You Like to Check Today?")
    print("1. All package statuses and Total Truck mileage")
    print("2. Status of all Packages at a given time")
    print("3. Single package status with a given time")
    print("4. Exit the program")
    # Go through each option, describing outcomes
    option = input("Choose an option (1,2,3, or 4): ")
    # Option 1
    if option == "1":
        for i in range(40):
            print(myHash.search(i + 1) + str(t1.mileage + t2.mileage + t3.mileage))
    # Option 2
    elif option == "2":
        checkTime = input('Please enter a time in the form "00:00:00"')
        hour, minute, second = checkTime.split(":")
        rtime = datetime.timedelta(hours=int(hour), minutes=int(minute), seconds=int(second))
        if checkTime < pkg1.timeLeftHub0:
            pkg1.status = 'At Hub'
        elif checkTime == pkg1.time_delivered:
            pkg1.status = 'Delivered'
        elif checkTime > pkg1.time_delivered:
            pkg1.status = 'Delivered'
            pkg1.status = 'En Route'
        # Need help writing the print statement that will print out all pkg1.status for all packages. I know it will involve strings and a myHash.search method so each package ID will be associated with its status at checkTime
    # Option 3
    elif option == "3":
        checkPackage = input('Please enter a package using its package ID')
        for package_id in checkPackage:
            pkg1 = myHash.search(package_id)
        checkTime = input('Please enter a time in the form "00:00:00"')
        hour, minute, second = checkTime.split(":")
        rtime = datetime.timedelta(hours=int(hour), minutes=int(minute), seconds=int(second))
        if checkTime < pkg1.timeLeftHub0:
            pkg1.status = 'At Hub'
            print(str(pkg1.package_id) + 'package status at ' + str(checkTime) + ' = ' + str(pkg1.status))
        elif checkTime == pkg1.time_delivered:
            pkg1.status = 'Delivered'
            print(str(pkg1.package_id) + 'package status at ' + str(checkTime) + ' = ' + str(pkg1.status))
        elif checkTime > pkg1.time_delivered:
            pkg1.status = 'Delivered'
            print(str(pkg1.package_id) + 'package status at ' + str(checkTime) + ' = ' + str(pkg1.status))
            pkg1.status = 'En Route'
            print(str(pkg1.package_id) + 'package status at ' + str(checkTime) + ' = ' + str(pkg1.status))
    # Option 4
    elif option == "4":
        getPackageStatus = False


python algorithm user-interface input


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