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using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class WeaponSwayBob : MonoBehaviour
    public float SwayIntensityX;
    public float SwayIntensityY;
    public float MaxSway;
    public float MinSway;

    public Transform Gun;

  public BobOverride[] BobOverrides;
  public float currentSpeed;
  private float TimeX;
  private float TimeY;

  private float XPos;
  private float YPos;

  private Vector3 SmoothV;

  private void Update()
    foreach(BobOverride Bob in BobOverrides)
      if(currentSpeed >= Bob.minSpeed && currently <= Bob.maxSpeed)
        float bobMultiplier = (currentSpeed == 0) ? 1 : currentSpeed;

        TimeX += Bob.SpeedX / 10 * Time.deltaTime * bobMultiplier;
        TimeY += Bob.SpeedY / 10 * Time.deltaTime * bobMultiplier;

        XPos = Bob.BobX.Evaluate(TimeX) * Bob.IntensityX;
        YPos = Bob.BobY.Evaluate(TimeY) * Bob.IntensityY;

    float XSway = -Input.GetAxis("Mouse X") * SwayIntensityX;
    float YSway = -Input.GetAxis("Mouse Y") * SwayIntensityY;

    XSway = Mathf.Clamp(XSway, MinSway, MaxSway);
    YSway = Mathf.Clamp(YSway, MinSway, MaxSway);

    XPos += XSway;
    YPos += YSway;


  private void FixedUpdate
    Vector3 target = new Vector3(XPos, YPos, 0);
    Vector3 desiredPos = Vector3.SmoothDamp(Gun.localPosition, target, ref SmoothV, 0.1f);
    Gun.localPosition = desiredPos;


  public struct BobOverride
    public float minSpeed;
    public float maxSpeed;

    public float SpeedX;
    public float IntensityX;
    public AnimationCurve BobX;

    public float SpeedY;
    public float IntensityY;
    public AnimationCurve BobY;


using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class PlayerMovement : MonoBehaviour
  public float moveSpeed;

  public float groundDrag;

  public float playerHeight;
  public LayerMask whatIsGround;
  bool grounded;

  public WeaponSwayBob SwayBobScript;

  public Transform orientation;

  float horizontalInput;
  float verticalInput;

  Vector3 moveDirection;

  Rigidbody rb;

  private void Start()
    rb = GetComponent<Rigidbody>();
    rb.freezeRotation = true;


   private void Update()
     grounded = Physics.Raycast(transform.position, Vector3.down, playerHeight * 0.5f + 0.2f, whatIsGround);



    if (grounded)
       rb.drag = groundDrag;
         rb.drag = 4;
     SwayBobScript.currentSpeed = WeaponSway() ? currentSpeed : 0;


   private void FixedUpdate()


   private bool WeaponSway()
     if(Input.GetAxisRaw("Horizontal") ! = 0 || Input.GetAxisRaw("Vertical") ! = 0)
         return true;

      return false;



  private void MyInput()
    horizontalInput = Input.GetAxisRaw("Horizontal");
    verticalInput = Input.GetAxisRaw("Vertical");  


  private void MovePlayer()
    moveDirection = orientation.forward * verticalInput + orientation.right * horizontalInput;

    rb.AddForce(moveDirection.normalized * moveSpeed * 10f, ForceMode.Force);







c# visual-studio unity-game-engine unityscript



   private void Update()
     grounded = Physics.Raycast(transform.position, Vector3.down, playerHeight * 0.5f + 0.2f, whatIsGround);



    if (grounded)
       rb.drag = groundDrag;
         rb.drag = 4;
    } /* <----------- This bracket closes the function because you forgot to open the "else" bracket. Add a { after the else and it should be fine. */
     SwayBobScript.currentSpeed = WeaponSway() ? currentSpeed : 0;

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