Gekko:Spring-Mass 系统上的参数识别

问题描述 投票:0回答:1


采用直接搭配法。参数 k 应根据响应确定。


from scipy.integrate import odeint
import numpy as np
def dy(y, t):
    x, xdot = y
    return [xdot, -50*x]

t = np.linspace(0, 1, 40)
sol = odeint(dy, [2.0, 1.0], t)
sol_x = sol[:, 0]
sol_xdot = sol[:, 1]

然后我有这些代码来识别参数 k:

from gekko import GEKKO

m = GEKKO(remote=False)
m.time = t
x = m.CV(value=sol_x); x.FSTATUS = 1  # fit to measurement
xdot = m.CV(value=sol_xdot); xdot.FSTATUS = 1
k = m.FV(value = 40.0); k.STATUS = 1  # change initial value of k here

m.Equation(x.dt() == xdot)            # differential equation
m.Equation(xdot.dt() == -k*x)

m.options.IMODE = 5   # dynamic estimation
m.options.NODES = 40   # collocation nodes
m.options.EV_TYPE = 2

m.solve(disp=False)   # display solver output

通过调整k的初始值,我发现如果k的初始值为25到65,k将收敛到实际值50。否则结果将是-0.39,这不好。我很困惑,因为这个系统是线性的,应该很容易解决。所以我的安静:如何微调上面的代码,使 k 收敛到 50 并具有任意初始值?

python gekko


k = m.FV(value=ki,lb=10,ub=100)


k.LOWER = 10
k.UPPER = 100


from gekko import GEKKO
from scipy.integrate import odeint
import numpy as np

# generate data
def dy(y, t):
    x, xdot = y
    return [xdot, -50*x]

t = np.linspace(0, 1, 40)
sol = odeint(dy, [2.0, 1.0], t)
sol_x = sol[:, 0]
sol_xdot = sol[:, 1]

# regression with range of initial guess values
kx = np.linspace(0,100,11)
for i,ki in enumerate(kx):
    m = GEKKO(remote=False)
    m.time = t
    x = m.CV(value=sol_x); x.FSTATUS = 1
    xdot = m.CV(value=sol_xdot); xdot.FSTATUS = 1
    k = m.FV(value=ki,lb=10,ub=100); k.STATUS = 1
    m.Equation(x.dt() == xdot)
    m.Equation(xdot.dt() == -k*x)

    m.options.IMODE = 5   # dynamic estimation
    m.options.NODES = 6   # collocation nodes (2-6)
    m.options.EV_TYPE = 2

    print(f'Initial Guess: {ki} ' +
          f'Solution: {k.value[0]} ' +
          f'ObjFcn: {m.options.OBJFCNVAL}')


Initial Guess: 0.0 Solution: 50.000000284 ObjFcn: 1.8231507179e-10
Initial Guess: 10.0 Solution: 50.000000284 ObjFcn: 1.8229910145e-10
Initial Guess: 20.0 Solution: 50.000000284 ObjFcn: 1.8231237768e-10
Initial Guess: 30.0 Solution: 50.000000284 ObjFcn: 1.8229796958e-10
Initial Guess: 40.0 Solution: 50.000000284 ObjFcn: 1.8229906845e-10
Initial Guess: 50.0 Solution: 50.000000284 ObjFcn: 1.8229906842e-10
Initial Guess: 60.0 Solution: 50.000000284 ObjFcn: 1.8229906933e-10
Initial Guess: 70.0 Solution: 50.000000284 ObjFcn: 1.8229906849e-10
Initial Guess: 80.0 Solution: 50.000000284 ObjFcn: 1.8230214413e-10
Initial Guess: 90.0 Solution: 50.000000284 ObjFcn: 1.8229908716e-10
Initial Guess: 100.0 Solution: 50.000000284 ObjFcn: 1.8230004454e-10


Initial Guess: 0.0 Solution: -0.39654383084 ObjFcn: 88263.987254
Initial Guess: 10.0 Solution: -0.39654383084 ObjFcn: 88263.987254
Initial Guess: 20.0 Solution: -0.39654383084 ObjFcn: 88263.987254
Initial Guess: 30.0 Solution: 50.000000284 ObjFcn: 1.8229906872e-10
Initial Guess: 40.0 Solution: 50.000000284 ObjFcn: 1.8229906866e-10
Initial Guess: 50.0 Solution: 50.000000284 ObjFcn: 1.8229906856e-10
Initial Guess: 60.0 Solution: 50.000000284 ObjFcn: 1.8229906861e-10
Initial Guess: 70.0 Solution: -0.39654383084 ObjFcn: 88263.987254
Initial Guess: 80.0 Solution: -0.39654383084 ObjFcn: 88263.987254
Initial Guess: 90.0 Solution: -0.39654383084 ObjFcn: 88263.987254
Initial Guess: 100.0 Solution: -0.39654383085 ObjFcn: 88263.987254



from gekko import GEKKO
from scipy.integrate import odeint
import numpy as np
from hyperopt import fmin, tpe, hp
from hyperopt import STATUS_OK, STATUS_FAIL

# generate data
def dy(y, t):
    x, xdot = y
    return [xdot, -50*x]

t = np.linspace(0, 1, 40)
sol = odeint(dy, [2.0, 1.0], t)
sol_x = sol[:, 0]
sol_xdot = sol[:, 1]

def objective(params):
    ki = params['kx']
    m = GEKKO(remote=False)
    m.time = t
    x = m.CV(value=sol_x); x.FSTATUS = 1
    xdot = m.CV(value=sol_xdot); xdot.FSTATUS = 1
    k = m.FV(value=ki); k.STATUS = 1
    m.Equation(x.dt() == xdot)
    m.Equation(xdot.dt() == -k*x)

    m.options.IMODE = 5   # dynamic estimation
    m.options.NODES = 6   # collocation nodes (2-6)
    m.options.EV_TYPE = 2

    obj = m.options.OBJFCNVAL
    if m.options.APPSTATUS==1:
    return {'loss':obj, 'status': s, 'k':k.value[0]}
# Define the search space for the hyperparameters
space = {'kx': hp.quniform('kx', 0, 100, 10),}

best = fmin(objective, space, algo=tpe.suggest, max_evals=10)
sol = objective(best)
print(f"Solution Status: {sol['status']}")
print(f"Objective: {sol['loss']:.2f}")
print(f"Initial Guess: {best['kx']}")
print(f"Solution: {sol['k']}")


Solution Status: ok
Objective: 0.00
Initial Guess: 30.0
Solution: 50.000000284


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