message 相关问题



我希望能够在 Rabbit 中的队列之间(手动)移动消息。 例如: 第一个队列有消息 ['a','b','c','d','e','f'] 第二个队列有消息 ['x','y'] 我想成为有能力的...

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根据 WooCommerce 中的运输区域和购物车金额阈值动态显示消息

在 Woocommerce 答案中根据客户送货区域显示自定义消息时,我找到了一种根据送货区域在购物车中显示消息的解决方案。 我想根据运费显示一条消息

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基于运输区域和 WooCommerce 中的最大购物车数量的不同购物车消息

在 Woocommerce 答案中根据客户送货区域显示自定义消息时,我找到了一种根据送货区域在购物车中显示消息的解决方案。 我想根据运费显示一条消息

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Django - 通过一个文件管理消息字符串

我目前发现我的应用程序变得相当大,并且我正在 中处理许多不同的消息。我必须手动设置返回给用户的每个消息字符串...

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如何在IBM MQ中添加多行消息?


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如何在 XCode 15 中测试 Sticker Pack 应用程序?

我正在尝试在 XCode 15.3 中创建一个独立的贴纸包应用程序。项目本身创建得很好,我可以向项目添加贴纸,我已经设置了所有许多应用程序图标,但是当我运行项目时......

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ActiveMQ——在 Broker 重新启动之前消息不会被传送

我使用的是ActiveMQ v5.6。它有一个消费者。在大多数情况下它工作得很好。但有时,消息不会被发送并且它们会堆积在队列中。但是,一旦我重新启动 Broker,它就...

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如何恢复 Powershell 对 C:\Windows\system32\powershell.exe 路径的访问?


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资源 通过 VMWare 配备 Ubuntu 虚拟机的 Macbook Air Pioneer3 AT机器人 活性氧 罗莎·阿丽亚 语境 我至少已经完成了 Ros+RosAria 的大部分设置: 运行在

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PrimeNG 侧边栏可清除 primeng 消息。为什么?

在我的 app.component.html 中我有 ... 在我的 app.component.html 中我有 <div class="main"> <button type="button" (click)="onShowNotificationSideBar()" label="Show"></button> <p-sidebar [(visible)]="notificationSideBarVisible" position="right" [style]="{width:'50em'}"> <button type="button" pButton pRipple (click)="showSuccess()" label="S" class="p-button-success"></button> <button type="button" pButton pRipple (click)="showWarn()" label="W" class="p-button-warning"></button> <button type="button" pButton pRipple (click)="showError()" label="E" class="p-button-danger"></button> <h3>Messages</h3> <h5>{{messages}}</h5> <p-messages [(value)]="messages" [enableService]="false" ></p-messages> </p-sidebar> <p-toast position="center"></p-toast> <router-outlet></router-outlet> </div> 在 app.component.ts 中我有 import { Component } from '@angular/core'; import { Message, MessageService } from 'primeng/api'; @Component({ selector: 'app-root', templateUrl: './app.component.html', styleUrls: ['./app.component.scss'], providers: [MessageService] }) export class AppComponent { title = 'WECO'; notificationSideBarVisible = false; constructor(private messageService: MessageService) { messageService.messageObserver.subscribe((m:Message | Message[])=>{ if (!Array.isArray(m)){ this.messages.push(m) } this.messages = [...this.messages]; }); } onShowNotificationSideBar(){ this.notificationSideBarVisible=true; } count=0; messages : Message[] = [ // { severity: 'success', summary: 'Success', detail: 'Message Content' }, // { severity: 'info', summary: 'Info', detail: 'Message Content' }, // { severity: 'warn', summary: 'Warning', detail: 'Message Content' }, // { severity: 'error', summary: 'Error', detail: 'Message Content' } ]; longSentence = 'Let’s end all this nonsense about how long sentences = run-on sentences. You can have a six-word run-on sentence (“I went shopping I ate donuts.”), while most of the sentences below are much, much longer than that and are not run-ons';//'And let’s end all this nonsense about how long sentences = run-on sentences. You can have a six-word run-on sentence (“I went shopping I ate donuts.”), while most of the sentences below are much, much longer than that and are not run-ons (except for a few examples like Jose Saramago). But whether the sentence is grammatically correct isn’t nearly as important as whether the sentence is fun or beautiful.' showWarn(){ let detail='User Deleted a Weco Rule'; if (this.count++%5===0) detail = this.longSentence; this.messageService.add({severity:'warn', summary:'User Action', detail: detail}); } showSuccess(){ let detail = 'Weco Rule 123 Saved'; if (this.count++%5===0) detail = this.longSentence; this.messageService.add({severity:'success', summary:'Service Call', detail:detail}); } showError(){ let detail = 'api-call:get-factories returned 404'; if (this.count++%5===0) detail = this.longSentence; this.messageService.add({severity:'error', summary:'Service Call', detail:detail}); } } 如果我打开侧边栏并在其中添加一些消息,它们就会出现,但是当我关闭并重新打开时,它们就会消失。 即使我可以看到 messages 变量仍然有它们。为什么? 附: 如果我添加更多消息,我只会看到新消息。 侧边栏菜单有一个名为 p-messages 的组件,如果您检查该元素,您会发现关闭时 p-sidebar 的内容会被破坏。 当您重新打开侧边栏时,数据保持不变,但消息会被破坏。 我认为 p-messages 组件只会显示数组引用发生变化,这可能是由于组件内部的 *ngFor 带有 trackBy,所以我们需要重置内存中的每个数组元素引用,以便我们欺骗 p-messages 认为列表中有新消息,为此我们可以使用对象解构!我会在侧边栏打开时执行此操作(onShowNotificationSideBar) onShowNotificationSideBar() { this.notificationSideBarVisible = true; this.messages = [ => ({...x}))]; // <- creates new references for the array and its contents! } 完整代码 import { Component } from '@angular/core'; import { Message, MessageService } from 'primeng/api'; @Component({ selector: 'sidebar-basic-demo', templateUrl: './sidebar-basic-demo.html', providers: [MessageService], }) export class SidebarBasicDemo { title = 'WECO'; notificationSideBarVisible = false; constructor(private messageService: MessageService) { messageService.messageObserver.subscribe((m: Message | Message[]) => { if (!Array.isArray(m)) { this.messages.push(m); } this.messages = [...this.messages]; }); } onShowNotificationSideBar() { this.notificationSideBarVisible = true; this.messages = [ => ({...x}))]; } count = 0; messages: Message[] = [ // { severity: 'success', summary: 'Success', detail: 'Message Content' }, // { severity: 'info', summary: 'Info', detail: 'Message Content' }, // { severity: 'warn', summary: 'Warning', detail: 'Message Content' }, // { severity: 'error', summary: 'Error', detail: 'Message Content' } ]; longSentence = 'Let’s end all this nonsense about how long sentences = run-on sentences. You can have a six-word run-on sentence (“I went shopping I ate donuts.”), while most of the sentences below are much, much longer than that and are not run-ons'; //'And let’s end all this nonsense about how long sentences = run-on sentences. You can have a six-word run-on sentence (“I went shopping I ate donuts.”), while most of the sentences below are much, much longer than that and are not run-ons (except for a few examples like Jose Saramago). But whether the sentence is grammatically correct isn’t nearly as important as whether the sentence is fun or beautiful.' showWarn() { let detail = 'User Deleted a Weco Rule'; if (this.count++ % 5 === 0) detail = this.longSentence; this.messageService.add({ severity: 'warn', summary: 'User Action', detail: detail, }); } showSuccess() { let detail = 'Weco Rule 123 Saved'; if (this.count++ % 5 === 0) detail = this.longSentence; this.messageService.add({ severity: 'success', summary: 'Service Call', detail: detail, }); } showError() { let detail = 'api-call:get-factories returned 404'; if (this.count++ % 5 === 0) detail = this.longSentence; this.messageService.add({ severity: 'error', summary: 'Service Call', detail: detail, }); } } html <div class="main"> <button type="button" (click)="onShowNotificationSideBar()" label="Show"> show sidebar </button> <p-sidebar [(visible)]="notificationSideBarVisible" position="right" [style]="{width:'50em'}" > <button type="button" pButton pRipple (click)="showSuccess()" label="S" class="p-button-success" > success </button> <button type="button" pButton pRipple (click)="showWarn()" label="W" class="p-button-warning" > warn </button> <button type="button" pButton pRipple (click)="showError()" label="E" class="p-button-danger" > error </button> <h3>Messages</h3> <h5>{{messages}}</h5> <p-messages [(value)]="messages" [enableService]="false"></p-messages> </p-sidebar> <p-toast position="center"></p-toast> </div> Stackblitz 演示

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SQL 队列不启动激活过程 SQL Server

SQL Server 2019 我正在尝试从触发器启动存储过程(以便触发器保持精简)来处理某些生产设施中的数据。使用队列/消息等对我来说是新的 我已经

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当消息是 url 时,Slack webhook 返回 invalid_payload

我有: def send_slack_message(消息: str): Payload = '{"text": "%s"}' % 消息 响应 =, 数据 = 有效负载) 打印(

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我想向多个收件人发送一条消息,但这样做时 iMessage 会与所有收件人创建一个群聊。我怎样才能避免这种情况并将消息单独发送给每个用户......

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什么是 git -c diff.mnemonicprefix=false -c core.quotepath=false --no-optional-locks push -v --tags --set-upstream origin master:master


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Python 上的“pywhatskit”不发送消息

使用模块 pywhatkit 您可以在 WhatsApp 上发送消息, 我使用了脚本: 导入 pywhatkit 作为 w w.sendwhatmsg("xxxxxxxx", "这是生成的消息",9,26) x 是麻木...

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是否可以通过蓝牙发送短信并从多个设备接收短信而无需连接到其中任何一个? 我主要使用 React Native。但是,如果您有任何想法...

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如何使用flutter app在whatsapp内发送消息,无需打开whatsApp

我正在为市场上的一家公司构建一个应用程序。 选择商品并付款后,我想在 WhatsApp 内发送消息,让客户说“嘿,您的商品已经确认,30 分钟后就到您家了...

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Whatsapp API (#132000) 参数数量与预期参数数量不匹配

我在 Whatsapp API 中创建了以下模板。我想在API调用中设置参数值。正确的有效负载是多少?我一直在关注元文档并尝试,但每次我都会出错......

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我正在使用 Telethon,并且从聊天中获取消息,但正如我在会话文件中看到的那样 - 我添加了很多与用户(我认为是发件人)相关的实体。所以我得到了 WaitFloodError 看起来像因为...

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