Unity 2d游戏,如何让玩家的物体在经过特定位置(或对撞机或其他物体)时跳跃

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TLDR;当玩家的游戏对象通过指定的 y 值位置时,我如何启动它的跳跃?


问题是鱼只有在水面时才能跳跃(物体的位置有一个 y 值 ~ = 水面的 y 值)。此外,鱼不应该在空中游泳一次,这意味着一旦它跳跃,它必须返回水中(y 值小于水面的位置)。



我已经添加了一个水对象(带浮力效应器的方形碰撞器),并弄乱了数字,以便鱼在水中时可以游泳,但不能越过水面。我还添加了一个冲刺动作(来自一个非常好的 youtube 教程),所以玩家可以在水中冲刺,也可以“冲刺”出水面,但随后他们会做这个奇怪的降落伞落回水中并在空中进行一些有限的控制......代码如下。


using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using System;

public class FishScript : MonoBehaviour
    public Rigidbody2D rb2d;
    private Vector2 moveInput;
    public float moveSpeed;
    public Animator animator;

    //dash stuff
    public float dashSpeed;
    private float activeSpeed;
    public float dashLength = 0.1f, dashCooldown = 24f;
    private float dashCounter;
    private float dashCoolCounter;

    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()
        activeSpeed = moveSpeed;

    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        //setting "Speed" to velocity, to change to swimming animation
        animator.SetFloat("Speed", Math.Abs(rb2d.velocity.x + rb2d.velocity.y));
        //basic movement

        moveInput.x = Input.GetAxisRaw("Horizontal");
        moveInput.y = Input.GetAxisRaw("Vertical");


        rb2d.velocity = moveInput * activeSpeed;


        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space) == true) 
            if (dashCoolCounter <= 0 && dashCounter <= 0) 
                activeSpeed = dashSpeed;
                dashCounter = dashLength;


        if (dashCounter > 0) 
            dashCounter -= Time.deltaTime;

            if (dashCounter <= 0) 
                activeSpeed = moveSpeed;
                dashCoolCounter = dashCooldown;

        if (dashCoolCounter > 0)
            dashCoolCounter -= Time.deltaTime;



c# unity3d 2d-games
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