tree 相关问题



我正在 Unity 中开发一款游戏,并决定使用 BehaviourTrees 来管理敌人 AI。 其中一名敌人有能力躲避玩家的攻击。然而,这种能力应该只发生少数

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我有以下序列: 中序:{4,2,5,1,6,3} 预购:{1,2,4,5,3,6} 我想了解如何从这些序列构建二叉树以及为什么可以用这个

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我有一个 N 节点有根树,其节点标记为 0 到 N-1。我得到了parentOf关系,也就是说,对于每个节点i,parentOf[i]是单个节点j,使得j是i的父节点。我...

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在R中,公式可以看作一棵树,其中父节点位于索引[[1]]上,左右项位于后续索引中。 例如,公式 f 定义为: <- y ~ (a*...

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CTreeCtrl 项目的边界矩形

过去我们使用 Stingray 树控件来描绘地图的图例。 现在我们要应用 MFC CTreeCtrl 来完成这项工作。 Stingray 控件的优点是可以轻松更改

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我在构建红黑树时遇到了问题。 insertFixUp等过程中出现分段错误。我不知道该怎么办。 #包括 #包括 我在构建红黑树时遇到了问题。 insertFixUp等过程中出现分段错误。我不知道该怎么办。 #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <time.h> struct tree_node { int key; int color; struct tree_node *parent; struct tree_node *left_child; struct tree_node *right_child; }; struct tree { int cardinality; struct tree_node *root; struct tree_node *Nil; }; struct tree_node *getNewNode (int keys){ struct tree_node* newNode = (struct tree_node*) malloc(sizeof(struct tree_node)); newNode-> key = keys; newNode-> color = 0; newNode-> parent = NULL; newNode-> right_child = NULL; newNode-> left_child = NULL; return newNode; } void TreeLeftRotate(struct tree *T, struct tree_node *x) { struct tree_node *y = x->right_child; x->right_child = y->left_child; if (y->left_child != T->Nil) { y->left_child->parent = x; } if (x->parent == T->Nil) { T->root = y; } else if (x == x->parent->left_child) { x->parent->left_child = y; } else { x->parent->right_child = y; } y->left_child = x; x->parent = y; } struct tree_node* BSTTreeMinimum(struct tree_node *x){ if(x->left_child== NULL){ return x;} else{ return BSTTreeMinimum(x->left_child);} }; struct tree_node *BSTTreeSearch(struct tree_node *x, int k){ if ((x==NULL)||(x->key=k)){ return x; } if(k<=x->key){ return BSTTreeSearch(x->left_child, k); } else { return BSTTreeSearch(x->right_child, k); } } void BSTTreeInsert(struct tree *T, struct tree_node *z) { struct tree_node *x = NULL; struct tree_node *y = NULL; x = T->root; while (x!=NULL){ y=x; if(z->key <= x->key){ x=x->left_child; } else { x=x->right_child; } } z->parent =y; if(y==NULL){ T->root = z; } if((y!=NULL)&&(z->key <= y->key)) { y->left_child = z; } if((y!=NULL)&&(z->key > y->key)) { y->right_child = z; } } void BSTTreeTransplant(struct tree *T, struct tree_node *u, struct tree_node *v){ if (u->parent==NULL){ T->root = v; } if((u->parent != NULL)&&(u=u->parent->left_child)){ T->root = v; } if((u->parent!=NULL)&&(u=u->parent->right_child)){ u->parent->right_child=v; } if(v!=NULL){ v->parent = u->parent; } } void BSTTreeDelete(struct tree *T, struct tree_node *z){ struct tree_node *y = NULL; if (z->left_child == NULL){ BSTTreeTransplant(T,z,z->right_child); } if((z->left_child != NULL) && (z->right_child == NULL)){ BSTTreeTransplant(T,z,z->left_child); } if((z->left_child != NULL)&&(z->right_child != NULL)){ y=BSTTreeMinimum(z->right_child); if (y->parent != z){ BSTTreeTransplant(T,y,y->right_child); y->right_child = z->right_child; y->right_child->parent =y; } BSTTreeTransplant(T,z,y); y->left_child = z->left_child; y->left_child->parent = y; } } void TreeRightRotate(struct tree *T, struct tree_node *x) { struct tree_node *y = x->left_child; x->left_child = y->right_child; if (y->right_child != T->Nil) { y->right_child->parent = x; } if (x->parent == T->Nil) { T->root = y; } else if (x == x->parent->right_child) { x->parent->right_child = y; } else { x->parent->left_child = y; } y->right_child = x; x->parent = y; } void RBTreeInsertFixUpLeft(struct tree*T, struct tree_node *z){ struct tree_node *y = z->parent->parent->right_child; if (y->color == 1) { z->parent->color = 0; y->color = 0; z->parent->parent->color=1; z=z->parent->parent; } else{ if (z==(z->parent->right_child)){ z=z->parent; TreeLeftRotate(T,z); } z->parent->color = 0; z->parent->parent->color=1; TreeRightRotate(T,z->parent->parent); }; }; void RBTreeInsertFixUpRight(struct tree*T, struct tree_node *z){ struct tree_node *y = z->parent->parent->left_child; if (y->color == 1) { z->parent->color = 0; y->color = 0; z->parent->parent->color=1; z=z->parent->parent; } else{ if (z==z->parent->left_child){ z=z->parent; TreeRightRotate(T,z); } z->parent->color = 0; z->parent->parent->color=1; TreeLeftRotate(T,z->parent->parent); }; }; void RBTreeInsertFixup(struct tree *T, struct tree_node *z){ while (z->parent->color = 1){ //segmentation fault if(z->parent == z->parent->parent->left_child){ RBTreeInsertFixUpLeft(T,z); } else { RBTreeInsertFixUpRight(T,z); } } T->root->color=0; }; void RBTreeInsert(struct tree *T, struct tree_node *z) { struct tree_node *y = T->Nil; struct tree_node *x = T->root; while (x!=T->Nil){ y=x; if (z->key < x->key) { x=x->left_child; } else { x=x->right_child; } } z->parent = malloc(sizeof(struct tree_node)); z->parent = y; if (y==T->Nil){ T->root = z; } if((y!=T->Nil)&&(z->key < y->key)){ y->left_child=z; } if ((y!=T->Nil)&&(z->key >= y->key)){ y->right_child = z; } z->left_child = T->Nil; z->right_child = T->Nil; z->color = 1; RBTreeInsertFixup(T,z); }; void RBTransplant(struct tree *T, struct tree_node *u, struct tree_node *v){ if (u->parent == T->Nil) { T->root = v; } else if (u==u->parent->left_child){ u->parent->left_child = v; } else { u->parent->right_child=v; } v->parent = u->parent; }; void RBDeleteFixup(struct tree *T, struct tree_node *x){ if (x == x->parent->left_child){ struct tree_node *w = x->parent->right_child; if (w->color == 1) { w->color = 0; x->parent->color = 1; TreeLeftRotate(T,x->parent); w=x->parent->right_child; } if (w->left_child->color == 0 && w->right_child->color == 0){ w->color = 1; x = x->parent; } else if (w->right_child->color == 0){ w->left_child->color = 0; w->color = 1; TreeRightRotate(T,w); w = x->parent->right_child; } w->color = x->parent->color; x->parent->color = 0; w->right_child->color = 0; TreeLeftRotate(T,x->parent); x=T->root; } else { struct tree_node *w = x->parent->left_child; if (w->color == 1) { w->color = 0; x->parent->color = 1; TreeRightRotate(T,x->parent); w=x->parent->left_child; } if (w->right_child->color == 0 && w->left_child->color == 0){ w->color = 1; x = x->parent; } else if (w->left_child->color == 0){ w->right_child->color = 0; w->color = 1; TreeLeftRotate(T,w); w = x->parent->left_child; } w->color = x->parent->color; x->parent->color = 0; w->left_child->color = 0; TreeRightRotate(T,x->parent); x=T->root; } } void RBDelete(struct tree *T, struct tree_node *z) { struct tree_node *x = NULL; struct tree_node *y = z; int y_original_color = y->color; if (z->left_child == T->Nil){ x = z->right_child; RBTransplant(T,z,z->right_child); } else if(z->right_child == T->Nil){ x = z->left_child; RBTransplant(T,z,z->left_child); } else { y=BSTTreeMinimum(z->right_child); y_original_color = y->color; x = y->right_child; if (y->parent == z){ x->parent = y; } else { RBTransplant(T,y,y->right_child); y->right_child = z->right_child; y->right_child->parent = y; } RBTransplant(T,z,y); y->left_child = z->left_child; y->left_child->parent = y; y->color = z->color; } if (y_original_color == 0) { RBDeleteFixup(T, x); } } double SingleExperimentBST (int max_keys, int max_search, int max_delete, int max_instances) { int t_tot = 0; int t_elapsed = 0; clock_t t_start = 0, t_final = 0 ; int A[max_keys]; int B[max_search]; int C[max_delete]; struct tree_node *z =NULL; z = malloc(sizeof(struct tree_node)); struct nodo *x =NULL; x = malloc(sizeof(struct tree_node)); for (int instance= 1; instance <= max_instances; instance++){ for (int j= 0; j < max_keys; j++){ A[j] = 1 + rand() % 100; } struct tree *T= NULL; T=malloc(sizeof(struct tree)); t_start = clock(); for (int key =1; key<= max_keys; key++){ struct tree_node* z = getNewNode(A[key]); z->parent = malloc(sizeof(struct tree_node)); z->parent = getNewNode(A[key]); BSTTreeInsert(T, z); } for (int key = 1; key<= max_search; key++){ B[key] = 1 + rand() % 100; int k= B[key]; struct tree_node *x = T->root; BSTTreeSearch(x, k) ; } for (int key = 1; key<= max_delete; key++){ C[key] = 1 + rand() % 100; struct tree_node* z1 = getNewNode(C[key]); BSTTreeDelete(T, z1) ; } t_final = clock(); t_elapsed = t_final - t_start; t_tot = t_tot + t_elapsed; T->root =NULL; } t_final= t_tot / max_keys; return t_final; } double SingleExperimentRBT (int max_keys, int max_search, int max_delete, int max_instances){ int t_tot = 0; int t_elapsed =0; clock_t t_start = 0, t_end = 0 ; int A[max_keys]; int B[max_search]; int C[max_delete]; struct tree_node *z =NULL; z = malloc(sizeof(struct tree_node)); struct tree_node *x =NULL; x = malloc(sizeof(struct tree_node)); for (int instance = 1; instance <=max_instances; instance++){ struct tree *T= NULL; T=malloc(sizeof(struct tree)); for (int j= 0; j < max_keys; j++){ A[j] = 1 + rand() % 100; } t_start = clock(); for (int key=1; key<=max_keys; key++) { struct tree_node *z = getNewNode(A[key]); RBTreeInsert(T, z); } for (int key = 1; key<= max_search; key++){ B[key] = 1 + rand() % 100; int k= B[key]; struct tree_node *x = T->root; BSTTreeSearch(x, k) ; } for (int key = 1; key<= max_delete; key++){ C[key] = 1 + rand() % 100; struct tree_node* z1 = getNewNode(C[key]); RBDelete(T, z1) ; } t_end = clock(); t_elapsed = t_end + t_elapsed; t_tot = t_tot + t_elapsed; T->root = NULL; } return t_tot/max_keys; } void Experiment(int min_keys, int max_keys){ time_t t; int step = 10; int max_instances = 5; int percentage_search = 60; for (int keys = min_keys; keys<=max_keys; keys+step){ srand((unsigned) time(&t)); double max_search = keys*percentage_search/100; double max_delete = keys - max_search; double timeBST =SingleExperimentBST(keys, max_search, max_delete, max_instances); srand((unsigned) time(&t)); double timeRBT = SingleExperimentRBT(keys, max_search, max_delete, max_instances); printf("%f\t\t\t%f\n", timeBST, timeRBT); t = t + 1; } } int main() { int min_key = 10; int max_key = 150; Experiment(min_key, max_key); return 0; } 此代码应该计算 RB Tree 上的插入、删除、研究操作的时间,但它不打印任何内容。代码相当复杂,如果还有其他错误,请告诉我。编译期间它不显示任何内容。调试时出现分段错误。 while (z->parent->color = 1){ //segmentation fault 这是作业=,而不是比较==。 此代码有错误 void RBTreeInsertFixUpLeft(struct tree*T, struct tree_node *z){ struct tree_node *y = z->parent->parent->right_child; if (y->color == 1) { 有可能刚插入一个节点时,父节点存在,但叔节点可能不存在。它可能为 NULL。所以 y 可能为 NULL 但是如果为 NULL,则节点的“颜色”为黑色,如果为非 NULL,则节点->颜色 您应该编写一个返回节点颜色的内联函数 bool IsBlack(const tree_node *curr) { return (curr == NULL || curr->color == 0); } 并使用它。 请注意,删除修正也会发生相同的情况。 如果删除一个叶子黑色节点并且它有父节点,那么兄弟节点存在并且必须是黑色的,它是一个真正的节点。但兄弟姐妹的孩子可能不存在,但他们应该被视为黑人。您的删除代码必须考虑到这一点。

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因此,正如标题所示,任何人都拥有/知道一种算法(如果可能的话,用java)来生成所有可能的二叉树,给定叶子数量,如下面第二个链接的示例所示? ` 不...

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在 Ocaml 中检测无向图中的循环

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Reingold-Tilford 算法的步骤是什么?我该如何对其进行编程?

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给定一棵二叉树,找到从叶子到根的最大和路径。 类解决方案: def maxPathSum(自身, 根): ...

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更改 MFC CTreeCtrl 中现有项目的位置

目前我正在试验C++ MFC的CTreeCtrl组件。我想通过使用项目的新父项将现有项目移动到树中的另一个位置。这很重要...

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我有一个文件,其中每一行都是树的列表表示。例如,文件中的这些行之一是: [1, [[2,[]], [3, [ [5,[]], [6, [ [10,[]] ] ] ]], [4, [ [7,[]], [8 ,[]], [9,[]] ]] ]...

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B 树定义 他们在以下情况中使用“顺序”术语: 根据Knuth的定义,m阶B树是满足以下性质的树: 1. 每个节点最多有 m 个子节点。 ......

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你好,我对 MySQL 很陌生。我在将大型“树状”数据插入数据库时遇到一些问题。 数据:我有一个包含各种主题、子主题、子子主题和......的树状数据

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获取 XML 文件的节点属性名称

我正在尝试获取 XML 文件的属性节点的名称。我能够读取节点和属性值,但不能读取名称。 在此 xml 示例中: 我正在尝试获取 XML 文件的属性节点的名称..我能够读取节点和属性值,但不能读取名称。 在此 xml 示例中: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> -<Root> -<body surname="Rott" name="Pig"> <city>London</city> </body> -<body surname="Lip" name="Jack"> <city>Los Angeles</city> </body> -<body colorB="White" colorA="Yellow"> <city>Rome</city> </body> </Root> 我正在尝试获取“姓氏”、“姓名”、“colorB”、“colorA”等。 我做了这个 示例,但我无法获取属性(需要类似 reader.GetNameAttribute 命令的东西)?存在吗? 我尝试做这个程序: OpenFileDialog1.Multiselect = False OpenFileDialog1.ShowDialog() Dim fileName As String = Path.GetFileName(OpenFileDialog1.FileName) Dim filePath As String = OpenFileDialog1.FileName Me.Text = filePath Dim docXML As New XmlDocument docXML.Load(filePath) Dim reader As XmlNodeReader = New XmlNodeReader(docXML) While reader.Read Dim lettura = reader.NodeType Dim valueA As String Dim attr_name As String = "none" 'attr_name = reader.GetNameAttribute() here ? get name attribute???? valueA = reader.Name If reader.HasAttributes Then Dim conteggio As Integer = reader.AttributeCount For x = 0 To conteggio - 1 MsgBox("Node is: " + valueA + " and has an attribute named: " + attr_name + " = " + reader.GetAttribute(x)) Next End If End While 看看这是否有帮助 Dim xe As XElement ' = XElement.Load(filePath) 'for production ' for testing used literal xe = <Root> <body surname="Rott" name="Pig"> <city>London</city> </body> <body surname="Lip" name="Jack"> <city>Los Angeles</city> </body> <body colorB="White" colorA="Yellow"> <city>Rome</city> </body> </Root> Dim nms As New List(Of String) nms = (From el In xe...<body> From attr In el.Attributes Select attr.Name.LocalName).ToList

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我使用fastapi、postgresDB,我需要创建一个返回产品类别树的端点 类 CategoryTree(BaseModel): id:整数 名称:str 子项:列表[CategoryTree] |无=无...

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