
问题描述 投票:0回答:1

我需要处理实验数据。该实验是将一块磁铁穿过 2 个线圈,一个在下落开始时,一个在下落结束时,然后根据差异测量物体(当我使用不同线圈之间的高度差重复该过程时),为此我需要识别有趣的事情真正发生的时刻和事件结束的时刻,并将它们与事件之前/之后的噪音区分开来。我上传了数据here(那里有几个实验的几个文件)。所有文件中的所有数据通常都是相同的,按原样绘制它会生成一种“高斯/洛伦兹导数形式”。其中有三个相关列:t 代表时间,X 是第一个线圈的电压数据,Y 是第二个线圈的电压数据。 原始数据图如下所示(减去两个红点):


经过反复试验,这是我想出的最好的办法。它确实适用于某些 Y 向量,但不适用于其他向量,并且绝对不适用于 X。

import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib import gridspec import scipy from scipy.signal import argrelmax from scipy.ndimage.filters import gaussian_filter1d from scipy.interpolate import UnivariateSpline from whittaker_eilers import WhittakerSmoother from scipy.signal import savgol_filter def importData(filename): # use skiprows to skip the scope setup information and header # usecols column numbers starting from 0 t, v1, v2 = np.loadtxt(filename, delimiter=',', skiprows=47, usecols=[1,2,3]).T return t, v1, v2 #%% t,X,Y= importData(r"C:\Users\IMOE001\Desktop\inductance\15cm_10N.csv") whittaker_smoother =WhittakerSmoother(lmbda=30, order=2, data_length=len(t)) nX=gaussian_filter1d(Y, 2, order=0) nX=np.array(whittaker_smoother.smooth(nX)) dX= np.gradient(nX,t) ndX=np.array(whittaker_smoother.smooth(dX)) ndX=gaussian_filter1d(ndX,2, order=0) c1ndX=ndX/np.abs(np.mean(ndX)) c2ndX=(c1ndX-np.mean(c1ndX))/10000 ddX=np.gradient(c2ndX,t) c1bex=ddX/np.abs(np.mean(ddX)) c2bex=(c1bex-np.mean(c1bex))/50000 bex=gaussian_filter1d(c2bex, 2, order=0) bex=np.array(whittaker_smoother.smooth(bex)) plt.figure(dpi=500) index_f=np.argmin(np.abs(bex[::-1])<5e-2) index_i=np.argmin(np.abs(bex)<5e-2) val_i=np.abs(np.mean(bex[:index_i]))*350 val_f=np.abs(np.mean(bex[len(bex)-index_f:]))*250 a= np.argmin(np.abs(bex)<val_i) b= len(bex)-np.argmin(np.abs(bex[::-1])<val_f) print(a,b,index_i,index_f)


  1. 使用高斯滤波器和 Wittaker 平滑滤波器平滑数据(我承认我不知道这两个滤波器实际上是如何工作的,也不知道它们对数据做了什么,除了改进了我的结果)。请注意,Wittaker 平滑过滤器使用的是我在网上找到的一个库,并且必须
  2. pip install

    它。 - 第 19-21 行


  3. 使用
  4. np.gradient

    导出平滑数据并进一步平滑结果,这次将结果除以结果的平均值,以使事件前后的线更接近于零。 - 第 22-25 行


  5. 将结果除以 10000,因为事件周围导数的幅度非常高,我只关心事件开始时的小幅上升和事件结束时下降到几乎为零。 - 26号线
  6. 对二阶导数重复相同的过程,但这次出于同样的原因将其除以 50000。 - 第 27-31 行
  7. 在获得可以使用的二阶导数的形式后,我从中提取了二阶导数首次超过数字 0.05 的索引,以及它持续下降到该数字以下的索引。这是一个任意数字,似乎最适合其中一个数据向量,但显然不适用于所有数据向量。那些名为
  8. index_i

    的表示与初始尾部和最终尾部相关。 - 第 36-37 行

  9. 为了补偿该任意数字与其他数据向量的不匹配,我尝试将其用作索引来平均二阶导数的尾部,并搜索其中的索引 它超过/下降超过相应平均值的某个乘数。同样,乘数是任意的(事件后尾部为 250,事件前尾部为 350),并且主要适合一个特定数据,但不适合其余数据。那些名为
  10. a-


    是结束索引。 - 第 38-41 行

  11. 代码打印了
  12. a

    来帮助我了解谁更准确,但实际上没有一个更准确。 42号线

python python-3.x numpy

我只关心事件开始时的小幅上升,并假设您确实关心外部拐点。通过使用更标准的 filtfilt 而不是 Whittaker 来简化:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import scipy.signal
from zipfile import ZipFile

data_list = []

archive = ZipFile('Data package from April 5th..zip')
for file_info in archive.infolist():
    set_df = pd.read_csv(
        skiprows=45, usecols=['Time(s)', 'Channel1', 'Channel2'],

    # Convert to a series having a multi-index over experiment, time and channel
    set_df.columns.name = 'Channel'
    set_series = set_df.stack()
    set_series = pd.DataFrame({
        'Experiment': file_info.filename.removesuffix('.csv'),
        'Voltage': set_series,
    }).set_index('Experiment', append=True)['Voltage']
    set_series.index = (
        .swaplevel('Experiment', 'Time(s)')
        .swaplevel('Channel', 'Time(s)')
voltage = pd.concat(data_list)

# Used prior to differentials
filter_strength = 10
filter_b = np.full(shape=filter_strength, fill_value=1/filter_strength)

for experiment, egroup in voltage.groupby('Experiment'):
    fig = plt.figure()

    # For each experiment, a figure having 2x2 axes: (volts, differential) by (channels 1, 2)
    ax_volts = fig.add_subplot(2, 2, 1), fig.add_subplot(2, 2, 2)
    for col in ax_volts:
        col.tick_params('x', labelbottom=False)
    ax_diffs = (
        fig.add_subplot(2, 2, 3, sharex=ax_volts[0]),
        fig.add_subplot(2, 2, 4, sharex=ax_volts[1]),
    for row, label in zip(
        (ax_volts, ax_diffs),
        ('Experimental data, volts', 'Second-order differential'),

    cgroup: pd.Series
    for ax_volt, ax_diff, (channel, cgroup) in zip(
        ax_volts, ax_diffs, egroup.groupby('Channel'),
        filtered = pd.Series(scipy.signal.filtfilt(
            b=filter_b, a=1, x=cgroup,
        time = cgroup.index.get_level_values('Time(s)')
        ax_volt.plot(time, cgroup, label='Voltage')
        ax_volt.plot(time, filtered, label='Filtered')

        # Finite-differences second-order differential: https://stackoverflow.com/a/59095333/313768
        diff2 = filtered - 2*filtered.shift(1) + filtered.shift(2)
        ax_diff.plot(time, diff2)

        Assumed structure:
        1. a positive peak
        2. 0 (inflection point A)
        3. minimum
        4. 0 (inflection point B)
        5. maximum
        6. 0 (inflection point C)
        7. a negative peak
        i_max = diff2.argmax()
        segc = diff2.iloc[i_max:]
        i_ipc = segc[segc < 0].index[0]
        segb = diff2.iloc[:i_max]
        i_ipb = segb[segb < 0].index[-1]
        sega = segb.iloc[:i_ipb]
        i_ipa = sega[sega > 0].index[-1]

        for ax, series in zip(
            (ax_volt, ax_diff), (cgroup, diff2)
                time[[i_ipa, i_ipc]],
                series.iloc[[i_ipa, i_ipc]],



这可以正确找到您拥有的每个数据集的拐点。然而,您(含糊地)暗示这不是您真正关心的。根据您设置为 10,000 的调整参数,您似乎希望一些外部点具有较小的斜率。这根本不需要差速器:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import pandas as pd from zipfile import ZipFile data_list = [] archive = ZipFile('Data package from April 5th..zip') for file_info in archive.infolist(): set_df = pd.read_csv( filepath_or_buffer=archive.open(name=file_info.filename), skiprows=45, usecols=['Time(s)', 'Channel1', 'Channel2'], index_col='Time(s)', ) # Convert to a series having a multi-index over experiment, time and channel set_df.columns.name = 'Channel' set_series = set_df.stack() set_series = pd.DataFrame({ 'Experiment': file_info.filename.removesuffix('.csv'), 'Voltage': set_series, }).set_index('Experiment', append=True)['Voltage'] set_series.index = ( set_series.index .swaplevel('Experiment', 'Time(s)') .swaplevel('Channel', 'Time(s)') ) data_list.append(set_series) voltage = pd.concat(data_list) threshold = 0.1 for experiment, egroup in voltage.groupby('Experiment'): fig = plt.figure() fig.suptitle(experiment) # For each experiment, a figure having 1x2 axes: (channels 1, 2) ax_volts = fig.add_subplot(1, 2, 1), fig.add_subplot(1, 2, 2) ax_volts[0].set_ylabel('Volts') cgroup: pd.Series for ax_volt, (channel, cgroup) in zip( ax_volts, egroup.groupby('Channel'), ): time = cgroup.index.get_level_values('Time(s)') ax_volt.plot(time, cgroup, label='Voltage') ax_volt.set_title(channel) iv_max = cgroup.argmax() iv_min = cgroup.argmin() v_thresh_hi = threshold*cgroup.iloc[iv_max] v_thresh_lo = threshold*cgroup.iloc[iv_min] i_hi = cgroup.iloc[:iv_max].searchsorted(v_thresh_hi) i_lo = cgroup.iloc[iv_min:].searchsorted(v_thresh_lo) + iv_min ax_volt.scatter( time[[i_hi, i_lo]], cgroup.iloc[[i_hi, i_lo]], c='red', label='threshold', ) ax_volts[1].legend() plt.show()

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