
问题描述 投票:0回答:1

我想用当前时间戳之间的时差填充数据框列和最接近的时间戳“类型A”或“非类型A”,即type_A = 1或type_A = 0。下面显示了一个小示例:

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from datetime import datetime

df = pd.DataFrame({'id':[1,2,3,4], 
                   'tmstmp':[datetime(2018,5,4,13,27,10), datetime(2018,5,3,13,27,10),
                             datetime(2018,5,2,13,27,10), datetime(2018,5,1,13,27,10)], 
                   'type_A':[0, 1, 0, 1],
                   'dt_A': [np.nan]*4,
                   'dt_notA': [np.nan]*4

(A和非A行不一定交替,但是timestamp列是已按降序排序)。我通过迭代整数行索引和访问元素(通过此整数索引和列名)来分别计算当前行和下一行具有type_A = 1或type_A = 0的时间戳之间的时差:]

keys = {0: 'dt_A', 1: 'dt_notA'}
ridx = 0
while ridx + 1 < df.shape[0]:
    ts1 = df.iloc[ridx]['tmstmp']
    ts2 = df.iloc[ridx + 1]['tmstmp']
    found = 0 if df.iloc[ridx + 1]['type_A'] == 0 else 1
    key = keys[found]
    df.loc[ridx, key] = (ts1 - ts2).total_seconds()/3600
    complement = 1 - found
    j = 2
    while ridx + j < df.shape[0] and df.iloc[ridx + j]['type_A'] != complement:
        j += 1
    if ridx + j < df.shape[0]:
        ts1 = df.iloc[ridx]['tmstmp']
        ts2 = df.iloc[ridx + j]['tmstmp']
        val = (ts1 - ts2).total_seconds()/3600
        val = np.nan
    df.loc[ridx, keys[complement]] = val
    ridx += 1

出于效率方面的考虑,“取消了对数据框的迭代”(请参见How to iterate over rows in a DataFrame in Pandas?)并且使用整数索引甚至更少“ pythonic”,所以我的问题是:在这种特殊情况下,是否存在“更好的”(更高效,更pythonic)遍历数据框以实现给定任务的方法?非常感谢您的任何建议或想法!


:此小示例的输入和输出数据帧-列dt_A包含当前行与下一行具有type_A = 1的行之间的时间增量,dt_notA包含具有具有type_A = 0的最接近的行。


   id              tmstmp  type_A  dt_A  dt_notA
0   1 2018-05-04 13:27:10       0   NaN      NaN
1   2 2018-05-03 13:27:10       1   NaN      NaN
2   3 2018-05-02 13:27:10       0   NaN      NaN
3   4 2018-05-01 13:27:10       1   NaN      NaN


   id              tmstmp  type_A  dt_A  dt_notA
0   1 2018-05-04 13:27:10       0  48.0     24.0
1   2 2018-05-03 13:27:10       1  24.0     48.0
2   3 2018-05-02 13:27:10       0   NaN     24.0
3   4 2018-05-01 13:27:10       1   NaN      NaN

我想用当前时间戳和最接近的时间戳“类型A”或“不是类型A”之间的时间差来填充数据帧列,即type_A = 1或type_A = 0。...

python pandas numpy dataframe
def next_value_index(l, i, val):
    """Return index of l where val occurs next from position i."""
        return l[(i+1):].index(val) + (i + 1)
    except ValueError:
        return np.nan

def next_value_indexes(l, val):
    """Return for each position in l next-occurrence-indexes of val in l."""
    return np.array([next_value_index(l, i, val) for i, _ in enumerate(l)])

def nan_allowing_access(df, col, indexes):
    idxs = np.array([idx if not np.isnan(idx) else 0 for idx in indexes])
    res = df[col].iloc[idxs]
    res[np.isnan(indexes)] = np.nan
    return res # NaT for timestamps

def diff_timestamps(dfcol1, dfcol2): # timestamp columns of pandas subtraction
    return [x - y for x, y in zip(list(dfcol1), list(dfcol2))]
    # this is not optimal in speed, but numpy did unwanted type conversions

def td2hours(timedelta): # convert timedelta to hours
    return timedelta.total_seconds() / 3600

def time_diff_to_next_val(df, tmstmp_col, col, val, converter_func):
    Return time differences (timestamps are given in tmstmp_col column
    of the pandas data frame `df`) from the row's timestamp to the next
    time stamp of the row, which has in column `col` the next occurrence
    of value given in `val` in the data frame.

    tdconverter_func is the function used to convert the timedelta
    next_val_indexes = next_value_indexes(df[col].tolist(), val)
    next_val_timestamps = nan_allowing_access(df, tmstmp_col, next_val_indexes)
    return [converter_func(x) for x in diff_timestamps(df[tmstmp_col], next_val_timestamps)]
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