在 for 循环中动态创建、合并和保存数据帧

问题描述 投票:0回答:1

我有两个不同的数据集。一个数据集描述级别和位置(包含 4 个文件)。第二个数据集描述了技术和位置(包含 3 个文件)。

import os 
import pandas as pd 
import glob 

technology = glob.glob("C:\\path\\*.xlsx", recursive = True)
level = glob.glob("C:\\path\\*.xlsx", recursive = True)
d = {}

for level, technology in zip (level, technology):
    d[level technology] = pd.merge(technology, level, how= "inner",left_on=["Location"],right_on=["Location"])
    d.to_excel(d[level technology]+ '.xlsx')           
  1. 使用 d ={} 我尝试创建一个可以重命名的数据框。
  2. 通过 for 循环,我尝试根据位置列将每个技术文件与每个级别文件合并。 3.将技术和关卡合并后的12个文件按照原来的文件名保存....

我使用的方法正确吗?目前我收到以下错误消息: 类型错误:只能合并 Series 或 DataFrame 对象,传递了

pandas dataframe for-loop merge

您遇到的问题源于对 pandas.merge 和文件处理在这种情况下如何工作的误解。您的技术和级别变量是文件路径(字符串)列表,而不是 DataFrame 对象。您需要将这些文件加载到 pandas DataFrames 中,然后才能合并它们。

import os
import pandas as pd
import glob

technology_files = glob.glob("C:\\path\\technology*.xlsx", recursive=True)
level_files = glob.glob("C:\\path\\level*.xlsx", recursive=True)

output_dir = "C:\\path\\merged_files\\"
os.makedirs(output_dir, exist_ok=True)

merged_files = {}

for technology_path in technology_files:
    for level_path in level_files:
        # Load the current technology and level files into DataFrames
        technology_df = pd.read_excel(technology_path)
        level_df = pd.read_excel(level_path)
        # Merge on 'Location'
        merged_df = pd.merge(technology_df, level_df, how="inner", on="Location")
        # Create a unique key/name for the dictionary and the output file
        technology_filename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(technology_path))[0]
        level_filename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(level_path))[0]
        merged_key = f"{technology_filename}_{level_filename}"
        # Store the merged DataFrame in the dictionary
        merged_files[merged_key] = merged_df
        # Save the merged DataFrame to an Excel file
        output_filepath = os.path.join(output_dir, f"{merged_key}.xlsx")
        merged_df.to_excel(output_filepath, index=False)

print("Merging and saving completed.")
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