如何在 PyTorch 中的多个 GPU 上进行简单的大型矩阵乘法?我写了一些简单的代码,但效果不佳

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我想使用多个 GPU 进行矩阵乘法,如

torch.mm(a, b)
,以减少单个 GPU 上的内存使用量。

这是在单个 GPU 上运行的代码:

import torch

a = torch.randn(30000, 30000).cuda(1)
b = torch.randn(30000, 30000).cuda(1)
c = torch.mm(a, b)

# during this process, the maximum memory usage is 10491 MB.

这是在两个 GPU 上运行的代码:

import torch 

# assuming `a1` and `a2` are parts of a big matrix
a1 = torch.randn(15000, 30000).cuda(0)
a2 = torch.randn(15000, 30000).cuda(1)
b1 = torch.randn(30000, 30000).cuda(0)
b2 = b1.cuda(1)

c1 = torch.mm(a1,b1)
c2 = torch.mm(a2,b2).to(0)
# for now, the result `c1` and `c2` is on GPU 0
# the maximun memory usage on GPU 1 is 7059 MB
# the maximum memory usage on GPU 0 is 8777 MB, bigger than 1 because the result is on it

c = torch.concat([c1, c2], dim=0)
# OOM because concat is not in-place

因此,如果我们能够就地进行 concat 操作,看起来它会按预期工作吗?或者我应该先将

移动到 CPU 内存,然后对它们进行cat,然后将cated结果移动到GPU?

我也尝试过 PyTorch 2.2 提供的张量并行性:

import torch  
import torch.distributed as distributed 
import os
from torch.distributed._tensor import init_device_mesh, Shard, distribute_tensor
from torch.distributed.tensor.parallel import parallelize_module, ColwiseParallel
from visualize_sharding import visualize_sharding

mesh = init_device_mesh("cuda", (2,))
rank = distributed.get_rank()

big_tensor_1 = torch.randn(3, 2)
big_tensor_2 = torch.randn(2, 6)

print("big_tensor_1", big_tensor_1)

my_dtensor_1 = distribute_tensor(big_tensor_1, mesh, [Shard(dim=0)]) 
my_dtensor_2 = distribute_tensor(big_tensor_2, mesh, [Shard(dim=1)]) 

# visualize_sharding(my_dtensor_1, header="my_dtensor_1")

c = torch.mm(my_dtensor_1, my_dtensor_2)
print("c: ", c)


python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=2 --nnodes=1 tmp.py


pytorch tensor distributed


import torch

a1 = torch.randn(15000, 30000).cuda(0)
a2 = torch.randn(15000, 30000).cuda(1)
b1 = torch.randn(30000, 30000).cuda(0)
b2 = b1.cuda(1)

# create a empty tensor first,
# then directly use it to save the computation result,
# but its maximum memory usage on a single GPU is still high
c = torch.empty(30000, 30000).cuda(0)
c[:15000] = torch.mm(a1,b1)
c[15000:] = torch.mm(a2,b2).to(0)
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