64 位复数乘法器

问题描述 投票:0回答:1

这是 64 位复数乘法器的 SystemVerilog 代码

// SystemVerilog Project for EL Component of DSDV
//  Author: Anudeep N Rao
//  USN: 1RV22LVS01
module cmultx64 


cmul_if if1


reg signed [63:0] ai_fifo1, ai_fifo2, ai_fifo3, ai_fifo4   ;

reg signed [63:0] ar_fifo1, ar_fifo2, ar_fifo3, ar_fifo4   ;

reg signed [63:0] bi_fifo1, bi_fifo2, bi_fifo3, br_fifo1, br_fifo2, br_fifo3 ;

  reg signed [63:0]  addcommon     ;

  reg signed [63:0]  addr, addi     ;

  reg signed [128:0] mult0, multr, multi, pr_int, pi_int  ;

  reg signed [128:0] common, commonr1, commonr2   ;

  always @(posedge if1.clk)


ar_fifo1   <= if1.ar;

ar_fifo2  <= ar_fifo1;

ai_fifo1   <= if1.ai;

ai_fifo2  <= ai_fifo1;

br_fifo1   <= if1.br;

br_fifo2  <= br_fifo1;

br_fifo3 <= br_fifo2;

bi_fifo1   <= if1.bi;

bi_fifo2  <= bi_fifo1;

bi_fifo3 <= bi_fifo2;


// Common factor (ar ai) x bi, shared for the calculations of the real and imaginary final products

  always @(posedge if1.clk)


addcommon <= ar_fifo1 - ai_fifo1;

  mult0     <= 128'($signed(addcommon * bi_fifo2));

common    <= mult0;


// Real product


  always @(posedge if1.clk)


ar_fifo3   <= ar_fifo2;

ar_fifo4  <= ar_fifo3;

  addr     <= 64'($signed(br_fifo3 - bi_fifo3));

  multr    <= {128'($signed(addr * ar_fifo4))};

commonr1 <= common;

  pr_int   <= {128'($signed(multr + commonr1))};


// Imaginary product


  always @(posedge if1.clk)


ai_fifo3   <= ai_fifo2;

ai_fifo4  <= ai_fifo3;

  addi     <= 64'($signed(br_fifo3 + bi_fifo3));

  multi    <= {128'($signed(addi * ai_fifo4))};

commonr2 <= common;

  pi_int   <= {128'($signed(multi + commonr2))};


assign if1.pr = pr_int;

assign if1.pi = pi_int;
// Assertion to check if the real product calculation is correct
assert property (@(posedge if1.clk) multr + commonr1 == pr_int)
    else $error("Real product calculation is incorrect");

// Assertion to check if the imaginary product calculation is correct
assert property (@(posedge if1.clk) multi + commonr2 == pi_int)
    else $error("Imaginary product calculation is incorrect");

// Assertion to check if the common factor calculation is correct
assert property (@(posedge if1.clk) addcommon * bi_fifo2 == common)
    else $error("Common factor calculation is incorrect");

endmodule // cmultx64


// SystemVerilog Project for EL Component of DSDV
//  Author: Anudeep N Rao
//  USN: 1RV22LVS01
class Packet;

  var rand signed [63:0] ar;
  var rand signed [63:0] br;
  var rand signed [63:0] ai;
  var rand signed [63:0] bi;
  bit signed [128:0]       pr;
  bit signed [128:0]        pi;

constraint nse {
    ar inside {[0:2**63-1]};
    ai inside {[0:2**63-1]};
    br inside {[0:2**63-1]};
    bi inside {[0:2**63-1]};
  // Print contents of the data packet
  function void print(string tag="");
    $display ("T=%0t %s ar=0x%0h ai=0x%0h br=0x%0h bi=0x%0h pr=0x%0h pi=0x%0h", $time, tag, ar,ai,br,bi,pr,pi);
    $display ("T=%0t %s ar=0x%0d ai=0x%0d br=0x%0d bi=0x%0d pr=0x%0d pi=0x%0d", $time, tag, ar,ai,br,bi,pr,pi);

  // This is a utility function to allow copying contents in
  // one Packet variable to another.
  function void copy(Packet tmp);
    this.ar = tmp.ar;
    this.ai = tmp.ai;
    this.br = tmp.br;
    this.bi = tmp.bi;
    this.pr = tmp.pr;
    this.pi = tmp.pi;

class driver;
  virtual cmul_if m_cmul_vif;
  event drv_done;
  mailbox drv_mbx;

  task run();
    $display ("T=%0t [Driver] starting ...", $time);

    // Try to get a new transaction every time and then assign
    // packet contents to the interface. But do this only if the
    // design is ready to accept new transactions
    forever begin
      Packet item;

      $display ("T=%0t [Driver] waiting for item ...", $time);
      @ (posedge m_cmul_vif.clk);
      m_cmul_vif.ar <= item.ar;
      m_cmul_vif.ai <= item.ai;
      m_cmul_vif.br <= item.br;
      m_cmul_vif.bi <= item.bi;

class monitor;
  virtual cmul_if      m_cmul_vif;

  mailbox scb_mbx;              // Mailbox connected to scoreboard

  task run();
    $display ("T=%0t [Monitor] starting ...", $time);

    // Check forever at every clock edge to see if there is a
    // valid transaction and if yes, capture info into a class
    // object and send it to the scoreboard when the transaction
    // is over.
    forever begin
          Packet m_pkt = new();
      @(posedge m_cmul_vif.clk);
        m_pkt.ar         = m_cmul_vif.ar;
        m_pkt.ai         = m_cmul_vif.ai;
        m_pkt.br         = m_cmul_vif.br;
        m_pkt.bi         = m_cmul_vif.bi;
       // m_pkt.reset      = m_cmul_vif.reset;
        m_pkt.pr       = m_cmul_vif.pr;
        m_pkt.pi = m_cmul_vif.pi;

class scoreboard;
  mailbox scb_mbx;
  bit [63:0]ar_fifo[7];
  bit [63:0]ai_fifo[7];
  bit [63:0]br_fifo[7];
  bit [63:0]bi_fifo[7];

  task run();
    forever begin
      Packet item, ref_item;

      // Copy contents from received packet into a new packet so
      // just to get a and b.
      ref_item = new();
      for(int i=6;i>=0;i--)
        if(i) begin

      // Let us calculate the expected values in pi and pr
      ref_item.pr = {ar_fifo[5]*br_fifo[5]} - {ai_fifo[5]*bi_fifo[5]};
      ref_item.pi = {ai_fifo[5]*br_fifo[5]} + {ar_fifo[5]*bi_fifo[5]};
      // Now, pi and pr outputs in the reference variable can be compared
      // with those in the received packet
      if (ref_item.pi != item.pi) begin
        $display("[%0t] Scoreboard Error! pi mismatch ref_item=0x%0h item=0x%0h", $time, ref_item.pi, item.pi);
      end else begin
        $display("[%0t] Scoreboard Pass! pi match ref_item=0x%0h item =0x%0h", $time, ref_item.pi, item.pi);

      if (ref_item.pr != item.pr) begin
        $display("[%0t] Scoreboard Error! pr mismatch ref_item=0x%0h item=0x%0h", $time, ref_item.pr, item.pr);
      end else begin
        $display("[%0t] Scoreboard Pass! pr match ref_item=0x%0h item=0x%0h", $time, ref_item.pr, item.pr);

class generator;
  int   loop = 10;
  event drv_done;
  mailbox drv_mbx;

  task run();
    for (int i = 0; i < loop; i++) begin
      Packet item = new;
      $display ("T=%0t [Generator] Loop:%0d/%0d create next item", $time, i+1, loop);
      $display ("T=%0t [Generator] Wait for driver to be done", $time);

class env;  
  generator             g0; // Generate transactions         
  driver                        d0;                   // Driver to design  
  monitor                       m0;                    // Monitor from design
  scoreboard            s0;                     // Scoreboard connected to monitor
  mailbox                       scb_mbx;                // Top level mailbox for SCB <-> MON
  virtual cmul_if      m_cmul_vif;    // Virtual interface handle

  event drv_done;
  mailbox drv_mbx;

  function new();
    d0 = new;
    m0 = new;
    s0 = new;
    scb_mbx = new();
    g0 = new;
    drv_mbx = new;

  virtual task run();
    // Connect virtual interface handles
    d0.m_cmul_vif = m_cmul_vif;
    m0.m_cmul_vif = m_cmul_vif;

    // Connect mailboxes between each component
    d0.drv_mbx = drv_mbx;
    g0.drv_mbx = drv_mbx;

    m0.scb_mbx = scb_mbx;
    s0.scb_mbx = scb_mbx;

    // Connect event handles
    d0.drv_done = drv_done;
    g0.drv_done = drv_done;

    // Start all components - a fork join_any is used because
    // the stimulus is generated by the generator and we want the
    // simulation to exit only when the generator has finished
    // creating all transactions. Until then all other components
    // have to run in the background.

interface cmul_if();
  logic                 clk;
  logic [63:0]      ar;
  logic [63:0]      ai;
  logic [63:0]      br;
  logic [63:0]      bi;
  logic [128:0]         pr;
  logic [128:0]         pi;
  initial clk <= 0;

  always #10 clk = ~clk;

class test;
  env e0;
  mailbox drv_mbx;

  function new();
    drv_mbx = new();
    e0 = new();

  virtual task run();
    e0.d0.drv_mbx = drv_mbx;

module tb;

  bit tb_clk;

  cmul_if      m_cmul_if();
  cmultx64      m0          (m_cmul_if);

  initial begin
    test t0;
    t0 = new;
    t0.e0.m_cmul_vif = m_cmul_if;
    #50 $finish;
  // Define a covergroup
  covergroup cmultx64_cg @(posedge m_cmul_if.clk);
  // Coverpoints
  coverpoint m_cmul_if.ar { bins low = {0}; bins high = {64'h7FFF_FFFF_FFFF_FFFF}; }
  coverpoint m_cmul_if.ai { bins low = {0}; bins high = {64'h7FFF_FFFF_FFFF_FFFF}; }
  coverpoint m_cmul_if.br { bins low = {0}; bins high = {64'h7FFF_FFFF_FFFF_FFFF}; }
  coverpoint m_cmul_if.bi { bins low = {0}; bins high = {64'h7FFF_FFFF_FFFF_FFFF}; }

  // Cross coverage: This will give us a matrix of all possible combinations of ar, ai, br, bi
  cross m_cmul_if.ar, m_cmul_if.ai, m_cmul_if.br, m_cmul_if.bi;

// Instantiate the covergroup
cmultx64_cg cg1;

initial begin
  // Initialize the covergroup
  cg1 = new();

  always @(posedge m_cmul_if.clk) begin
  // Sample the covergroup


T=131 Monitor ar=0x3663928677917193535 ai=0x7890384334432080575 br=0x518813531089504302 bi=0x7052919361153373150 pr=0x135810663822377906 pi=0x10266323930858106324
# T=131 Scoreboard ar=0x32d8e3b8619ef53f ai=0x6d8046bf432192bf br=0x73332286141882e bi=0x61e100ca7f0593de pr=0x1e27f1445d7c3b2 pi=0x8e794f38c7e3add4
# T=131 Scoreboard ar=0x3663928677917193535 ai=0x7890384334432080575 br=0x518813531089504302 bi=0x7052919361153373150 pr=0x135810663822377906 pi=0x10266323930858106324
# [131] Scoreboard Pass! pi match ref_item=0x8e794f38c7e3add4 item =0x8e794f38c7e3add4
# [131] Scoreboard Pass! pr match ref_item=0x1e27f1445d7c3b2 item=0x1e27f1445d7c3b2
# T=150 Driver ar=0x737b139455d25390 ai=0x744cef14d0239552 br=0xe61f0f2107efd2e bi=0x124db73361155bbb pr=0x0 pi=0x0
# T=150 Driver ar=0x8321266264313058192 ai=0x8380335879300027730 br=0x1036374311721434414 bi=0x1318911697189428155 pr=0x0 pi=0x0
# T=150 [Driver] waiting for item ...
# T=150 [Generator] Loop:9/10 create next item
# T=150 [Generator] Wait for driver to be done
# ** Error: Common factor calculation is incorrect
#    Time: 150 ns Started: 150 ns  Scope: tb.m0 File: C:/Users/Anudeep/Desktop/doc_temp/SV_EL/cmultx64.sv Line: 127
# ** Error: Imaginary product calculation is incorrect
#    Time: 150 ns Started: 150 ns  Scope: tb.m0 File: C:/Users/Anudeep/Desktop/doc_temp/SV_EL/cmultx64.sv Line: 123
# ** Error: Real product calculation is incorrect
#    Time: 150 ns Started: 150 ns  Scope: tb.m0 File: C:/Users/Anudeep/Desktop/doc_temp/SV_EL/cmultx64.sv Line: 119
# T=151 Monitor ar=0x737b139455d25390 ai=0x744cef14d0239552 br=0xe61f0f2107efd2e bi=0x124db73361155bbb pr=0x7608a64d5f26d1ec pi=0xfffffffffffffffff9c59515add5b864
# T=151 Monitor ar=0x8321266264313058192 ai=0x8380335879300027730 br=0x1036374311721434414 bi=0x1318911697189428155 pr=0x8505230747528253932 pi=0x340282366920938463462925818764258031716
# T=151 Scoreboard ar=0x737b139455d25390 ai=0x744cef14d0239552 br=0xe61f0f2107efd2e bi=0x124db73361155bbb pr=0x7608a64d5f26d1ec pi=0xfffffffffffffffff9c59515add5b864
# T=151 Scoreboard ar=0x8321266264313058192 ai=0x8380335879300027730 br=0x1036374311721434414 bi=0x1318911697189428155 pr=0x8505230747528253932 pi=0x340282366920938463462925818764258031716
# [151] Scoreboard Error! pi mismatch ref_item=0xf9c59515add5b864 item=0xfffffffffffffffff9c59515add5b864
# [151] Scoreboard Pass! pr match ref_item=0x7608a64d5f26d1ec item=0x7608a64d5f26d1ec
# T=170 Driver ar=0xd27934d8c819661 ai=0x2aff7bc8688b9785 br=0x2fa6f58da3a7dbb3 bi=0xbe7f758685c0d87 pr=0x0 pi=0x0
# T=170 Driver ar=0x947888207863846497 ai=0x3098331169331844997 br=0x3433701754601462707 bi=0x857926213117414791 pr=0x0 pi=0x0
# T=170 [Driver] waiting for item ...
# T=170 [Generator] Loop:10/10 create next item
# T=170 [Generator] Wait for driver to be done
# ** Error: Common factor calculation is incorrect
#    Time: 170 ns Started: 170 ns  Scope: tb.m0 File: C:/Users/Anudeep/Desktop/doc_temp/SV_EL/cmultx64.sv Line: 127
# ** Error: Imaginary product calculation is incorrect
#    Time: 170 ns Started: 170 ns  Scope: tb.m0 File: C:/Users/Anudeep/Desktop/doc_temp/SV_EL/cmultx64.sv Line: 123
# ** Error: Real product calculation is incorrect
#    Time: 170 ns Started: 170 ns  Scope: tb.m0 File: C:/Users/Anudeep/Desktop/doc_temp/SV_EL/cmultx64.sv Line: 119
# T=171 Monitor ar=0xd27934d8c819661 ai=0x2aff7bc8688b9785 br=0x2fa6f58da3a7dbb3 bi=0xbe7f758685c0d87 pr=0xb87927d662a297b pi=0x28c010765c8cf339
# T=171 Monitor ar=0x947888207863846497 ai=0x3098331169331844997 br=0x3433701754601462707 bi=0x857926213117414791 pr=0x830793723555752315 pi=0x2936365057590489913
# T=171 Scoreboard ar=0xd27934d8c819661 ai=0x2aff7bc8688b9785 br=0x2fa6f58da3a7dbb3 bi=0xbe7f758685c0d87 pr=0xb87927d662a297b pi=0x28c010765c8cf339
# T=171 Scoreboard ar=0x947888207863846497 ai=0x3098331169331844997 br=0x3433701754601462707 bi=0x857926213117414791 pr=0x830793723555752315 pi=0x2936365057590489913
# [171] Scoreboard Error! pi mismatch ref_item=0x128c010765c8cf339 item=0x28c010765c8cf339
# [171] Scoreboard Pass! pr match ref_item=0xb87927d662a297b item=0xb87927d662a297b
# T=190 Driver ar=0xb1a0f6fdf759c97 ai=0x393a0e9c7d5cc062 br=0x68dfde48de03535a bi=0x1b3f115e4c0807cc pr=0x0 pi=0x0
# T=190 Driver ar=0x799968856976497815 ai=0x4123624474092028002 br=0x7557003104294753114 bi=0x1963307059257018316 pr=0x0 pi=0x0
# T=190 [Driver] waiting for item ...
# ** Error: Common factor calculation is incorrect
#    Time: 190 ns Started: 190 ns  Scope: tb.m0 File: C:/Users/Anudeep/Desktop/doc_temp/SV_EL/cmultx64.sv Line: 127
# ** Error: Imaginary product calculation is incorrect
#    Time: 190 ns Started: 190 ns  Scope: tb.m0 File: C:/Users/Anudeep/Desktop/doc_temp/SV_EL/cmultx64.sv Line: 123
# ** Error: Real product calculation is incorrect
#    Time: 190 ns Started: 190 ns  Scope: tb.m0 File: C:/Users/Anudeep/Desktop/doc_temp/SV_EL/cmultx64.sv Line: 119
# T=191 Monitor ar=0xb1a0f6fdf759c97 ai=0x393a0e9c7d5cc062 br=0x68dfde48de03535a bi=0x1b3f115e4c0807cc pr=0x2e7bedf58d282440 pi=0xb0e57e7cabfe6610
# T=191 Monitor ar=0x799968856976497815 ai=0x4123624474092028002 br=0x7557003104294753114 bi=0x1963307059257018316 pr=0x3349532386771084352 pi=0x12746733394268677648
# T=191 Scoreboard ar=0xb1a0f6fdf759c97 ai=0x393a0e9c7d5cc062 br=0x68dfde48de03535a bi=0x1b3f115e4c0807cc pr=0x2e7bedf58d282440 pi=0xb0e57e7cabfe6610
# T=191 Scoreboard ar=0x799968856976497815 ai=0x4123624474092028002 br=0x7557003104294753114 bi=0x1963307059257018316 pr=0x3349532386771084352 pi=0x12746733394268677648
# [191] Scoreboard Pass! pi match ref_item=0xb0e57e7cabfe6610 item =0xb0e57e7cabfe6610
# [191] Scoreboard Error! pr mismatch ref_item=0x1ffffffffffffffff2e7bedf58d282440 item=0x2e7bedf58d282440
# ** Error: Common factor calculation is incorrect
#    Time: 210 ns Started: 210 ns  Scope: tb.m0 File: C:/Users/Anudeep/Desktop/doc_temp/SV_EL/cmultx64.sv Line: 127
# ** Error: Imaginary product calculation is incorrect
#    Time: 210 ns Started: 210 ns  Scope: tb.m0 File: C:/Users/Anudeep/Desktop/doc_temp/SV_EL/cmultx64.sv Line: 123
# ** Error: Real product calculation is incorrect
#    Time: 210 ns Started: 210 ns  Scope: tb.m0 File: C:/Users/Anudeep/Desktop/doc_temp/SV_EL/cmultx64.sv Line: 119
# T=211 Monitor ar=0xb1a0f6fdf759c97 ai=0x393a0e9c7d5cc062 br=0x68dfde48de03535a bi=0x1b3f115e4c0807cc pr=0xffffffffffffffffdd8ae577b584733b pi=0xffffffffffffffff5381f455a77ce0dd
# T=211 Monitor ar=0x799968856976497815 ai=0x4123624474092028002 br=0x7557003104294753114 bi=0x1963307059257018316 pr=0x340282366920938463460891687489536029499 pi=0x340282366920938463450945222583921729757
# T=211 Scoreboard ar=0xb1a0f6fdf759c97 ai=0x393a0e9c7d5cc062 br=0x68dfde48de03535a bi=0x1b3f115e4c0807cc pr=0xffffffffffffffffdd8ae577b584733b pi=0xffffffffffffffff5381f455a77ce0dd
# T=211 Scoreboard ar=0x799968856976497815 ai=0x4123624474092028002 br=0x7557003104294753114 bi=0x1963307059257018316 pr=0x340282366920938463460891687489536029499 pi=0x340282366920938463450945222583921729757
# [211] Scoreboard Error! pi mismatch ref_item=0x15381f455a77ce0dd item=0xffffffffffffffff5381f455a77ce0dd
# [211] Scoreboard Error! pr mismatch ref_item=0xdd8ae577b584733b item=0xffffffffffffffffdd8ae577b584733b
# ** Error: Common factor calculation is incorrect
#    Time: 230 ns Started: 230 ns  Scope: tb.m0 File: C:/Users/Anudeep/Desktop/doc_temp/SV_EL/cmultx64.sv Line: 127
# ** Error: Imaginary product calculation is incorrect
#    Time: 230 ns Started: 230 ns  Scope: tb.m0 File: C:/Users/Anudeep/Desktop/doc_temp/SV_EL/cmultx64.sv Line: 123
# ** Error: Real product calculation is incorrect
#    Time: 230 ns Started: 230 ns  Scope: tb.m0 File: C:/Users/Anudeep/Desktop/doc_temp/SV_EL/cmultx64.sv Line: 119
# T=231 Monitor ar=0xb1a0f6fdf759c97 ai=0x393a0e9c7d5cc062 br=0x68dfde48de03535a bi=0x1b3f115e4c0807cc pr=0xffffffffffffffffcf4181621a71ecc1 pi=0x2e2aaa4d10ff1f50
# T=231 Monitor ar=0x799968856976497815 ai=0x4123624474092028002 br=0x7557003104294753114 bi=0x1963307059257018316 pr=0x340282366920938463459862223455746387137 pi=0x3326658522740891472
# T=231 Scoreboard ar=0xb1a0f6fdf759c97 ai=0x393a0e9c7d5cc062 br=0x68dfde48de03535a bi=0x1b3f115e4c0807cc pr=0xffffffffffffffffcf4181621a71ecc1 pi=0x2e2aaa4d10ff1f50
# T=231 Scoreboard ar=0x799968856976497815 ai=0x4123624474092028002 br=0x7557003104294753114 bi=0x1963307059257018316 pr=0x340282366920938463459862223455746387137 pi=0x3326658522740891472
# [231] Scoreboard Error! pi mismatch ref_item=0x12e2aaa4d10ff1f50 item=0x2e2aaa4d10ff1f50
# [231] Scoreboard Error! pr mismatch ref_item=0x1ffffffffffffffffcf4181621a71ecc1 item=0xffffffffffffffffcf4181621a71ecc1
# ** Note: $finish    : C:/Users/Anudeep/Desktop/doc_temp/SV_EL/top.sv(276)
#    Time: 240 ns  Iteration: 0  Instance: /tb
# 1

可能是什么问题。覆盖群体的覆盖率非常低(6%)。该代码是大学课程体验式学习的一部分。该 EL 项目展示了使用 System Verilog 设计和验证 64 位复数乘法单元 (CMU)。 CMU 旨在以笛卡尔形式处理两个复数,输出其乘积的实部和虚部。该单元利用流水线架构来实现高吞吐量和低延迟。 CMU 功能的验证是使用 System Verilog 测试环境执行的,该环境生成随机输入并根据参考模型验证输出。这项工作展示了一种有效的高速复数乘法方法,在数字信号处理和控制系统中具有潜在的应用。

system-verilog system-verilog-assertions


addcommon <= ar_fifo1 - ai_fifo1;

就是从 64 位中减去 64 位并将该值分配给 64 位。结果需要是 65 位才能保存加法(减法)。




我并不是说您需要使用该方程,而是说您没有说明您要使用的方程,然后在代码中用简单的变量名称来表达它,如示例中所做的那样( A B C D)。这将使代码更容易调试和验证中间量。

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