使用numpy random和pandas样本从DF中进行随机选择,而不是在100k运行后随机分布选择

问题描述 投票:0回答:1

我为我的 D&D 小组制作了一个小脚本,当施放咒语时,选择是否施放另一个随机咒语、施放顺序咒语或什么都不发生(比例为 50%、25%、25%) ,分别)。


(使用来自http://dnd5e.wikidot.com/spells的数据),然后附加了两个数据框(其中一个显示“咒语名称中的“Original Cast”,另一个写着“Nothing Happens”),每个都带有
len  == len(df)/2

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from os import urandom

def create_df():

    df = pd.read_csv("all_spells.csv", encoding="utf-8")
    df = df.dropna(axis=0, subset="Spell Name")
    df_b = df[~df["Spell Name"].str.contains(r"\((.*?)\)")].reset_index(drop=True)

    OG_cast = ['Orginal Cast' for i in range(int(len(df.index)/2))]
    No_Magic = ['Nothing Happens' for i in range(int(len(df.index)/2))]
    Nadda = [None for i in range(int(len(df.index)/2))]

    df_same = pd.DataFrame(columns=df.columns,
                               df.columns[0]: OG_cast,
                               df.columns[1]: Nadda,
                               df.columns[2]: Nadda,
                               df.columns[3]: Nadda,
                               df.columns[4]: Nadda
    df_nothing = pd.DataFrame(columns=df.columns,
                               df.columns[0]: No_Magic,
                               df.columns[1]: Nadda,
                               df.columns[2]: Nadda,
                               df.columns[3]: Nadda,
                               df.columns[4]: Nadda

    df_full = pd.concat([df_b, df_same, df_nothing], axis=0).reset_index(drop=True)

    return df_full


|     | Spell Name                 | School        | Casting Time   | Range   | Duration                       | Components   |
|  12 | Psychic Scream             | Enchantment   | 1 Action       | 90 feet | Instantaneous                  | S            |
|  18 | True Polymorph             | Transmutation | 1 Action       | 30 feet | Concentration up to 1 hour     | V S M        |
| 670 | Orginal Cast               |               |                |         |                                | nan          |
| 193 | Conjure Woodland Beings    | Conjuration   | 1 Action       | 60 feet | Concentration up to 1 hour     | V S M        |
| 795 | Orginal Cast               |               |                |         |                                | nan          |
| 218 | Otilukes Resilient Sphere | Evocation     | 1 Action       | 30 feet | Concentration up to 1 minute   | V S M        |
| 353 | Levitate                   | Transmutation | 1 Action       | 60 feet | Concentration up to 10 minutes | V S M        |
| 839 | Nothing Happens            |               |                |         |                                | nan          |
| 459 | Silent Image               | Illusion      | 1 Action       | 60 feet | Concentration up to 10 minutes | V S M        |
| 719 | Orginal Cast               |               |                |         |                                | nan          |


    df = create_df()

    seed = int(np.random.uniform(0, len(df.index)*10))
    spell = df.sample(1, random_state=seed)['Spell Name'].values[0]
    print("The spell cast is:", spell)


    OC = 0
    NH = 0
    N = 0
    for i in range(100000):
        seed = int(np.random.uniform(0, len(df.index)*10))
        arb = df.sample(1, random_state=seed)['Spell Name'].values[0]
        # print(arb)
        if arb == 'Orginal Cast':
            OC += 1
        elif arb == 'Nothing Happens':
            NH += 1
        else: N += 1

    print(OC, NH, N)

我得到的不是 50/25/25(对于上述内容),而是极其一致的 47/26.5/26.5。有谁知道为什么会发生这种情况?有没有人有更好的想法和随机抽样,以便更一致地获得正确的比率?

python pandas numpy random



所以就这样做,不需要创建复杂的 pandas 结构:

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

# load dataset
df = pd.read_html('http://dnd5e.wikidot.com/spells')[0]

def cast_spell(df, spell, p=[0.25, 0.5, 0.25]):
    # check the input is valid
    assert spell in df['Spell Name'].values
    # randomly pick one of the outcomes
    match np.random.choice(['Original Spell', 'Other Spell', 'Nothing happens'], p=p):
        case 'Original Spell':
            return f'The "{spell}" spell was successfully cast.'
        case 'Nothing happens':
            return f'The "{spell}" spell failed: nothing happens.'
        case _:
            other = df.loc[df['Spell Name'].ne(spell), 'Spell Name'].sample(1).item()
            return f'The "{spell}" spell failed. "{other}" was cast instead.'

cast_spell(df, 'True Strike')


cast_spell(df, 'True Strike')

The "True Strike" spell failed. "Poison Spray" was cast instead.
The "True Strike" spell was successfully cast.
The "True Strike" spell failed. "Lightning Lure" was cast instead.
The "True Strike" spell failed. "Thaumaturgy" was cast instead.
The "True Strike" spell was successfully cast.
The "True Strike" spell was successfully cast.
The "True Strike" spell failed. "Light" was cast instead.
The "True Strike" spell failed. "Infestation" was cast instead.
The "True Strike" spell was successfully cast.
The "True Strike" spell failed. "Mind Sliver" was cast instead.
The "True Strike" spell failed: nothing happens.
The "True Strike" spell failed. "Lightning Lure" was cast instead.
The "True Strike" spell failed: nothing happens.
The "True Strike" spell failed: nothing happens.
The "True Strike" spell failed. "Mage Hand" was cast instead.
The "True Strike" spell was successfully cast.
The "True Strike" spell failed: nothing happens.
The "True Strike" spell was successfully cast.
The "True Strike" spell failed. "Primal Savagery" was cast instead.
The "True Strike" spell failed. "Frostbite" was cast instead.
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