R/Python:将 PDF 转换为表格

问题描述 投票:0回答:2

我的计算机上保存有一个 PDF 图像文件(例如“p1.pdf” - 这是原始文档的扫描副本) - 该文件看起来像这样(我添加了红线以显示区别):

我想将此 PDF 导入到 R 中,并将其转换为“表对象”。我尝试按照这个tutorial(+https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/tesseract/vignettes/intro.html)来做到这一点:


pngfile <- pdftools::pdf_convert('p1.pdf', dpi = 600)
text <- tesseract::ocr(pngfile)

raw_img <- image_read(pngfile)

raw_img %>% 

这似乎有效 - 我继续按照教程进行操作:

num_only <- tesseract::tesseract(
  options = list(tessedit_char_whitelist = c(".0123456789 "))

raw_img %>% 
  image_quantize(colorspace = 'gray') %>% 
  image_threshold() %>% 
  image_crop(geometry_area(100, 0, 600, 40)) %>% 
  ocr(engine = num_only) 

combo <- tesseract::tesseract(
    options = list(
      tessedit_char_whitelist = paste0(
        c(letters, LETTERS, " ", ".0123456789 (-)"), collapse = "")

raw_text <- raw_img %>%
  image_quantize(colorspace = "gray") %>%
  image_transparent("white", fuzz = 22) %>%
  image_background("white") %>%
  image_threshold() %>%
  image_crop(geometry_area(0, 0, 110, 45)) %>%  
  ocr(engine = combo)


raw_tibble <- raw_text %>% 
  str_split(pattern = "\n") %>% 
  unlist() %>%
  tibble(data = .) 

# A tibble: 68 x 1
 1 "- ALPHABETICAL LISTING ABT"                
 2 "a PlaceYear of Reg"                        
 3 "Name Address Graduation Year"              
 4 ""                                          
 5 "- (John Smith) BC ABC Uni~
 6 ""                                          
 7 "Email: [email protected] P"999-999-~
 8 "BCC University 2002"                     
 9 "- Jane Smith HGH Univer~
10 "Email [email protected] "    
# ... with 58 more rows

问题出在此处 - 教程中有关进一步整理结果的说明似乎非常特定于教程中的示例(即与足球相关)。因此,我无法将它们应用于我的问题。 有人可以告诉我如何将我得到的结果转换成看起来更接近原始 PDF 的表格吗?

也许有人可以尝试将我上传的图片保存为 png 文件,看看他们是否可以让这段代码工作?



  • 因此,我只对“名称”和“地址”列感兴趣
  • 我也对表格的最终格式有很大的灵活性持开放态度。例如“
    401 Fake St Some City, Some State A1C B23 P: 555-555-5555 501 Fake St Some City, Some State A1C B23 p:666-666-6666 601 Fake St Some City, Some State A1C B23 p:666-666-6666
  • 这意味着在决赛表中,2组红线之间的所有“条目”都可以用3列和1行来表示


  id                                 Name                                                                                                                                                                     Address
1  1  (John Smith) Email:[email protected]                                                                                                                                                           AB p:999-999-9999
2  2     Jane Smith Email:[email protected]                                                                                                                                                              p:111-111-1111
3  3                          Henry Smith                                                                                                                    201 Fake St,Some City, Some State A1C B23 P:111-222-3333
4  4                          Jason Smith                                                                                                                     301 Fake St Some City,Some State A1C B23 P:555-555-5555
5  5         Luke Smith [email protected] 401 Fake St Some City, Some State A1C B23 P: 555-555-5555 501 Fake St Some City, Some State A1C B23 p:666-666-6666 601 Fake St Some City, Some State A1C B23 p:666-666-6666
                                         Place_Year_Graduation Reg_Year
1 ABC University 2001, BCC University 2002,DEF University 2003     2000
2                  HGH University/2001, Some Other School 2002     2000
3                                               University ABC     1999
4                                                   Univer 123     2005
5                                                  ABC College     2010

final = structure(list(id = 1:5, Name = c(" (John Smith) Email:[email protected]", 
"Jane Smith Email:[email protected]", "Henry Smith", "Jason Smith", 
"Luke Smith [email protected]"), Address = c("AB p:999-999-9999", 
"p:111-111-1111", "201 Fake St,Some City, Some State A1C B23 P:111-222-3333", 
"301 Fake St Some City,Some State A1C B23 P:555-555-5555", "401 Fake St Some City, Some State A1C B23 P: 555-555-5555 501 Fake St Some City, Some State A1C B23 p:666-666-6666 601 Fake St Some City, Some State A1C B23 p:666-666-6666"
), Place_Year_Graduation = c("ABC University 2001, BCC University 2002,DEF University 2003", 
"HGH University/2001, Some Other School 2002", "University ABC", 
"Univer 123", "ABC College"), Reg_Year = c(2000, 2000, 1999, 
2005, 2010)), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -5L))

注2:我知道这是一个难题,而且 R 可能不是解决这个问题的最合适工具 - 因此,我也愿意使用 Python 来解决这个问题。

python r ocr tesseract data-manipulation

这需要在 R 或 Python 中完成吗? Tabula https://tabula.technology/ 是专门为处理这个问题而编写的,它做得非常好,特别是在像你这样的基本表上。


虽然不是 R 特定的,但在这种情况下,我会尝试通过 pdf 服务(API)从 shell 命令行尽可能运行 tesseract,该服务应该重新生成并维护 pdf 文本布局。就我个人而言,我一次只运行几个文件,因为每个文件都需要一些编辑。


[email protected]
[email protected]

一旦你有了文本布局,它就与可搜索的 pdf 进行相同的处理,所以在这种情况下它

xpdf-tools-win-4.03\bin64>pdftotext -layout -table a.pdf&type a.txt
                                          ALPHABETICAL                      LISTING                                        ABT

                                                                                     Place/Year                  of        Reg

      Name                              Addresss                                     Graduation                            Year

(John   Smith)                      AB                                               ABC   University    2001

                                                                                     BCC   University    2002              2000

Email:      [email protected]            P:999-999-9999

                                                                                     DEF   University    2003

Jane    Smith                                                                        HGH   University/2001

                                    P:  111-111-111                                                                        2000

Email:      [email protected]                                                          Some    Other       School      2002

                              201 FakeSt

Henry         Smith           Some        City,      Some  State  A1C  B23           University     ABC                    1999


                              301   Fake       St

Jason   Smith                 Some      City,      Some    State  A1C  B23           Univer         123                    2005


                              401   Fake         St                                  ABC College                           2010

Luke   Smith                  Some      City,        Some  State  A1C  B23

[email protected]             P:   666-666-6666

                              501   Fake         St

                              Some      City,        Some  State  A1C  B23


                              601   Fake       5St

                              Some      City,        Some  State  A1C  B23

                              P:   666-666-6666


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