
问题描述 投票:0回答:1

我正在尝试创建一个流行病学 SEIR 模型并随着时间的推移模拟模型隔间。更具体地说,下面的代码定义了一个名为 Metapopulation_SEIR 的函数。该函数代表了一种称为 Metapopulation SEIR 模型的区室模型,该模型常用于流行病学中,用于模拟传染病在多个相互关联的人群中的传播。参见代码:


# Metapopulation SEIR model function
Metapopulation_SEIR <- function(time, current_state, params, connectivity_matrix){
  with(as.list(c(current_state, params)),{
    # Calculate total population size in each subpopulation
    N <- apply(current_state, 1, sum)
    # Initialize rate of change vectors
    dS <- rep(0, nrow(current_state))
    dE <- rep(0, nrow(current_state))
    dI <- rep(0, nrow(current_state))
    dR <- rep(0, nrow(current_state))
    dM <- rep(0, nrow(current_state))
    # Loop through each subpopulation
    for (i in 1:nrow(current_state)) {
      # Calculate total number of individuals in subpopulation i
      Ni <- N[i]
      # Calculate rates of change for each compartment in subpopulation i
      dSi <- -beta * S[i] * I[i] / Ni
      dEi <- (beta * S[i] * I[i] / Ni) - sigma * E[i]
      dIi <- sigma * E[i] - gamma * I[i] - mu * I[i]
      dRi <- gamma * I[i]
      dMi <- mu * I[i]
      # Update rate of change vectors
      dS[i] <- dSi
      dE[i] <- dEi
      dI[i] <- dIi
      dR[i] <- dRi
      dM[i] <- dMi
      # Calculate movement of individuals between subpopulations
      for (j in 1:nrow(current_state)) {
        dS[i] <- dS[i] + connectivity_matrix[i, j] * (beta * S[j] * I[j] / Ni)
        dE[i] <- dE[i] + connectivity_matrix[i, j] * (sigma * E[j])
        dI[i] <- dI[i] + connectivity_matrix[i, j] * (gamma * I[j])
        dR[i] <- dR[i] + connectivity_matrix[i, j] * (gamma * R[j])
        dM[i] <- dM[i] + connectivity_matrix[i, j] * (mu * I[j])
    # Return a list of rates of change for each compartment
    return(list(c(dS, dE, dI, dR, dM)))

# Example inputs
# Number of subpopulations
num_subpopulations <- 3

# Initial compartment counts for each subpopulation
initial_state <- matrix(c(
  S1 = 900, E1 = 10, I1 = 5, R1 = 85,
  S2 = 950, E2 = 5,  I2 = 2, R2 = 43,
  S3 = 850, E3 = 15, I3 = 7, R3 = 100
), ncol = 4, byrow = TRUE)

# Parameters
params <- c(beta = 0.5, sigma = 0.25, gamma = 0.2, mu = 0.001)

# Connectivity matrix (specifies the movement of individuals between subpopulations)
# Example: Fully connected network where individuals can move between all subpopulations
connectivity_matrix <- matrix(0.1, nrow = num_subpopulations, ncol = num_subpopulations)
diag(connectivity_matrix) <- 1  # Individuals stay within their own subpopulation

# Time points
times <- seq(0, 365, by = 1)

# Solve the model
model <- ode(initial_state, times, Metapopulation_SEIR, params, connectivity_matrix)


Error in match.arg(method) : 'arg' must be NULL or a character vector


model <- ode(initial_state, times, Metapopulation_SEIR, parms=params, connectivity_matrix)

但仍然遇到同样的错误。 感谢您的帮助!

r ode


  • ode
  • initial_state
  • 矩阵的名称不能轻易地用
  • 解包
  • 初始状态的数量必须等于导数的数量

进一步的问题是,没有必要使用循环。 R是一种矢量化语言,因此状态可以直接以矩阵形式表示,这使得代码更紧凑,速度更快。



# Metapopulation SEIR model function
Metapopulation_SEIR <- function(time, current_state, params, connectivity_matrix, n_sub){
  # tp: access to names in state **matrix** not possible with "with",
  #     this works only for parms
  #with(as.list(c(current_state, params)),{
    # tp: reformat state vector as matrix
    dim(current_state) <- c(n_sub, 5)
    # tp: extract states
    S <- current_state[,1]
    E <- current_state[,2]
    I <- current_state[,3]
    R <- current_state[,4]
    M <- current_state[,5]
    # Calculate total population size in each subpopulation
    N <- apply(current_state, 1, sum)
    # Initialize rate of change vectors
    dS <- rep(0, nrow(current_state))
    dE <- rep(0, nrow(current_state))
    dI <- rep(0, nrow(current_state))
    dR <- rep(0, nrow(current_state))
    dM <- rep(0, nrow(current_state))
    # tp: loop is not necessary, R is a vectorized language
    # Loop through each subpopulation
    for (i in 1:nrow(current_state)) {
      # Calculate total number of individuals in subpopulation i
      Ni <- N[i]
      # Calculate rates of change for each compartment in subpopulation i
      dSi <- -beta * S[i] * I[i] / Ni
      dEi <- (beta * S[i] * I[i] / Ni) - sigma * E[i]
      dIi <- sigma * E[i] - gamma * I[i] - mu * I[i]
      dRi <- gamma * I[i]
      dMi <- mu * I[i]
      # Update rate of change vectors
      dS[i] <- dSi
      dE[i] <- dEi
      dI[i] <- dIi
      dR[i] <- dRi
      dM[i] <- dMi
      # Calculate movement of individuals between subpopulations
      for (j in 1:nrow(current_state)) {
        dS[i] <- dS[i] + connectivity_matrix[i, j] * (beta * S[j] * I[j] / Ni)
        dE[i] <- dE[i] + connectivity_matrix[i, j] * (sigma * E[j])
        dI[i] <- dI[i] + connectivity_matrix[i, j] * (gamma * I[j])
        dR[i] <- dR[i] + connectivity_matrix[i, j] * (gamma * R[j])
        dM[i] <- dM[i] + connectivity_matrix[i, j] * (mu * I[j])
    # Return a list of rates of change for each compartment
    return(list(c(dS, dE, dI, dR, dM)))

# Example inputs
# Number of subpopulations
num_subpopulations <- 3

# Initial compartment counts for each subpopulation
# tp: add 5th column for M states
initial_state <- matrix(c(
  S1 = 900, E1 = 10, I1 = 5, R1 = 85, M1=0,
  S2 = 950, E2 = 5,  I2 = 2, R2 = 43, M2=0,
  S3 = 850, E3 = 15, I3 = 7, R3 = 100, M3=0
), ncol = 5, byrow = TRUE)

# tp: reformat initial_state into vector
initial_state <- as.vector(initial_state)

# Parameters
params <- c(beta = 0.5, sigma = 0.25, gamma = 0.2, mu = 0.001)

# Connectivity matrix (specifies the movement of individuals between subpopulations)
# Example: Fully connected network where individuals can move between all subpopulations
connectivity_matrix <- matrix(0.1, nrow = num_subpopulations, ncol = num_subpopulations)
diag(connectivity_matrix) <- 1  # Individuals stay within their own subpopulation

# Time points
times <- seq(0, 365, by = 1)

# Solve the model

# tp: add n_sub argument
model <- ode(initial_state, times, Metapopulation_SEIR, params, "lsoda", 
             connectivity_matrix = connectivity_matrix, n_sub=num_subpopulations)

# tp: alternative: works too, but extra arguments must always be named
model <- ode(initial_state, times, Metapopulation_SEIR, params, 
             connectivity_matrix = connectivity_matrix, n_sub=num_subpopulations)
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