
问题描述 投票:1回答:3








library IEEE;

entity button_counter is
    port( clk : in std_logic;
         btnU : in std_logic;
         btnD : in std_logic;
          led : out std_logic_vector (15 downto 0));
end button_counter;

architecture behavioral of button_counter is

    component debouncer is
        port(    clk : in std_logic;
                 btn : in std_logic;
             btn_clr : out std_logic);
    end component;

    signal btnU_clr : std_logic;
    signal btnD_clr : std_logic;


    debouncer_btnU : debouncer port map (clk => clk, btn => btnU, btn_clr => btnU_clr);
    debouncer_btnD : debouncer port map (clk => clk, btn => btnD, btn_clr => btnD_clr);

        variable count : integer := 0;
        if (rising_edge(clk)) then
            if(btnU_clr = '1') then count := count + 1;
            elsif(btnD_clr = '1') then count := count - 1;
            end if;
            led <= std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(count, led'length));
        end if;
    end process;

end behavioral;


library IEEE;
    use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
    use IEEE.numeric_std.all;

entity debouncer is
    port(    clk : in std_logic;
             btn : in std_logic;
         btn_clr : out std_logic);
end debouncer;

architecture behavioural of debouncer is

    constant delay : integer := 650000; -- 6.5ms
    signal count : integer := 0;
    signal btn_tmp : std_logic := '0';


        if rising_edge(clk) then
            if (btn /= btn_tmp) then
                btn_tmp <= btn;
                count <= 0;
            elsif (count = delay) then
                btn_clr <= btn_tmp;
                count <= count + 1;
            end if;
        end if;
    end process;

end behavioural;


library IEEE;

entity button_counter_tb is
end button_counter_tb;

architecture behavioral of button_counter_tb is

signal clk_tb    : std_logic;
signal btnU_tb   : std_logic;
signal btnD_tb   : std_logic;
signal led_tb    : std_logic_vector (15 downto 0);

component button_counter
port(clk    : in std_logic; 
     btnU   : in std_logic;
     btnD   : in std_logic;
     led    : out std_logic_vector (15 downto 0));
end component;


UUT: button_counter port map (clk => clk_tb, btnU => btnU_tb, btnD => btnD_tb, led => led_tb);


btnU_tb <= '0';
btnD_tb <= '0'; 

wait for 100ns;
btnU_tb <= '1';

wait for 100ns;
btnU_tb <= '0';

wait for 100ns;
btnU_tb <= '1';

wait for 100ns;
btnD_tb <= '1';

wait for 100ns;
btnU_tb <= '0';

wait for 100ns;
btnD_tb <= '0';

end process;

end behavioral;
vhdl fpga xilinx vivado debounce

  1. 刺激(按钮按下)在测试台中的时间不足

  2. 去抖动器不会为单个时钟产生

  3. enable


验证,您的设计已被修改为允许使用较慢的时钟(看来您实际上是在使用100 MHz时钟)。目的是减少计算需求并显示波形存储。

前两点在测试平台中解决:library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.numeric_std.all; entity button_counter_tb is end entity button_counter_tb; architecture behavioral of button_counter_tb is -- NOTE: suffix _tb has been removed, it's annoying to type over and over signal clk: std_logic := '0'; -- ADDED default value '0' signal btnU: std_logic; signal btnD: std_logic; signal led: std_logic_vector (15 downto 0); component button_counter generic ( -- ADDED generic CLKP: time := 10 ns; DEBT: time := 6.5 ms -- debounce time supports different ); -- mechanical buttons/switches port ( clk: in std_logic; btnU: in std_logic; btnD: in std_logic; led: out std_logic_vector (15 downto 0) ); end component; constant CLKP: time := 12.5 us; -- ADDED just long enough to show debounce constant DEBT: time := 6.5 ms; -- ADDED begin CLOCK: -- ADDED clock process process begin wait for CLKP/2; clk <= not clk; if now > 2 sec then -- stop simulation wait; end if; end process; UUT: button_counter generic map ( -- ADDED generic map CLKP => CLKP, DEBT => DEBT ) port map ( clk => clk, btnU => btnU, btnD => btnD, led => led ); -- STIMULI: -- process -- begin -- btnU_tb <= '0'; -- btnD_tb <= '0'; -- wait for 100 ns; -- btnU_tb <= '1'; -- wait for 100 ns; -- btnU_tb <= '0'; -- wait for 100 ns; -- btnU_tb <= '1'; -- wait for 100 ns; -- btnD_tb <= '1'; -- wait for 100 ns; -- btnU_tb <= '0'; -- wait for 100 ns; -- btnD_tb <= '0'; -- wait; -- ADDED -- stops simulation -- end process; UP_BUTTON: process begin btnU <= '0'; wait for 2 ms; btnU <= '1'; -- first button press wait for 0.5 ms; btnU <= '0'; wait for 0.25 ms; btnU <= '1'; wait for 7 ms; btnU <= '0'; wait for 100 us; btnU <= '1'; wait for 20 us; btnU <= '0'; wait for 200 ms; btnU <= '1'; -- second button press wait for 20 us; btnU <= '0'; wait for 20 us; btnU <= '1'; wait for 6.6 ms; btnU <= '0'; wait for 250 ms; btnU <= '1'; -- third button press wait for 20 us; btnU <= '0'; wait for 20 us; btnU <= '1'; wait for 6.6 ms; btnU <= '0'; wait for 200 ms; btnU <= '1'; -- second button press wait for 20 us; btnU <= '0'; wait for 20 us; btnU <= '1'; wait for 6.6 ms; btnU <= '0'; wait for 50 us; btnU <= '1'; wait for 1 ms; btnU <= '0'; wait; end process; DOWN_BUTTON: process begin btnD <= '0'; wait for 800 ms; btnD <= '1'; -- first button press wait for 0.5 ms; btnD <= '0'; wait for 0.25 ms; btnD <= '1'; wait for 0.5 ms; btnD <= '0'; wait for 1 ms; btnD <= '1'; wait for 7 ms; btnD <= '0'; wait for 100 us; btnD <= '1'; wait for 20 us; btnD <= '0'; wait for 200 ms; btnD <= '1'; -- second button press wait for 20 us; btnD <= '0'; wait for 20 us; btnD <= '1'; wait for 6.6 ms; btnD <= '0'; wait for 250 ms; wait; end process; end architecture behavioral;






library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; use IEEE.numeric_std.all; entity debouncer is generic ( -- ADDED GENERICS to speed up simulation CLKP: time := 10 ns; DEBT: time := 6.5 ms ); port ( clk: in std_logic; btn: in std_logic; btn_clr: out std_logic ); end entity debouncer; architecture behavioural of debouncer is -- constant delay: integer := 650000; -- 6.5ms constant DELAY: integer := DEBT/CLKP; signal count: integer := 0; signal b_enab: std_logic := '0'; -- RENAMED, WAS btn_tmp signal btnd0: std_logic; -- ADDED for clock domain crossing signal btnd1: std_logic; -- DITTO begin CLK_DOMAIN_CROSS: -- ADDED process process (clk) begin if rising_edge(clk) then btnd0 <= btn; btnd1 <= btnd0; end if; end process; DEBOUNCE_COUNTER: -- ADDED LABEL process (clk) begin if rising_edge(clk) then -- if btn /= btn_tmp then -- REWRITTEN -- btn_tmp <= btn; -- count <= 0; -- elsif count = DELAY then -- btn_clr <= btn_tmp; -- else -- count <= count + 1; -- end if; btn_clr <= '0'; -- btn_clr for only one clock, used as enable if btnd1 = '0' then -- test for btn inactive state count <= 0; elsif count < DELAY then -- while btn remains in active state count <= count + 1; end if; if count = DELAY - 1 then -- why btn_clr '1' or 1 clock btn_clr <= '1'; end if; end if; end process; end architecture behavioural;





library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.numeric_std.all; entity button_counter is generic ( CLKP: time := 10 ns; -- GENERIC CONSTANTS for faster simulation DEBT: time := 6.5 ms -- supports diffeent switches/buttons ); port ( clk: in std_logic; btnU: in std_logic; btnD: in std_logic; led: out std_logic_vector (15 downto 0) ); end entity button_counter; architecture behavioral of button_counter is component debouncer is generic ( CLKP: time := 10 ns; DEBT: time := 6.5 ms ); port ( clk: in std_logic; btn: in std_logic; btn_clr: out std_logic ); end component; signal btnU_clr: std_logic; signal btnD_clr: std_logic; begin debouncer_btnU: debouncer generic map ( CLKP => CLKP, DEBT => DEBT ) port map ( clk => clk, btn => btnU, btn_clr => btnU_clr ); debouncer_btnD: debouncer generic map ( CLKP => CLKP, DEBT => DEBT ) port map ( clk => clk, btn => btnD, btn_clr => btnD_clr ); process (clk) variable count: integer := 0; begin if rising_edge(clk) then if btnU_clr = '1' then count := count + 1; elsif btnD_clr = '1'then count := count - 1; end if; led <= std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(count, led'length)); end if; end process; end architecture behavioral;



zoom in

通过时钟时钟周期和去抖动间隔通过设计层次结构的修改不是严格必要的。它们有助于仿真,此处将其用于设计验证。 (测试台中显示的刺激不能完全验证设计)。

通过使用通用默认设置(时钟频率为100MHz),该设计很有可能在目标平台上实施时能够正常工作。 (在去抖动器中选择了按钮输入的活动极性以支持原始实现。如果您怀疑按钮在增加或减少时会发生抖动,则可以增加DEBT值。)



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