Woocommerce - 不要将其他类别的产品添加到购物车

问题描述 投票:0回答:2

我有几个类别,我正在努力使某些类别无法与其他类别一起添加到购物车。 (添加时,应该重定向到产品并显示错误消息)。


问题是这样的 以下类别可以相互添加到购物车 奶酪 奶酪套装 面包 面包店 牛奶 鉴于以下类别不应与上述类别混合以及它们之间的混合 格兰普 马 食物餐车 其他 农场


//*** Prevent mixture of paint and other prods in same cart ***//
function dont_add_paint_to_cart_containing_other($validation, $product_id) {

// Set flag false until we find a product in cat paint
    $cart_has_paint = false;

// Set $cat_check true if a cart item is in paint cat
    foreach (WC()->cart->get_cart() as $cart_item_key => $cart_item) {

        $product = $cart_item['data'];

        if (has_term('paint', 'product_cat', $product->id)) {
            $cart_has_paint = true;
            // break because we only need one "true" to matter here

    $product_is_paint = false;
    if (has_term('paint', 'product_cat', $product_id)) {
        $product_is_paint = true;

// Return true if cart empty
    if (!WC()->cart->get_cart_contents_count() == 0) {
        // If cart contains paint and product to be added is not paint, display error message and return false.
        if ($cart_has_paint && !$product_is_paint) {
            wc_add_notice('Sorry, you can only purchase paint products on their own. To purchase this product, please checkout your current cart or empty your cart and try again', 'error');
            $validation = false;
        // If cart contains a product that is not paint and product to be added is paint, display error message and return false.
        elseif (!$cart_has_paint && $product_is_paint) {
            wc_add_notice('Sorry, you can only purchase paint products on their own. To purchase this product, please checkout your current cart or empty your cart and try again', 'error');
            $validation = false;
    // Otherwise, return true.
    return $validation;

add_filter('woocommerce_add_to_cart_validation', 'dont_add_paint_to_cart_containing_other', 10, 2);

并且返工但没有成功^) 当购物车中的“允许”类别并且我添加任何“禁止”类别时,它的工作原理 但是当我尝试添加来自glamp和horse的产品时不起作用?两种产品都进入购物车并且规则不起作用

//*** Prevent mixture of certain categories in same cart ***//
function dont_add_categories_to_cart_containing_other($validation, $product_id) {
    // Set flag false until we find a product in prohibited categories
    $cart_has_prohibited = false;
    // Prohibited categories
    $prohibited_categories = array(
    // Allowed categories
    $allowed_categories = array(

    // Set $cat_check true if a cart item is in prohibited categories
    foreach (WC()->cart->get_cart() as $cart_item_key => $cart_item) {
        $product = $cart_item['data'];
        $product_categories = wp_get_post_terms($product->id, 'product_cat', array("fields" => "slugs"));
        $intersect_categories = array_intersect($prohibited_categories, $product_categories);

        if (!empty($intersect_categories)) {
            $cart_has_prohibited = true;
            // break because we only need one "true" to matter here

    $product_categories = wp_get_post_terms($product_id, 'product_cat', array("fields" => "slugs"));
    $intersect_categories = array_intersect($prohibited_categories, $product_categories);
    $product_is_prohibited = !empty($intersect_categories);

    // Return true if cart empty
    if (!WC()->cart->is_empty()) {
        // If cart contains prohibited categories and product to be added is not prohibited, display error message and return false.
        if ($cart_has_prohibited && !$product_is_prohibited) {
            wc_add_notice('Sorry, you can only purchase products from the allowed categories. Please checkout your current cart or empty your cart and try again.', 'error');
            $validation = false;
        // If cart contains a product that is not prohibited and product to be added is from the prohibited categories, display error message and return false.
        elseif (!$cart_has_prohibited && $product_is_prohibited) {
            wc_add_notice('Sorry, you can only purchase products from the allowed categories. Please checkout your current cart or empty your cart and try again.', 'error');
            $validation = false;
    // Otherwise, return true.
    return $validation;

add_filter('woocommerce_add_to_cart_validation', 'dont_add_categories_to_cart_containing_other', 10, 2);



php wordpress woocommerce categories cart


//*** Prevent mixture of certain categories in same cart ***//
function dont_add_categories_to_cart_containing_other($passed_validation, $product_id) {
    // Get the product categories
    $product_categories = wp_get_post_terms($product_id, 'product_cat', array("fields" => "slugs"));

    // Prohibited categories
    $prohibited_categories = array(

    // Allowed categories
    $allowed_categories = array(

    // Check if the product is in a prohibited category
    $product_is_prohibited = !empty(array_intersect($prohibited_categories, $product_categories));

    // Check if the product is in an allowed category
    $product_is_allowed = !empty(array_intersect($allowed_categories, $product_categories));

    // Check if there are any prohibited products in the cart
    $cart_has_prohibited = false;
    foreach (WC()->cart->get_cart() as $cart_item_key => $cart_item) {
        $cart_product_id = $cart_item['product_id'];
        $cart_product_categories = wp_get_post_terms($cart_product_id, 'product_cat', array("fields" => "slugs"));

        if (!empty(array_intersect($prohibited_categories, $cart_product_categories))) {
            $cart_has_prohibited = true;

    // Check if the cart has any allowed products
    $cart_has_allowed = false;
    foreach (WC()->cart->get_cart() as $cart_item_key => $cart_item) {
        $cart_product_id = $cart_item['product_id'];
        $cart_product_categories = wp_get_post_terms($cart_product_id, 'product_cat', array("fields" => "slugs"));

        if (!empty(array_intersect($allowed_categories, $cart_product_categories))) {
            $cart_has_allowed = true;

    // Return true if cart is empty
    if (WC()->cart->is_empty()) {
        return $passed_validation;

    // If cart contains prohibited products and the product to be added is not prohibited, display error message and return false.
    if ($cart_has_prohibited && !$product_is_prohibited) {
        wc_add_notice('Sorry, you can only purchase products from the allowed categories. Please review your current cart or empty your cart and try again.', 'error');
        return false;

    // If cart contains prohibited products and the product to be added is prohibited, display error message and return false.
    if ($cart_has_prohibited && $product_is_prohibited) {
        wc_add_notice('Sorry, you can only purchase products from the allowed categories. Please review your current cart or empty your cart and try again.', 'error');
        return false;

    // If cart contains an allowed product and the product to be added is prohibited, display error message and return false.
    if ($cart_has_allowed && $product_is_prohibited) {
        wc_add_notice('Sorry, you can only purchase one product from the prohibited categories. Please review your current cart or empty your cart and try again.', 'error');
        return false;

    /*// If cart contains an allowed product and the product to be added is also allowed, display error message and return false.
    if ($cart_has_allowed && $product_is_allowed) {
        wc_add_notice('Sorry, you can only purchase one product from each category. Please review your current cart or empty your cart and try again.', 'error');
        return false;

    return $passed_validation;

add_filter('woocommerce_add_to_cart_validation', 'dont_add_categories_to_cart_containing_other', 10, 2);


Bhautik 谢谢您的帮助,您的问题和您的帮助比以往任何时候都更加激励我。我找到了另一个最终适合我的选择。

    function custom_add_to_cart_validation( $passed, $product_id, $quantity ) {
        // Get the product categories
        $product_categories = wp_get_post_terms( $product_id, 'product_cat', array( 'fields' => 'slugs' ) );
        // Creating a list of prohibited combinations of categories
        $prohibited_combinations = array(
            array( 'category-c', 'category-a' ),
            array( 'category-c', 'category-b' ),
            array( 'category-d', 'category-a' ),
            array( 'category-d', 'category-b' ),
        // Check whether the selected product is in the basket
        if ( WC()->cart->get_cart_contents_count() > 0 ) {
            foreach ( WC()->cart->get_cart() as $cart_item_key => $cart_item ) {
                $cart_item_product_id = $cart_item['product_id'];
                $cart_item_product_categories = wp_get_post_terms( $cart_item_product_id, 'product_cat', array( 'fields' => 'slugs' ) );
                // Checking prohibited combinations
                foreach ( $prohibited_combinations as $combination ) {
                    if ( in_array( $combination[0], $product_categories ) && in_array( $combination[1], $cart_item_product_categories ) ) {
                        // If a forbidden combination is found, we output an error message
                        wc_add_notice( 'You cannot add products from these categories together to the cart.', 'error' );
                        return false;
        return $passed;
    add_filter( 'woocommerce_add_to_cart_validation', 'custom_add_to_cart_validation', 10, 3 );
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