
问题描述 投票:0回答:1
#pragma kernel CombTreeData;

bool SetEmptyIndex(int val) //write to an unwritten (-1) index and set it to val
    for (int i = 0; i < 10;i++)
        if (emptyIndices[i] == -1)
            emptyIndices[i] = val;
            return true;
    return false;

int GetAndClearEmptyIndex() //return first written index as val and clear that index to -1 (returns -1 if no index found)
    int val = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < 10;i++)
        if (emptyIndices[i] != -1)
            val = emptyIndices[i];
            emptyIndices[i] = -1;
            return val;
    return -1;

void CombTreeData(uint3 id : SV_DispatchThreadID)
    for (int treePointer = 0; treePointer < 50000;treePointer++) // For all possiable trees, living or dead
        if (Trees[treePointer].plantState == 0 && Trees[treePointer].growth > -1) // if the tree at index is dead
            if (SetEmptyIndex(treePointer)) // Save the dead tree's index to the list of emptyIndices
                Trees[treePointer].growth = -1; // Growth of -1 marks the index as already saved to the emptyIndices
        if (Trees[treePointer].plantState > 2) // if tree wants to create seeds
            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) // Attempt 4 times
                if (Trees[treePointer].plantState >2) // if tree still wants to create seeds
                    int getEmptyVal = GetAndClearEmptyIndex(); // Find empty index and clear it
                    if (getEmptyVal != -1) // If empty index found succesfully
                        Trees[getEmptyVal].plantState = 1; // Empty tree index is now a seed
                        Trees[getEmptyVal].growth = 0; // with 0 growth
                        Trees[getEmptyVal].pos = Trees[treePointer].pos; // At the position of the seed-creating tree
                        Trees[treePointer].plantState -= 1; // The seed creating tree loses a seed


这对于第一批种子非常有用,但是在 10 棵左右的树之后(10 是emptyIndecies 的长度),新种子似乎都覆盖了相同的索引,这意味着一旦生成新种子,它们就会消失。我不知道为什么!

我查看了代码,检查了 if 和循环。此时我最好的猜测是我做了着色器不喜欢的事情,因为我对使用计算着色器非常陌生。要么是我错过了一个愚蠢的错误。我的目标是跟踪树数组中的一些空的不确定性,以用于生成新种子。

unity-game-engine indexing hlsl compute-shader

我发现问题源于计算着色器不想在变量索引处写入数组。但是,它可以准确地写入存储数组的结构化缓冲区的变量索引。因此,即使我不打算将此数据传递给 C# 脚本,将其存储为缓冲区也允许着色器动态索引它并执行我的代码。 (在我看来,这有点迂腐的着色器)

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