radio-button 相关问题


有关 BlueJ 中按钮的几个问题

我的问题是,当我选择单选按钮时,它会在 java 终端中导致巨大的错误。它在开始按钮(按钮1到按钮4)按钮1启动加油站(所以你可以选择...

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我正在 Android 应用程序中创建单选按钮,但我想对其进行自定义。但我不知道该怎么做。我想要图像作为图标,图标下有文本,如图所示。我也想要

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'嘿,我想在检查我的 type = radio 输入时禁用选择属性。 它尝试了很多东西但没有任何效果。 这是我正在谈论的代码部分:' '嘿,我想在选中我的 type = radio 输入时禁用选择属性。 它尝试了很多东西但没有任何效果。 这是我正在谈论的代码部分:' <input id="societeInterne" name="radioSociete" type="radio" value="Interne"/><label>Interne / </label> <input id="societeExterne" name="radioSociete" type="radio" value="Externe"/><label>Externe - </label> <label for="PrestataireStit"> Préciser le STIT </label> <ol> <li style="list-style-type: disc"> <select id="selectPresta"> <option value='GROUPE presta' name='Societe presta'>presta</option> <option value='GROUPE presta' name='Societe presta'>presta</option> <option value='GROUPE presta' name='Societe presta'>presta</option> </select> </li> </ol> '我想要的是,当未选择输入“societeExterne”时,禁用选择“selectPresta”。 我尝试了 javascript 中不同类型的函数,但没有一个起作用:' var radioExterne = document.getElementById('societeExterne'); var radioInterne = document.getElementById('societeInterne'); var selectPresta = document.getElementById('selectPresta'); if (radioExterne.checked) { selectPresta.disabled = false; } else { selectPresta.disabled = true; } var radioExterne = document.getElementById('societeExterne'); var radioInterne = document.getElementById('societeInterne'); var selectPresta = document.getElementById('selectPresta'); radioExterne.addEventListener( "change", (event) => { selectPresta.disabled = !; }, false, ); “还有另外 2 或 3 个,但我没有,也不记得他们,所以是的。” 如果您将内容包装在 form 元素中,那么您可以监听表单的更改并相应地切换 selectPresta.disabled: var form = document.getElementById('myform'); var radioExterne = document.getElementById('societeExterne'); var selectPresta = document.getElementById('selectPresta'); //listen for a change in the form form.addEventListener("change", (event) => { //does the value of form.radioSociete not match that of radioExterne? selectPresta.disabled = !(form.radioSociete.value == radioExterne.value); }); //trigger change on load to set initial state form.dispatchEvent(new Event("change")); <form id="myform"> <label><input id="societeInterne" name="radioSociete" type="radio" value="Interne" />Interne / </label> <label><input id="societeExterne" name="radioSociete" type="radio" value="Externe" />Externe - </label> <label for="PrestataireStit"> Préciser le STIT </label> <ol> <li style="list-style-type: disc"> <select id="selectPresta"> <option value='GROUPE presta' name='Societe presta'>presta</option> <option value='GROUPE presta' name='Societe presta'>presta</option> <option value='GROUPE presta' name='Societe presta'>presta</option> </select> </li> </ol> </form>

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我的html中有一个div: .row(id="div_amount") .col-sm-2 标签(for =“金额”)金额: .col-sm-1 输入(类型=“文本”,名称=“金额”) 正如我所期望的那样,这是完美的。一栏显示...

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redux-form renderField 类型单选未定义值

我尝试为单选按钮实现 renderField,我可以显示它,但是当我单击单选字段时不会填充。 当我检查控制台时,输入的值始终等于未定义! 这是我...

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AHK 变量文件夹路径取决于单选按钮选择

美好的一天, 我正在尝试为 AutoHotKey (AHK) 创建脚本。脚本本身已经可以正常工作:一个小型 GUI,每种颜色(黑色或白色)都有两个单选按钮,但我想要一个

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使用 3 个选项按钮 - 启动和变量定义过程中出现问题

我的目标:使用单选按钮或选项按钮选择预定义的单元格,并使用字母/数字指示符(在本例中为“N1”)填充它们,使用 If-Then-Else,允许用户选择差异...

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AHK 阻止单选按钮执行操作

美好的一天, 我正在尝试为 AutoHotKey (AHK) 创建脚本。脚本本身已经可以正常工作,但我的问题是,在 GUI 中,当我按下单选按钮或复选框(“颜色”和“选项”Gr...

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我有几个单选按钮在一个组中,有没有办法获取当前选中项的索引? 现在我使用这段代码: int getCheckedRadioButton(QWidget *w) { 整数ii = 0; foreach (

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在 .Net MAUI 中设置单选按钮样式的问题

我在 .Net MAUI 中设置单选按钮样式时遇到一些问题。最初,我注意到 Windows 和 Android 上的单选按钮外观并不一致,如 i...

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我正在尝试检索我的 MAUI c# 桌面应用程序中“isConforme”单选按钮的值。 在我看来,该值没有正确绑定。 这是我的代码 看法: 我正在尝试检索我的 MAUI c# 桌面应用程序中“isConforme”单选按钮的值。 在我看来,该值没有正确绑定。 这是我的代码 查看: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <ContentPage xmlns="" xmlns:x="" xmlns:mct="" xmlns:local="clr-namespace:FntrAudit.ViewModel" x:DataType="local:NewAuditViewModel" xmlns:model="clr-namespace:FntrAudit.Models" x:Class="FntrAudit.Views.NewAudit" Title="Nouvel audit" > <HorizontalStackLayout> <CollectionView ItemsSource="{Binding Audit.Themes}" EmptyView="pas de data"> <CollectionView.ItemTemplate > <DataTemplate x:DataType="model:Theme"> <VerticalStackLayout Spacing="300000" > <ImageButton x:Name="ThemeButton" Source="{Binding LogoTheme }" HeightRequest="50" Clicked="ThemeButton_Clicked" ToolTipProperties.Text="{Binding Intitule}" CornerRadius="100" ></ImageButton> </VerticalStackLayout> </DataTemplate> </CollectionView.ItemTemplate> </CollectionView> <CollectionView x:Name="sousthemes" ItemsSource="{Binding Audit.SousThemes}" IsVisible="false"> <CollectionView.ItemTemplate> <DataTemplate x:DataType="model:SousTheme"> <VerticalStackLayout> <Button Text="{Binding Intitule}" WidthRequest="350" Clicked="SousTheme_Clicked" BackgroundColor="#AE1439" ></Button> </VerticalStackLayout> </DataTemplate> </CollectionView.ItemTemplate> </CollectionView> <CollectionView x:Name="question" ItemsSource="{Binding Audit.Questions}" IsVisible="false" HorizontalScrollBarVisibility="Always" VerticalScrollBarVisibility="Always"> <CollectionView.ItemTemplate> <DataTemplate x:DataType="model:Question"> <VerticalStackLayout WidthRequest="900"> <mct:Expander x:Name="questionz" HeightRequest="220" IsExpanded="False"> <mct:Expander.Header> <Grid BackgroundColor="LightGray" HeightRequest="100"> <Label Text="{Binding Intitule}" FontSize="16" Grid.Column="0"></Label> <Image Source="exclamation_mark.png" HeightRequest="20" TranslationX="380" ToolTipProperties.Text="{Binding RappelJuridique}"/> </Grid> </mct:Expander.Header> <mct:Expander.Content> <StackLayout > <HorizontalStackLayout > <RadioButton x:Name="conforme" Content="Conforme" IsChecked="{Binding IsConforme, Mode=TwoWay}" Value="true" CheckedChanged="RadioButton_CheckedChanged" > </RadioButton> <RadioButton x:Name="nonConforme" Content="Non conforme" IsChecked="{Binding IsConforme, Mode=TwoWay}" Value="false" CheckedChanged="RadioButton_CheckedChanged"> </RadioButton> <RadioButton x:Name="nonFait" Content="non Fait" IsChecked="{Binding IsConforme, Mode=TwoWay}" Value="null" CheckedChanged="RadioButton_CheckedChanged"> </RadioButton> </HorizontalStackLayout> <Entry Placeholder="Commentaire" Text="{Binding Commentaire}" HeightRequest="100" ></Entry> </StackLayout> </mct:Expander.Content> </mct:Expander> </VerticalStackLayout> </DataTemplate> </CollectionView.ItemTemplate> </CollectionView> <VerticalStackLayout> <Button x:Name="record_audit" Text="enregistrer Audit" BackgroundColor="#AE1439" Command="{Binding RecordAudit}"> </Button> <Button x:Name="generate_PDF" Text="Générer PDF" BackgroundColor="#AE1439" Command="{Binding GeneratePdf}"> </Button> </VerticalStackLayout> </HorizontalStackLayout> </ContentPage> 隐藏代码 using CommunityToolkit.Maui.Views; using FntrAudit.DALApi; using FntrAudit.Models; using FntrAudit.Services; using FntrAudit.ViewModel; namespace FntrAudit.Views; public partial class NewAudit : ContentPage { private ISocieteUserService _societeUserService; private IClientService _clientService; private UserContext _userContext; public RestService<Theme> _themeService = new RestService<Theme>(); public RestService<Audit> _themeServices = new RestService<Audit>(); public List<Theme>Themes { get; set; } public List<SousThemeGroup> SousThemes { get; set; } = new List<SousThemeGroup>(); public NewAudit(UserContext ContextCurrent) { InitializeComponent(); _userContext = ContextCurrent; try { BindingContext = new NewAuditViewModel(ContextCurrent); } catch (Exception ex) { var tu = ex.Message; } } private void ThemeButton_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e) { question.IsVisible = false; var imgbtn = (ImageButton)sender; Theme btnThemeClicked = (Theme)imgbtn.BindingContext; if (btnThemeClicked.SousThemes != null) { sousthemes.IsVisible = true; sousthemes.ItemsSource = btnThemeClicked.SousThemes; } else { sousthemes.IsVisible = false; question.IsVisible = true; question.ItemsSource = btnThemeClicked.Questions; } } private void SousTheme_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e) { var btn = (Button)sender; SousTheme btnSousThemeClicked = (SousTheme)btn.BindingContext; // btn.BackgroundColor = Colors.LightGray; question.IsVisible = true; question.ItemsSource = btnSousThemeClicked.Questions; } private void RadioButton_CheckedChanged(object sender, CheckedChangedEventArgs e) { //if (sender is RadioButton radioButton && radioButton.BindingContext is Question question) //{ // if (radioButton.IsChecked) // { // // Accédez à la valeur du RadioButton // string value = radioButton.Value.ToString(); // // Mettez à jour la propriété IsConforme de l'objet Question // question.IsConforme = bool.Parse(value); // } //} if (sender is RadioButton radioButton && radioButton.BindingContext is Question question) { if (radioButton.Value.ToString() == "true") { question.IsConforme = true; // if (e.Value) // { // question.IsConforme = true; // } } else if (radioButton.Value.ToString() == "false") { question.IsConforme = false; //if (e.Value) //{ // question.IsConforme = false; // } } else if (radioButton.Value.ToString() == "null") { question.IsConforme = null; //if (e.Value) //{ // question.IsConforme = null; // } } } } private void record_audit_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e) { var audit = e; } } 视图模型: using FntrAudit.DALApi; using FntrAudit.Models; using FntrAudit.Services; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.ObjectModel; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Linq; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Windows.Input; using CommunityToolkit.Mvvm.ComponentModel; using FntrAudit.DocumentGenerators; using System.Text.Json; using Microsoft.VisualBasic; using FntrAudit.Utils; using FntrAudit.Data; using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore; namespace FntrAudit.ViewModel { public partial class NewAuditViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged { private UserContext _currentContext; private bool isSousThemeVisible; private RestService<Theme> _themeService = new RestService<Theme>(); private RestService<Audit> _auditService = new RestService<Audit>(); private RestService<Client> _clientService = new RestService<Client>(); private Audit audit; SqliteDbContext db = new SqliteDbContext(); private bool? isConforme; public bool? IsConforme { get { return isConforme; } set { if (isConforme != value) { isConforme = value; OnPropertyChanged(nameof(IsConforme)); } } } public bool IsSousThemesVisible { get => isSousThemeVisible; set { SetProperty(ref isSousThemeVisible, value); } } public Audit Audit { get => audit; set { audit = value; OnPropertyChanged(nameof(Audit)); } } public List<Audit> AuditList { get; } =new List<Audit>(); public List<Theme> Themes { get; } = new List<Theme>(); public ICommand RadioButtonCommand { get; } bool SetProperty<T>(ref T storage, T value, [CallerMemberName] string propertyName = null) { if (Object.Equals(storage, value)) return false; storage = value; OnPropertyChanged(propertyName); return true; } public NewAuditViewModel(UserContext ContextCurrent) { _currentContext = ContextCurrent; if (_currentContext.IsReprise) { Audit = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<Audit>(_currentContext.CurrentClient.AuditEncours); } else { if (Constantes.IsBeta) { Audit = db.Audit .Where(a => a.Id == 1) .Include(a => a.Themes) .Include(a => a.SousThemes) .Include(a => a.Questions) .FirstOrDefault(); } else { Audit = _auditService.Get(@"https://localhost:7114/api/Audit/" + 1, new Audit()); } } RecordAudit = new Command(AuditRecord); GeneratePdf = new Command(GeneratePDF); GetSoustheme = new Command(GetSousthemes); } private void HandleRadioButton(string value) { // Logique de gestion de RadioButton ici Console.WriteLine($"RadioButton sélectionné : {value}"); } public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged; protected void OnPropertyChanged(string propertyName) { PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName)); } public ICommand RecordAudit { get; set; } public ICommand GeneratePdf { get; set; } public ICommand GetSoustheme { get; set; } protected virtual void NotifyPropertyChanged([CallerMemberName] string propertyName = "") { PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName)); } public void AuditRecord() { Client client = new Client(); if (Constantes.IsBeta) { client = db.Client.Where(c => c.Id == _currentContext.ClientId).FirstOrDefault(); } else { client = _clientService.Get(@"https://localhost:7114/api/Client/" + _currentContext.ClientId, new Client()); } var a = Audit; client.AuditEncours = JsonSerializer.Serialize(Audit); if (Constantes.IsBeta) { db.Client.Update(client); db.SaveChanges(); } else { _clientService.Create(client, @"https://localhost:7114/api/Client/updateClient", false); } _currentContext.CurrentClient.AuditEncours = client.AuditEncours; } public void GeneratePDF() { DocumentGenerator documentGenerator = new DocumentGenerator(); DocumentContent documentContent = new DocumentContent() { Audit = Audit, Client = _currentContext.CurrentClient, User = _currentContext.CurrentUser }; documentGenerator.GenerateDoc(documentContent); } public void GetSousthemes() { IsSousThemesVisible = true; } } } 审核模型: using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace FntrAudit.Models { public class Audit : BaseEntity, INotifyPropertyChanged { private string code; private List<Theme> themes; private List<SousTheme> sousThemes; private List<Question> questions; private List<QuestionLiee> questionsLiees; public string Code { get { return code; } set { code = value; OnPropertyChanged(nameof(Code)); } } public List<QuestionLiee> QuestionsLiees { get { return questionsLiees; } set { questionsLiees = value; OnPropertyChanged(nameof(QuestionsLiees)); } } public List<Question> Questions { get { return questions; } set { questions = value; OnPropertyChanged(nameof(Questions)); } } public List<SousTheme> SousThemes { get { return sousThemes; } set { sousThemes = value; OnPropertyChanged(nameof(SousThemes)); } } public List<Theme> Themes { get { return themes; } set { themes = value; OnPropertyChanged(nameof(Themes)); } } public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged; void OnPropertyChanged(string name) => PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(name)); } } 问题模型: using System.ComponentModel; namespace FntrAudit.Models { public class Question: BaseEntity { public int ThemeId { get; set; } public int AuditId { get; set; } public int? SousThemeId { get; set; } public string RappelJuridique { get; set; } public string Code { get; set; } public string Preconisation { get; set; } public bool? IsConforme { get; set; } public bool HasLinkedQuote { get; set; } public string? Commentaire { get; set; } //private int themeId; //private int auditId; //private int? sousThemeId; //private string rappelJuridique; //private string code; //private string preconisation; //private bool? isConforme; //private bool hasLinkedQuote; //private string commentaire; //public int ThemeId //{ // get { return themeId; } // set { themeId = value; OnPropertyChanged(nameof(ThemeId)); } //} //public int AuditId //{ // get { return auditId; } // set { auditId = value; OnPropertyChanged(nameof(AuditId)); } //} //public int? SousThemeId //{ // get { return sousThemeId; } // set { sousThemeId = value; OnPropertyChanged(nameof(SousThemeId)); } //} //public string RappelJuridique //{ // get { return rappelJuridique; } // set { rappelJuridique = value; OnPropertyChanged(nameof(RappelJuridique)); } //} //public string Code //{ // get { return code; } // set { code = value; OnPropertyChanged(nameof(Code)); } //} //public string Preconisation //{ // get { return preconisation; } // set { preconisation = value; OnPropertyChanged(nameof(Preconisation)); } //} //public bool? IsConforme //{ // get { return isConforme; } // set { isConforme = value; OnPropertyChanged(nameof(IsConforme)); } //} //public bool HasLinkedQuote //{ // get { return hasLinkedQuote; } // set { hasLinkedQuote = value; OnPropertyChanged(nameof(HasLinkedQuote)); } //} //public string? Commentaire //{ // get { return commentaire; } // set { commentaire = value; OnPropertyChanged(nameof(Commentaire)); } //} //public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged; //void OnPropertyChanged(string name) => // PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(name)); } } 我尝试了很多东西,但当我加载包含属性 isconforme 未绑定的对象审计时,没有任何效果。当我保存审计时,我有 isconforme 的良好价值,并且在我的数据库中没有问题。当我在代码中查看该属性时,该属性很好。 提前致谢 根据@Jason 评论,您不能将所有三个单选按钮绑定到同一个布尔值。另外,因为您的问题视图模型有 TwoWay 绑定,所以您不需要实现 CheckedChanged。您将可以访问问题视图模型中的更改。 在下面,我更改了您的问题视图模型,使其具有 3 个布尔值,并且每个布尔值都会升高 PropertyChanged?。然后,在 Audit 视图模型中,我连接到 PropertyChanged? 事件并做出相应的反应。我提供了一个模拟 MainPage.xaml 来演示 Binding,并且所有内容都已连接,无需实现 CheckedChanged,除了视图模型中的内容之外,我的代码隐藏中也不需要任何特殊代码。 // Question.cs ... public class Question : INotifyPropertyChanged { private bool _isConforme; public bool IsConforme { get { return _isConforme; } set { _isConforme = value; OnPropertyChanged(nameof(IsConforme)); } } private bool _nonConforme; public bool NonConforme { get { return _nonConforme; } set { _nonConforme = value; OnPropertyChanged(nameof(NonConforme)); } } private bool _nonFait; public bool NonFait { get { return _nonFait; } set { _nonFait = value; OnPropertyChanged(nameof(NonFait)); } } public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged; void OnPropertyChanged(string name) => PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(name)); } // Audit.cs ... public class Audit : INotifyPropertyChanged { public IList<Question> Questions { get; } = new List<Question>(); public Audit() { Questions.Add(new Question()); Questions.Add(new Question()); for (int i = 0; i < Questions.Count; i++) { var currentQuestion = Questions[i]; currentQuestion.PropertyChanged += (s, e) => Question_PropertyChanged(i, currentQuestion); } } private void Question_PropertyChanged(int index, Question currentQuestion) { Debug.WriteLine($"Question_PropertyChanged: {index} {currentQuestion.IsConforme} {currentQuestion.NonConforme} {currentQuestion.NonFait}"); } public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged; void OnPropertyChanged(string name) => PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(name)); } // MainPage.xaml.cs public partial class MainPage : ContentPage { public Audit Audit { get; } = new Audit(); public MainPage() { BindingContext = this; InitializeComponent(); } } <!-- MainPage.xaml ... --> <CollectionView ItemsSource="{Binding Audit.Questions}"> <CollectionView.ItemTemplate> <DataTemplate x:DataType="{x:Type local:Question}"> <HorizontalStackLayout> <RadioButton Content="Conforme" IsChecked="{Binding IsConforme, Mode=TwoWay}"/> <RadioButton Content="Non conforme" IsChecked="{Binding NonConforme, Mode=TwoWay}"/> <RadioButton Content="non Fait" IsChecked="{Binding NonFait, Mode=TwoWay}"/> </HorizontalStackLayout> </DataTemplate> </CollectionView.ItemTemplate> </CollectionView>

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我正在尝试创建一个模拟冰淇淋店网站以改进我的 JavaScript。该页面的问题在于,每个单选按钮在被选中时都会显示两种表单之一。

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<!-- This is my html input tag --> <input class="custom-radio" type="radio" name="selected_center" value="{{}}" id="selected_center_{{}}"> <!-- Only CSS I am using for my custom color using accent property but cant change the color on hover --> input[type='radio'] { accent-color: #0098ff; } 我已将悬停属性与输入单选标签一起使用,但不起作用。 不确定您为什么要这样做,但您可以做到。 body { margin: 1em; font-family: sans-serif; } .custom-radio>label { display: block; font-size: 1.5em; margin: 0.25em 0; } .custom-radio>label>input[type=radio] { transform: scale(2); vertical-align: middle; margin-right: 1em; } .custom-radio>label:nth-child(1)>input[type=radio] { accent-color: red; } .custom-radio>label:nth-child(2)>input[type=radio] { accent-color: darkorange; } .custom-radio>label:nth-child(3)>input[type=radio] { accent-color: green; } .custom-radio>label:hover { color: blue; } .custom-radio>label:hover>input[type=radio] { accent-color: blue; } .custom-radio>label>input[type=radio]:not(:checked) { cursor: pointer; } <div class="custom-radio"> <label><input type="radio" name="radio1"> Stop</label> <label><input type="radio" name="radio1"> Wait</label> <label><input type="radio" name="radio1"> Go</label> </div>

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我正在使用 ReactiveFormModule 创建编辑表单。我想在编辑表单中显示数据,例如文本框、下拉列表、单选框和复选框。我可以使用 setValue 成功设置文本框和下拉列表的值

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AngularJS 取消选中单选按钮

我尝试使用 ng-dblclick、$event 等寻找其他解决方案,但它们似乎都不适合我。 我在表格中的 ng-repeat 内有两个单选按钮。我有一个字段用于 s...

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React - 基于单选按钮选择动态更新 UI

问题 我正在开发一个网络应用程序功能,可以计算特定区域的隔热系数。您可以在此处查看实时 Codesandbox 示例(这是带有

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Android 自定义视图,其行为类似于 RadioButton/CheckBox

我有以下自定义视图 有 2 个文本字段和一个 RadioButton,我希望它的行为像 RadioButton(当涉及到对讲时) 现在: 当选择 customRadioButton 时,它说

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在 Drupal Webforms YAML 中有条件地预选单选按钮

我正在尝试有条件地预选 Drupal Webforms 中的单选按钮(我认为这必须使用 YAML 来完成?)。 我有一个隐藏字段“ref”,它可以有 4 个值中的 1 个(de、fr、it、en)。

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Python - 我的 CTkRadioButtons 接受多个选择


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