
问题描述 投票:1回答:1

我有一个数据框架,如下图所示,数据总是有一个会话。这意味着在一列 "会话 "中的唯一值的数量将永远是一个。


  B_ID   No_Show   Session  slot_num  Cumulative_no_show
    1     0.4       S1        1       0.4   
    2     0.3       S1        2       0.7      
    3     0.8       S1        3       1.5        
    4     0.3       S1        4       1.8       
    5     0.6       S1        5       2.4         
    6     0.8       S1        6       3.2       
    7     0.9       S1        7       4.1        
    8     0.4       S1        8       4.5
    9     0.6       S1        9       5.1

我试着用下面的代码来创建上面的 df.

df = pd.DataFrame({'B_ID': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9], 
                   'No_Show': [0.4, 0.3, 0.8, 0.3, 0.6, 0.8, 0.9, 0.4, 0.6], 
                   'Session': ['s1', 's1', 's1', 's1', 's1', 's1', 's1', 's1', 's1'], 
                   'slot_num': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9], 
                   'Cumulative_no_show': [0.4, 0.7, 1.5, 1.8, 2.4, 3.2, 4.1, 4.5, 5.1]})

df['Cumulative_no_show'] = df.groupby(['Session'])['No_Show'].cumsum() 


walkin_no_show = [ 0.3, 0.2, 0.1, 0.4, 0.5, 0.4, 0.2, 0.7, 0.8]


threshold_p = [0.8, 0.9, 1.0, 1.1]

从上面的u_cumulative > threshold_p[j]中,当u_cumulative > threshold_p[j]创建一个新的行,就在它的下面用

 df[No_Show] = walkin_no_show[i]

并且它的Session和slot_num应该和之前的一样,并且从之前的列中减去(1 - walkin_no_show[i])创建一个新的列,叫做u_cumulative。


def overbook_dfs (df, walkin_no_show, threshold_p ):
     return df_0_8, df_0_9, df_1_0, df_1_1




  B_ID   No_Show   Session  slot_num  Cumulative_no_show   u_cumulative
    1     0.4       S1        1       0.4                  0.4
    2     0.3       S1        2       0.7                  0.7   
    3     0.8       S1        3       1.5                  1.5
walkin1   0.3       S1        3       1.5                  0.8
    4     0.3       S1        4       1.8                  1.1
walkin2   0.2       S1        4       1.8                  0.3      
    5     0.6       S1        5       2.4                  0.9
walkin3   0.1       S1        5       2.4                  0.0         
    6     0.8       S1        6       3.2                  0.8       
    7     0.9       S1        7       4.1                  1.7
walkin4   0.4       S1        7       4.1                  1.1    
    8     0.4       S1        8       4.5                  1.5
walkin5   0.5       S1        8       4.5                  1.1
    9     0.6       S1        9       5.1                  1.7
walkin6   0.4       S1        9       5.1                  1.1


  B_ID   No_Show   Session  slot_num  Cumulative_no_show   u_cumulative
    1     0.4       S1        1       0.4                  0.4
    2     0.3       S1        2       0.7                  0.7   
    3     0.8       S1        3       1.5                  1.5
walkin1   0.3       S1        3       1.5                  0.8
    4     0.3       S1        4       1.8                  1.1
walkin2   0.2       S1        4       1.8                  0.3      
    5     0.6       S1        5       2.4                  0.9        
    6     0.8       S1        6       3.2                  1.7
walkin3   0.1       S1        6       3.2                  0.8       
    7     0.9       S1        7       4.1                  1.7
walkin4   0.4       S1        7       4.1                  1.1    
    8     0.4       S1        8       4.5                  1.5
walkin5   0.5       S1        8       4.5                  1.1
    9     0.6       S1        9       5.1                  1.7
walkin6   0.4       S1        9       5.1                  1.1


  B_ID   No_Show   Session  slot_num  Cumulative_no_show   u_cumulative
    1     0.4       S1        1       0.4                  0.4
    2     0.3       S1        2       0.7                  0.7   
    3     0.8       S1        3       1.5                  1.5
walkin1   0.3       S1        3       1.5                  0.8
    4     0.3       S1        4       1.8                  1.1
walkin2   0.2       S1        4       1.8                  0.3      
    5     0.6       S1        5       2.4                  0.9        
    6     0.8       S1        6       3.2                  1.7
walkin3   0.1       S1        6       3.2                  0.8       
    7     0.9       S1        7       4.1                  1.7
walkin4   0.4       S1        7       4.1                  1.1    
    8     0.4       S1        8       4.5                  1.5
walkin5   0.5       S1        8       4.5                  1.0
    9     0.6       S1        9       5.1                  1.6
walkin6   0.4       S1        9       4.5                  1.0


  B_ID   No_Show   Session  slot_num  Cumulative_no_show   u_cumulative
    1     0.4       S1        1       0.4                  0.4
    2     0.3       S1        2       0.7                  0.7   
    3     0.8       S1        3       1.5                  1.5
walkin1   0.3       S1        3       1.5                  0.8
    4     0.3       S1        4       1.8                  1.1      
    5     0.6       S1        5       2.4                  1.6
walkin2   0.2       S1        5       2.4                  0.8        
    6     0.8       S1        6       3.2                  1.6
walkin3   0.1       S1        6       3.2                  0.7       
    7     0.9       S1        7       4.1                  1.6
walkin4   0.4       S1        7       4.1                  1.0
    8     0.4       S1        8       4.5                  1.4
walkin5   0.5       S1        8       4.5                  0.9
    9     0.6       S1        9       5.1                  1.5
walkin6   0.4       S1        8       5.1                  0.9  
python pandas numpy pandas-groupby


# function to create the u_cumulative
def create_u_columns (ser, threshold_ns = 0.8):
    # create a copy
    arr_ns = ser.to_numpy().copy()
    # array for latter insert
    arr_idx = np.zeros(len(ser), dtype=int)
    walkin_id = 0 #start at 0 not 1 for list indexing
    for i in range(len(arr_ns)-1):
        if arr_ns[i]>threshold_ns:
            # remove 1 - walkin
            arr_ns[i+1:] -= (1-walkin_no_show[walkin_id])
            # increment later idx to add
            arr_idx[i] = walkin_id+1
            walkin_id +=1
    # for the last row
    if arr_ns[-1]>threshold_ns:
        arr_idx[-1] = walkin_id+1
    #return a dataframe with both columns
    return pd.DataFrame({'u_cumulative': arr_ns, 'mask_idx':arr_idx}, index=ser.index)

现在定义另一个函数 overbook_dfs

def overbook_dfs (df0, walkin_no_show, threshold_p ):
    l_res = [] #for result
    for th_p in threshold_p: #loop on threshold
        # create a copy of original dataframe
        df = df0.copy() 
        df[['u_cumulative','mask_idx']] = create_u_columns(df['Cumulative_no_show'],
        # select the rows
        df_toAdd = df.loc[df['mask_idx'].astype(bool), :].copy()
        # replace the values as wanted
        df_toAdd['No_Show'] = walkin_no_show[:len(df_toAdd)]
        df_toAdd['B_ID'] = 'walkin'+df_toAdd['mask_idx'].astype(str)
        df_toAdd['u_cumulative'] -= (1 - df_toAdd['No_Show'])
        # add 0.5 to index for later sort
        df_toAdd.index += 0.5 
        #append the result to a list
                       .drop('mask_idx', axis=1)
    return l_res


# parameters
walkin_no_show = [ 0.3, 0.2, 0.1, 0.4, 0.5, 0.4, 0.2, 0.7, 0.8]
threshold_p = [0.8, 0.9, 1.0, 1.1]

# call your function
df_0_8, df_0_9, df_1_0, df_1_1 = overbook_dfs(df, walkin_no_show, threshold_p)

print (df_0_9)
       B_ID  No_Show Session  slot_num  Cumulative_no_show  u_cumulative
0         1      0.4      s1         1                 0.4           0.4
1         2      0.3      s1         2                 0.7           0.7
2         3      0.8      s1         3                 1.5           1.5
3   walkin1      0.3      s1         3                 1.5           0.8
4         4      0.3      s1         4                 1.8           1.1
5   walkin2      0.2      s1         4                 1.8           0.3
6         5      0.6      s1         5                 2.4           0.9
7         6      0.8      s1         6                 3.2           1.7
8   walkin3      0.1      s1         6                 3.2           0.8
9         7      0.9      s1         7                 4.1           1.7
10  walkin4      0.4      s1         7                 4.1           1.1
11        8      0.4      s1         8                 4.5           1.5
12  walkin5      0.5      s1         8                 4.5           1.0
13        9      0.6      s1         9                 5.1           1.6
14  walkin6      0.4      s1         9                 5.1           1.0

请注意,如果列表中的 walkin_no_show 不够长

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