metadata 相关问题



w3c 资源计时 API 提供了一种机制来查找加载资源(如 .js、.css、.gif、字体等)的计时详细信息。但是,当前的实现尚未实现返回...

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如何编辑三星元数据,即使它声称使用 exiftool 不可写入

我想知道如何编辑所附图像文件中列出的三星元数据标签。这是为了一场比赛,我知道这是可能的,尽管 exiftool 声称并非如此。有...

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如何根据 WooCommerce 中的某些条件更新自定义元数据

我在 WooCommerce 中有一些产品自定义字段,它运行良好。这是代码: add_action( 'woocommerce_product_options_advanced', 'meta_data_custom' ); 函数meta_data_custom() { // 1.

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使用 FFmpeg 检索专辑封面

我正在开发一个依赖 FFmpeg 来检索音频元数据的 Android 应用程序。我知道可以使用 FFMpeg 以编程方式检索专辑封面。然而,一旦你解码了......

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为什么谷歌丰富的摘要显示:“项目不支持评论”? “@graph”关键字的实现是否正确?

以下架构正确吗? 我应该做一些改变吗? 如果我确实需要做出任何改变,我应该如何进行? { “@context”:...</desc> <question vote="0"> <p>以下架构正确吗? 我应该做一些改变吗? 如果我确实需要进行任何更改,我应该如何进行?</p> <pre><code>&lt;script type=&#34;application/ld+json&#34;&gt; { &#34;@context&#34;: &#34;;, &#34;@graph&#34;: [ { &#34;@type&#34;: &#34;MedicalCondition&#34;, &#34;associatedAnatomy&#34;: { &#34;@type&#34;: &#34;AnatomicalStructure&#34;, &#34;name&#34;: &#34;Eye&#34; }, &#34;name&#34;: &#34;Diabetic retinopathy&#34;, &#34;signOrSymptom&#34;: [ { &#34;@type&#34;: &#34;MedicalSymptom&#34;, &#34;name&#34;: &#34;Floaters&#34; }, { &#34;@type&#34;: &#34;MedicalSymptom&#34;, &#34;name&#34;: &#34;Dark Spot&#34; }, { &#34;@type&#34;: &#34;MedicalSymptom&#34;, &#34;name&#34;: &#34;Blurred vision&#34; }, { &#34;@type&#34;: &#34;MedicalSymptom&#34;, &#34;name&#34;: &#34;Reduced Night Vision&#34; } ], &#34;typicalTest&#34;: [ { &#34;@type&#34;: &#34;MedicalTest&#34;, &#34;name&#34;: &#34;OCT scan&#34;, &#34;description&#34;: &#34;An OCT scan is a non-invasive latest advancement in imaging technology. Similar to ultrasound, this diagnostic technique employs light rather than sound waves to achieve higher resolution (5 micron resolution) pictures of the structural layers of the ratina very prcisely.&#34;, &#34;usesDevice&#34;: &#34;Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT)&#34;, &#34;image&#34;: &#34;; }, { &#34;@type&#34;: &#34;MedicalTest&#34;, &#34;name&#34;: &#34;FFA&#34;, &#34;description&#34;: &#34;It is a common procedure that is performed to give more information about the blood vessels of the retina. A fluorescein dye is injected in the blood vessel of the arm. Then by specialised magnifying camera quick photographs are taken of your retina.&#34;, &#34;usesDevice&#34;: &#34;Fundus Fluorescein Angiography (FFA)&#34;, &#34;image&#34;: &#34;; } ] }, { &#34;@type&#34;: &#34;Person&#34;, &#34;name&#34;: &#34;DR. SHRUTIKA KANKARIYA&#34;, &#34;affiliation&#34;: &#34;Asian Eye Hospital&#34;, &#34;alumniOf&#34;: [ { &#34;@type&#34;: &#34;EducationalOrganization&#34;, &#34;name&#34;: &#34;Seth GS medical college&#34; }, { &#34;@type&#34;: &#34;EducationalOrganization&#34;, &#34;name&#34;: &#34;KEM hospital, Mumbai&#34; }, { &#34;@type&#34;: &#34;EducationalOrganization&#34;, &#34;name&#34;: &#34;Sankara Netralaya ,Chennai&#34; } ], &#34;hasCredential&#34;: [ { &#34;@type&#34;: &#34;EducationalOccupationalCredential&#34;, &#34;name&#34;: &#34;MBBS&#34; }, { &#34;@type&#34;: &#34;EducationalOccupationalCredential&#34;, &#34;name&#34;: &#34;DNB&#34; }, { &#34;@type&#34;: &#34;EducationalOccupationalCredential&#34;, &#34;name&#34;: &#34;FICO&#34; } ], &#34;description&#34;: &#34;Dr. Shrutika Junagade Kankariya, (MBBS, DNB, FICO, Fellow Retina and Diabetes Eye Disease) is an advanced medical retina, diabetic eye disease and cataract expert. She completed her medical college training from prestigious and one of the best medical college in India, Seth GS medical college and KEM hospital, Mumbai. She completed her ophthalmic education at one of the finest eye institute in Asia; Sankara Netralaya ,Chennai, under the aegis of diplomat of the national board (DNB). She has obtained FICO UK (Fellow international council of ophthalmology, united kingdom. Thereafter she underwent advanced fellowship in retinal disorders at sankara netralaya Chennai (Busiest center catering to referrals for retinal disorders from all over Asia).&#34; }, { &#34;@type&#34;: &#34;Review&#34;, &#34;author&#34;: &#34;Mrs India and actor, model Poonam Shende&#34;, &#34;reviewBody&#34;: &#34;Its a dream come true for me to have perfect vision without glasses! Thank you Dr Kankariya for your magic :)&#34;, &#34;itemReviewed&#34;: { &#34;@type&#34;: &#34;Thing&#34;, &#34;name&#34;: &#34;Asian Eye Hospital&#34; }, &#34;reviewRating&#34;: { &#34;@type&#34;: &#34;Rating&#34;, &#34;ratingValue&#34;: 5, &#34;worstRating&#34;: 1, &#34;bestRating&#34;: 5 } }, { &#34;@type&#34;: &#34;Review&#34;, &#34;author&#34;: &#34;Bollywood Actress Sonalee Kulkarni&#34;, &#34;reviewBody&#34;: &#34;My entire family has got freedom from glasses at Asian Eye Hospital. Dr Kankariya has magical hands&#34;, &#34;itemReviewed&#34;: { &#34;@type&#34;: &#34;Thing&#34;, &#34;name&#34;: &#34;Asian Eye Hospital&#34; }, &#34;reviewRating&#34;: { &#34;@type&#34;: &#34;Rating&#34;, &#34;ratingValue&#34;: 5, &#34;worstRating&#34;: 1, &#34;bestRating&#34;: 5 } }, { &#34;@type&#34;: &#34;Review&#34;, &#34;author&#34;: &#34;Professor Dr Ioannis Pallikaris&#34;, &#34;reviewBody&#34;: &#34;Dr Vardhaman Kankariya is a globally renowned expert and I am proud to be his mentor. If I need eye surgery I will come to Dr Kankariya myself.&#34;, &#34;itemReviewed&#34;: { &#34;@type&#34;: &#34;Thing&#34;, &#34;name&#34;: &#34;Asian Eye Hospital&#34; }, &#34;reviewRating&#34;: { &#34;@type&#34;: &#34;Rating&#34;, &#34;ratingValue&#34;: 5, &#34;worstRating&#34;: 1, &#34;bestRating&#34;: 5 } }, { &#34;@type&#34;: &#34;Review&#34;, &#34;author&#34;: &#34;Hon. Ahmed Adeeb Former Vice President of Maldives&#34;, &#34;reviewBody&#34;: &#34;Dr Kankariya is truly an expert. I was referred to Asian Eye from Maldives for my eye treatment and I am very happy&#34;, &#34;itemReviewed&#34;: { &#34;@type&#34;: &#34;Thing&#34;, &#34;name&#34;: &#34;Asian Eye Hospital&#34; }, &#34;reviewRating&#34;: { &#34;@type&#34;: &#34;Rating&#34;, &#34;ratingValue&#34;: 5, &#34;worstRating&#34;: 1, &#34;bestRating&#34;: 5 } }, { &#34;@type&#34;: &#34;Review&#34;, &#34;author&#34;: &#34;Honourable Former President of India, Smt Pratibhatai Patil&#34;, &#34;reviewBody&#34;: &#34;I congratulate Dr Kankariya to have returned back to India and provide expertise to our Indian patients. Asian Eye Hospital is a boon for Pune&#34;, &#34;itemReviewed&#34;: { &#34;@type&#34;: &#34;Thing&#34;, &#34;name&#34;: &#34;Asian Eye Hospital&#34; }, &#34;reviewRating&#34;: { &#34;@type&#34;: &#34;Rating&#34;, &#34;ratingValue&#34;: 5, &#34;worstRating&#34;: 1, &#34;bestRating&#34;: 5 } }, { &#34;@type&#34;: &#34;VideoObject&#34;, &#34;position&#34;: 1, &#34;name&#34;: &#34;Couple from Netherlands Undergo Successful Spectacle Removal Laser | Dr Kankariya | Pune&#34;, &#34;url&#34;: &#34;;, &#34;thumbnailUrl&#34;: [ &#34;; ], &#34;uploadDate&#34;: &#34;2018-10-02&#34;, &#34;duration&#34;: &#34;PT0M42S&#34;, &#34;contentUrl&#34;: &#34;&#34;, &#34;embedUrl&#34;: &#34;;, &#34;interactionStatistic&#34;: { &#34;@type&#34;: &#34;InteractionCounter&#34;, &#34;interactionType&#34;: { &#34;@type&#34;: &#34;; }, &#34;userInteractionCount&#34;: 567 } }, { &#34;@type&#34;: &#34;VideoObject&#34;, &#34;position&#34;: 2, &#34;name&#34;: &#34;Dr Shrutika Kankariya Zee TV Interview | Marathi | Cataract &amp; Diabetes Eye Diseases | Asian Eye Pune&#34;, &#34;url&#34;: &#34;;, &#34;thumbnailUrl&#34;: [ &#34;\u0026rs=AOn4CLC28IhXMx4-veeVcXO7C4au3X9pBA&#34; ], &#34;uploadDate&#34;: &#34;2017-02-02&#34;, &#34;duration&#34;: &#34;PT22M421S&#34;, &#34;contentUrl&#34;: &#34;&#34;, &#34;embedUrl&#34;: &#34;;, &#34;interactionStatistic&#34;: { &#34;@type&#34;: &#34;InteractionCounter&#34;, &#34;interactionType&#34;: { &#34;@type&#34;: &#34;; }, &#34;userInteractionCount&#34;: 8907 } }, { &#34;@type&#34;: &#34;VideoObject&#34;, &#34;position&#34;: 3, &#34;name&#34;: &#34;Padmavibhushan Dr K H Sancheti speaking about Dr Vardhaman Kankariya and Asian Eye Hospital, Pune&#34;, &#34;url&#34;: &#34;;, &#34;thumbnailUrl&#34;: [ &#34;\u0026rs=AOn4CLDap5Qy_wNlTZV7rwRgpfx92ii4cQ%22,&#34; ], &#34;uploadDate&#34;: &#34;2018-11-14&#34;, &#34;duration&#34;: &#34;PT6M12S&#34;, &#34;contentUrl&#34;: &#34;&#34;, &#34;embedUrl&#34;: &#34;;, &#34;interactionStatistic&#34;: { &#34;@type&#34;: &#34;InteractionCounter&#34;, &#34;interactionType&#34;: { &#34;@type&#34;: &#34;; }, &#34;userInteractionCount&#34;: 1432 } } ] } &lt;/script&gt; </code></pre> <p>对于上面的模式: 为什么谷歌丰富网页摘要工具显示: “商品不支持评论”</p> <p>以下部分以红色突出显示。</p> <p>另外,我对@graph关键字的实现是否正确?</p> <pre><code>@type&#34;: &#34;Review&#34;, &#34;author&#34;: &#34;Professor Dr Ioannis Pallikaris&#34;, &#34;reviewBody&#34;: &#34;Dr Vardhaman Kankariya is a globally renowned expert and I am proud to be his mentor. If I need eye surgery I will come to Dr Kankariya myself.&#34;, &#34;itemReviewed&#34;: { &#34;@type&#34;: &#34;Thing&#34;, &#34;name&#34;: &#34;Asian Eye Hospital&#34; }, &#34;reviewRating&#34;: { &#34;@type&#34;: &#34;Rating&#34;, &#34;ratingValue&#34;: 5, &#34;worstRating&#34;: 1, &#34;bestRating&#34;: 5 } </code></pre> <p>如何解决这个问题?</p> </question> <answer tick="false" vote="0"> <p>丰富片段测试工具专注于可以产生丰富片段的结构化数据。您的评论是关于“事物”的。以下是 Google 可能显示评论的类型列表:</p> <p><a href="" rel="nofollow noreferrer"></a></p> </answer> </body></html>

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Exiftool - 批量连接标签关键字从 JSON 到 jpg 文件

我在 Windows 10 目录中有数千个 JPG 和相应的 JSON 文件,以及 exiftool.exe: 0001.jpg 0001.jpg.json 0002.jpg 0002.jpg.json 0003.jpg 0003.jpg.json ...ETC。 exif工具 ...

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Databricks 访问文件_元数据时出现问题

我正在尝试使用以下说明访问 _metadata 以获取文件修改时间: 这是我的代码: df = \ ...

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如何在 next.js 13 中使用静态元数据对象添加自定义元标记

所以我知道要在我的网站上阻止 Pinterest,我需要将其嵌入到我网站的标题中 ,但我不知道如何在 Next 13 中做到这一点...

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将多个显示的订单项元键更改为 WooCommerce 中可读的名称

在我们使用的网络公司破产后,我接管了我公司的 WordPress 网站。我不是一个强大的程序员,所以对我来说裸露。我正在尝试编辑 WooCommerce 管理员上的元数据字段或...

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将显示的订单项元键更改为 WooCommerce 管理订单中可读的名称

在我们使用的网络公司破产后,我接管了我公司的 WordPress 网站。我不是一个强大的程序员,所以对我来说裸露。我正在尝试编辑 WooCommerce 管理员上的元数据字段或...

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有没有办法在 Wordpress WooCommerce 管理订单页面中编辑元数据文本

在我们使用的网络公司破产后,我接管了我公司的 WordPress 网站。我不是一个强大的程序员,所以对我来说裸露。我正在尝试编辑 WooCommerce 管理员上的元数据字段或...

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如何更改nextjs 13应用程序目录网站的网站名称?

我的网站 我将此网站添加到谷歌搜索结果中 但它的网站名称显示Vercel 如何将网站名称更改为 DailyLearn 常量结构化数据 = { “@context”:“

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正如问题所述,将 Dublin Core 元标记添加到 HTML 头部有什么意义吗?或者 删除了大部分标签的使用(尽管它只替换了一些标签) 我问这个...

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在 ShipStation for WooCommerce 中使用自定义订单项目元数据

我有一个 WooCommerce 商店,安装了 Shipstation for WooCommerce 插件。他们提供了一个简单的 PHP 函数来将与订单相关的自定义字段数据发送到 ShipStation。这是斯尼...

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向 ShipStation 发送 WooCommerce 订单的固定金额

我有一个 WooCommerce 商店,安装了 Shipstation for WooCommerce 插件。他们提供了一个简单的 PHP 函数来将与订单相关的自定义字段数据发送到 ShipStation。这是斯尼...

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在 javascript 中获取 woocommerce 选择的产品变体自定义元值


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这是我尝试添加元数据的代码 添加元数据 <- AddMetaData(object=seurat,metadata = transposemeta, = "cell_type__ontology_label") The following error was given: ...

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我的 NFT 代币元数据未被 Opensea 打开

我有以下元数据: { "name": "Reallabor Collection", "description": "Friends NFT", “图像”:“ipfs://

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Nextjs 中 Open Graph 标签放置在哪里

我们有一个下一个项目,我们想要在其中放置 og 标签,以确保我们的链接显示图像和标题。因为我们有文章,所以我们希望每行都有一个特定的标题和图像......

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在 Kotlin 上读取图像元数据

有什么方法可以使用 API 33 设备读取此类位置的图像元数据吗?我试图用“ExifInterface”来做到这一点,但我得到了 0.0 的纬度和 0.0 的经度。图像有元...

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